I mean it! At least for a few more days. I can't help but feel like a "sale" is almost more of an indication of desperation or a means to purge otherwise negligible inventory. And these “continuous” or recurring "sales" as mere gimmicks at best, and a long con at worst. If the sale never ends how on earth is it a “sale”, other than things will be bought and “sold” in the literal sense. I mean pre-black friday pre-sale sale? Almost laughable. I think a lot of these places follow the “Everything’s always on sale, but at regular price” model like JC Pennys or whatever. I get it, the temptation for consumers to save now, as in right this second, trumps any sensible decoding of the actual vendors promise. That is the way it works. Not going to fight it or condemn it. I'll maybe get a gentle jab in every once in a while. But when I see these constant weekly or even daily sales, I can't help but wonder if maybe a lot of the times it’s a bit of both going on. This is not to say that the guy who never has sales may not be struggling as well, just that an effort to move out as much stuff as possible as cheaply as possible seems more like an act of desperation than of genuine accommodation. To me at least...
Anyway, if you're still with me, rant will end now because I apparently I just can't seem to help announcing a sale of my own without some wordy ranty preface that is in its own right a gimmick as well, lol. And here's me doing exactly what I am making fun of, but maybe that helps me justify my participation lol.
So what I am really saying literally, is "SAVE YOUR MONEY!!" If you are thinking about placing an order with me anytime soon, just hold tight a few more days because i am once again joining the fray and doing the “Black Friday“ thing as well with no restraints. A real bonafide sale. Probably going to run it all week even. And not just a reminder that my prices are still as "slashed" as they were last week. This is the only sale I've had since last Thanksgiving. All coral on my site will be discounted including Battleboxes which in all fairness are already an excellent deal. See what I did there.
Look for an "official" thread on said cash grab, Er, I mean sale, as soon as Monday. And remember, we are always bumping this thread to win!
edit: and a side note to anyone who may have placed an order recently prior to the upcoming sale. Do not fret my good friends. You will be "Hooked up" and I mean it.
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