Well, just lost both my purple tiles that I've had since the beginning of the year. Eating will. Always active and liked hand feeding. I upgraded my controller to a new Apex 3. Shortly after it had some hardware issues and I lost control of everything. I had to rig all sorts of ghetto cords to run heaters. Pumps, manually run half of my lights. Two weeks later got the Apex replacement set up and reloaded all 14 modules. Started up my Cor 20 pumps and they went 100% sucking all the detritus out of the sump. PO4 went to 1.0, torches and hammers crumped. You get the picture. What I didn't realize is that my Plank, which normally feeds 3 times a day hadn't been running for 2 weeks. Because tiles are so active they really require multiple feedings each day. Pretty depressing as they were doing so well.