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SC's Ultimate Chalice Growout


Extreme Whippersnapper
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Apr 30, 2010
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Any update? LOL :)


actually yes! lol- the Zoa's are developing a fourth polyp- just a couple more and we'll have our first fragged out pieces for each of us to watch- oh boy, just realized this means I'll have that many more thinks to take pics of :squigglemouth: Oh well, I still think it's the best way of doing it, so I'll just deal with it.

Otherwise- got the bubble algae removed, cleaned up a few other frags as well- also now have a sailfin tang in my other frag tank, so can place pieces in there for him to clean off for me- just can't fit him into the 20 gallon.

That's all the news for now, stand by for more on the hour, every hour, excepting days that end in Y
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Just wanted to make sure that I had the current status correct.

BPC Flamethrower- 2 eyes
Crazy Fox- 2 eyes
My Miami- started with 1 eye and 1 growing, now at 3 eyes and 1 growing
SC Rainbow Magic- 1 eye
Tyree/SC Frozen Lava- 3 eyes
SC Lingerie- started with 1 eye, now at 4 eyes
SC The Thing- 1 huge eye
Tyree Orange Rainbow- started with 2 polyps, now with 3 polyps and 1 baby



Extreme Whippersnapper
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Apr 30, 2010
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Just wanted to make sure that I had the current status correct.

BPC Flamethrower- 2 eyes
Crazy Fox- 2 eyes
My Miami- started with 1 eye and 1 growing, now at 3 eyes and 1 growing
SC Rainbow Magic- 1 eye
Tyree/SC Frozen Lava- 3 eyes
SC Lingerie- started with 1 eye, now at 4 eyes
SC The Thing- 1 huge eye
Tyree Orange Rainbow- started with 2 polyps, now with 3 polyps and 1 baby


It's actually the rainbow, not the lingerie at 4 eyes (I think) let me get an accurate count on it, the Lingerie, and the Flamethrower- I admit I had a lot of trouble at first figuring out the flamethrower as it's just so bright, it was tough to tell the details. I think I got this new camera pretty well dialed in so I'll try and get some new close-ups and we can count eyes.
Top Shelf Aquatics


Extreme Whippersnapper
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Apr 30, 2010
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So here's an update with before and during feeding pics- hopefully helps to clarify number of eyes currently on them-

% <- Gotta pay love to the gratuitous percent sign!

Single Eye of Flamethrower - I was wrong when I initially thought it was a double, just the 'brightness' of it threw me off


Rainbow Magic- I really think there's 3 or 4 eyes feeding, need to buy a magnifying glass to be sure, either way too small to frag as of yet, but good news for the growth (more food = more growth typically)


My Miami- Three eyes and can see the fourth eye forming at the 'top' eye- Probably going to be the first chalice to have a date with the band saw


Crazy Fox- two eyes on it


The Lingerie- I honestly am not sure the amount of eyes, need to stare at it a bit closer/more, but I tend to get distracted when looking into this tank...it's either a single or double, I'm thinking double though


Tyree Orange Rainbow- has 3 fully formed polyps, a massive zit polyp forming on one, plus two more nubs coming in- so we should have this fragged fairly soon


The Thing- This has been the only one causing me a headache- hasn't colored up yet, but is eating so just having patience and waiting on it to show off its colors, not to mention grow- single eye still


And...I just realized I totally forgot to take photo's of the Frozen Lava- DOH! I'll try and fix that tomorrow...errr...today, but later, yea.


Extreme Whippersnapper
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Apr 30, 2010
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Not much of an update right now- I jacked up my back pretty bad last weekend so haven't been able to do too much. Target feeding requires me to be a little hunched over, which right now just aint happening. I will tell ya that things are looking good and continuing to grow- I might just be hallucinating from the massive amounts of excedrin that I've been combining with some Jim Beam, but I'm pretty sure the flamethrower has added some growth. More/better updates to come!


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Not much of an update right now- I jacked up my back pretty bad last weekend so haven't been able to do too much. Target feeding requires me to be a little hunched over, which right now just aint happening. I will tell ya that things are looking good and continuing to grow- I might just be hallucinating from the massive amounts of excedrin that I've been combining with some Jim Beam, but I'm pretty sure the flamethrower has added some growth. More/better updates to come!

Hey Drain. Great job your doing with the growout and the frags look great (except the thing, good luck with that one!). Those pics you're taking are awesome! Wish mine were half as nice. You know what's funny is that both you and I are growers and both of us jacked up our backs, lol. My back went out when I was dipping the frags into revive and adding to the tank. I don't have a work station and had to keep bending down to pick them up and place them carefully on the frag rack. Luckily I can keep feeding through the pain since I do so sitting down on a high swivel chair and my tank is low.
What are your numbers at? I'm currently battling to keep my ph and alk higher and my mag dipped a bit. I've added quite a few frags to my tank and my corals are using up the nutrients pretty fast so I have to adjust my dosing. Anyway, the best of luck to all of you and if you guys need anything, lmk, Frank.


