Snail Shenanigans


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Aug 12, 2023
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I’ve had one massive nassarius snail for about 4 months now, and recently decided to add 2 additional smaller ones to my 15 gallon. I’ve noticed that they have been laying eggs like crazy and thought it was just the two smaller snails that were mating, but then came home to this today…. As you can see, my large nassairus had put out an extra "snorkel", and my smaller female can be seen running away. The second photo was what came to mind immediately upon seeing this scenario and wanted to share with you all :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing: (My apologies for the photo quality, as I had actually taken a video and can’t post it, so I took a screen shot of the video instead)

387335850_1138042634267375_4329870833491212353_n.jpg 352287783_3149735758659616_3361420449609253440_n.jpg


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Sep 8, 2023
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I’ve had one massive nassarius snail for about 4 months now, and recently decided to add 2 additional smaller ones to my 15 gallon. I’ve noticed that they have been laying eggs like crazy and thought it was just the two smaller snails that were mating, but then came home to this today…. As you can see, my large nassairus had put out an extra "snorkel", and my smaller female can be seen running away. The second photo was what came to mind immediately upon seeing this scenario and wanted to share with you all :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing: (My apologies for the photo quality, as I had actually taken a video and can’t post it, so I took a screen shot of the video instead)

387335850_1138042634267375_4329870833491212353_n.jpg 352287783_3149735758659616_3361420449609253440_n.jpg
Lol.. Definitely some crazy shenanigans