I have 8 months old tank, and I have been dosing RS AB+ for almost 2 months. I have noticed since past few weeks that my soft corals (mushrooms) aren't looking great. Recently, I have realised looking at Red Sea MyRecipe Wizard that the amount of the RS AB+ I was using was too much (around 1ml more daily than recommended dose for my tank = the water volume is around 46l). Is it possible that overdosing caused increased dissolved organic compounds in the water and cause distress to my soft corals? Since last 2-3 weeks I have more algae grow in the tank, and I wasn't able to my normal water change as I was traveling for work for 2 weeks. My parameters are Alka is 9.1, Calcium 400, Salinity 1.25, Phosphate 0.1, nitrates around 5. I have stopped dosing RS AB+ and performed 10% WC yesterday. I was thinking about doing another 10-15% WC in the next 3 days. Is there anything else you would recommend in this situation?