Some accuse me of being some sort of EcoTech hater for saying such things. I don’t hate them at all they have made good products. I’m just pointing out what should be an evident observation. Some want to be able to say they are the first to have the newest and greatest product to be released. Which is fine if that’s what you want. But, I think for what you are paying for to have such things it should work properly. I don’t understand why people in this hobby are ok with getting new releases that have all these issues. It should have been found in the testing. A few random bugs that show up here and there, but full on most of the users? Having to disassemble a new product from the box for being cracked? The customers have become the testers and the world excepts it. And it’s not just with aquarium products sadly.
i havent had to replace the housing on my 3 G5’s....mobius isnt perfect but it is functional...