Sick clam, please help!


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Jul 16, 2009
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Par in that spot does not exceed 175 for a short peak. Rics are likely moving.

This is not a light issue.
So while I appreciate you asking what equipment i have, I'm still going to have to decline that this is a light issue when all three clams have a bright growth band on them, with the other two clams being kept this same way for 4 months.

I strongly suggest:

Giant Clams in the Sea and the Aquarium Hardcover​

by James W. Fatherree

Yes - it is a light issue. 175 par for a fleeting moment at high noon is simply not enough light. Larger clams have more surface area and therefore can more efficiently make use of the available light. That said, even a clam with "growth" in low light is still starving and will eventually perish.

Light may not be the only issue, but you are not doing it (or them) any favors and the low light will certainly exacerbate issue. You can't count on a sick or tired clam to over extend in low light, it may already be too weak to fully open and respond.

Frank talk: You have refuted all of the advice given by basically presenting yourself as a clam expert. That is fine (given your posts, i don't agree), but I am therefore wondering why you posted for help?

Buy and read Jame's book, he is easily the foremost expert on keeping giant clams in home aquaria.


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