Tank in crisis

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Jul 23, 2016
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I am running a running a turbo twist already so hopefully it will help

No new casualties from what I can see

Did a partial water change heading to sleep for a few hours

Thank you again for all your help today

Will report back tomorrow with an update


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Aug 21, 2016
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Can you take a pic of the Slime? In the photos you posted I just see cloudy water and the only thing I have seen to kill stuff off that fast was Ammonia.
I have a feeling something died and start to decay that led to a Ammonia spike, does not take much. Since you are having trouble making water fast for changes forget the RO for now and get a Large bottle of Seachem Prime and use double dose for water change, and add some to the tank. I would not use a UV unit as it will kill good Bacteria as well as bad. I would also get a wooden air block and air pump, stick the block in front of the return pump some it blows the fine bubbles threw out the tank. The other thing you may want to pick up is a Bacterial Cycle booster. Looking at your numbers just dose make sense, Alk 11, Ca 530, Mag 1400 with a ph of 7.8, are you running a Cal reactor? If not then I would say that is what happened, something died ( fish maybe a Nem ) ph dropped, O2 dropped, Ammonia spike, more stuff dies and then yes I guess it could cause a Bacteria bloom and since you say you where running Carbon, it may have stopped the smell of decay. This may take some time to recover from specially if the sand bed has died and all the little things living in it. One other thing you may want to do is pick up a AquClear 110/500 and get it running with Carbon and it will most likely seed up with Bacteria faster and help the tank to recover. Good luck and you should make notes as to what you are doing, that way you can tell what may works better and what does not.


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Jul 23, 2016
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Oxygen help the lot the rose tip and then we did not make it but the morning after it doesn't seem like we lost more fish here are a couple of pictures for those had requested

Not sure if they're very good pictures have to run the office






Electrical Gru
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Aug 14, 2016
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Oxygen help the lot the rose tip and then we did not make it but the morning after it doesn't seem like we lost more fish here are a couple of pictures for those had requested

Not sure if they're very good pictures have to run the office

View attachment 432722

View attachment 432723

View attachment 432724

View attachment 432725
I know it may not feel this way, but you have turned the corner. Just keep the air well oxygenated until you can get the bacteria cleaned up. It will eventually go away on its own even if you don't do anything else.

I know people are pushing water changes, and I understand and respect that advice. Right now your fish are very stressed. I would minimize the amount of freshly mixed salt water you have in the system. This is always a balancing act. Does the fresh salt water you add cause more or less harm than the tank water you pull out. Unless you are getting a large amount of bacteria out with the water I wouldn't do more water changes until your saltwater has been mixed for a day or 2. If the amount of bacteria in your tank is still increasing then we haven't identified the food source and to me, that would push me to doing more water changes even with freshly mixed salt water.

It was a long night for you. You worked hard and stabilized things. It sounds like your fish now have enough oxygen. I feel you are passed the stage of needing to take drastic action. You can shift to a more measured (and restful) approach.
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Sep 22, 2016
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I know it may not feel this way, but you have turned the corner. Just keep the air well oxygenated until you can get the bacteria cleaned up. It will eventually go away on its own even if you don't do anything else.

I know people are pushing water changes, and I understand and respect that advice. Right now your fish are very stressed. I would minimize the amount of freshly mixed salt water you have in the system. This is always a balancing act. Does the fresh salt water you add cause more or less harm than the tank water you pull out. Unless you are getting a large amount of bacteria out with the water I wouldn't do more water changes until your saltwater has been mixed for a day or 2. If the amount of bacteria in your tank is still increasing then we haven't identified the food source and to me, that would push me to doing more water changes even with freshly mixed salt water.

It was a long night for you. You worked hard and stabilized things. It sounds like your fish now have enough oxygen. I feel you are passed the stage of needing to take drastic action. You can shift to a more measured (and restful) approach.
+1 As soon as you see things stabilizing, it is time to take a breath and determine how best to move forward. I am hoping you will be able to do this today. Great job last night and keep us posted.


Electrical Gru
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[emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122] the #reefsquad needs a station wagon with sirens and an emblem!
Of course, why not add loud noises and flashing lights to an already stressful situation? o_O

Actually, I kinda like the idea! :p
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I had thought of that but who uses them anymore?

I have a 50 watt Emperor aquatics I only use it when I have to. It's a beast of a UV. So I guess I do. :D
Top Shelf Aquatics


Electrical Gru
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Aug 14, 2016
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Out of curiosity what would air freshener do or a candle? I just got a new tank, and it has an open top and my wife burns candles often and sprays fa breeze all over the place.
Some candles and many air fresheners use alcohol to disperse the scents. This alcohol (carbon), and potentially other ingredients, are foods that can fuel a bacteria bloom.


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Quick update like a sign from the heavens the vertex Zeovit reactor arrived today a few days later than ideal but it is here

Now all I have to do is get it tuned and find data on additives.

Thanks again everyone

You got this well in hand now. [emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122]

Now, when you see someone else having the issue, you'll know just what to do. [emoji6]

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%