Extreme Whippersnapper
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Apr 30, 2010
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Hey Drain. Great job your doing with the growout and the frags look great (except the thing, good luck with that one!). Those pics you're taking are awesome! Wish mine were half as nice. You know what's funny is that both you and I are growers and both of us jacked up our backs, lol. My back went out when I was dipping the frags into revive and adding to the tank. I don't have a work station and had to keep bending down to pick them up and place them carefully on the frag rack. Luckily I can keep feeding through the pain since I do so sitting down on a high swivel chair and my tank is low.
What are your numbers at? I'm currently battling to keep my ph and alk higher and my mag dipped a bit. I've added quite a few frags to my tank and my corals are using up the nutrients pretty fast so I have to adjust my dosing. Anyway, the best of luck to all of you and if you guys need anything, lmk, Frank.

hah- maybe R2R should put up a caution for growout growers- may cause back injuries, lol! Thanks for the compliments, your growout is proceeding quite nicely as well it seems, awesome collection you guys managed to put together.
My numbers- alk 9.0, calc 440ish, Mag 1450~1500, 'Trates and Phos 0 or as close to that as possible. Never have tested pH, still haven't found a simple reason to actually test for it if I'm testing for the others.

i just joined the site but is this too late to get in on? please let me know i'd love a nice frag pack of these corals.

Sorry Gabe, but the growouts don't generally start until all persons have paid in, so considering that we're well into this one, there's not really a spot open unless someone would like to back out and offer you their place, but I don't see that happening :tongue:

Stay tuned, seems like more people are getting interested in the idea of doing them, so you might find a new group starting a new one up- or heck, put together a new one and see what happens!


Extreme Whippersnapper
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hey guys! back is doing better, can actually hunch over the tanks again without whining non-stop, not to mention without my hands shaking uncontrollably, so good in two ways!

All the corals are doing really good- going to have to remound the My Miami as it's starting to begin draping over the plug it's on, with four full eyes. For all those callin the flamethrower slow growing, keep 'em away from ours as it's actually got a good amount of growth going on. I need to get a pic, as I can't tell if there's a second eye forming or not. There's a divot where the rim bends in, and I can't tell if the intense orange spot is a small eye forming or just the rim bunched up- regardless the piece has some decent growth on it (not crazy huge, but still, something pretty nice.) Crazy fox is continuing to grow out, will probably remount it at the same time as the My Miami as it's pretty close to out-growing the plug. The Rainbow has colored up pretty nice, but hasn't packed a ton of actual growth as of yet. not sure if it's because maybe it's grown those new mouths instead of growing out? in contrast the Lingerie has grown out VERY nicely, taking up over 60 percent or so of a 2x2 frag tile, so won't have to remount it, but it's very close to actually creating a true chalice shape, I'm stoked. Oddly the frozen lava hasn't packed on a lot of growth, going to see what I can do to help convince it any, maybe move it into some higher light or something. It's still looking good and has definitely put on growth, just not as much as I'd expect out of it given it's starting size. OOOOH! that's the one I meant to tell you about- the Thing has started to color up insanely- just looked at it today and all sorts of neons are popping on it. Not fully colored up yet, but it's on the upswing and looking insanely awesome. Otherwise the zoa's are also doing good, haven't cut them yet but probably could at any time- for now I'll let them grow a little more just to ensure the fragging isn't too hurtful to 'em.

Please hit me up any detailed questions, and never hesitate to shoot me a PM if you want an update (I get a phone alert that way). Cheers guys!


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Glad to hear you are doing better. Back problems suck! I have 3 fused vertebrae in my lower back so I know how you feel. Also glad to hear that the chalices are doing well too! Thanks for keeping us posted!


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sounds good brian. wow it's already been three months since we started this growout lol. Hmm if the flamethrower hasn't even sprouted a second eye this is gonna take ages :cry:. What are we gonna do if(when) the other's reach the right amount of eyes while the FT is still catching up? Are we just going to wait?


Extreme Whippersnapper
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sounds good brian. wow it's already been three months since we started this growout lol. Hmm if the flamethrower hasn't even sprouted a second eye this is gonna take ages :cry:. What are we gonna do if(when) the other's reach the right amount of eyes while the FT is still catching up? Are we just going to wait?

It's basically going to be each persons call- I'll be fragging each chalice once they reach enough eyes for all the members, that way any extra eyes are bonus's to each member, not just freebies for me or something- if all the chalices are ready except one or two particular ones, each person can decide to have me ship out the ones that are ready, then just ship the other one once it's ready, or wait till all are ready. basically depends if patience outweighs wallet or not, hah.

Do keep in mind too that that growth is exponential- so the time from one eye to two is a lot longer than one eye to four, for what it's worth

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%