Thats awesome.Small update: JLCPCB didn't feel like they could load SOD-123 diodes onto an 0805 sized pad (which is fair, its not really the right size). A few hours later, trying with SOD-323 diodes from their catalog. And saved an extra $5 in the process by using some mainland brand parts.
1N4148WS Jiangsu Changjing Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. | Diodes - LCSC Electronics
1N4148WS Jiangsu Changjing Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. $0.0094 - 100V Independent Type 1.25V@150mA 4ns 150mA SOD-323 Switching Diodes ROHS datasheet, price, inventory C2128lcsc.comBAT54WS LGE | Diodes - LCSC Electronics
BAT54WS LGE $0.0202 - 30V 1V@100mA 100mA SOD-323 Schottky Diodes ROHS datasheet, price, inventory
I have to say, if you can fall under the limits of the assembly service (not too many unique parts, using mostly parts already loaded on their machines, etc) the whole thing is a very good value.
It makes a lot of sense to design boards specifically to fit this constrain