PayPal Disputes


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One person already ask this. But no response from you
Did you use credit card, bank card or cash in your Paypal account. Credit cards trump over Paypal and can do a charge back and Paypal cannot stop them. Your local bank can do it also. Trust me i use Paypal lots and you should be protected thru the (3)
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One person already ask this. But no response from you
Did you use credit card, bank card or cash in your Paypal account. Credit cards trump over Paypal and can do a charge back and Paypal cannot stop them. Your local bank can do it also. Trust me i use Paypal lots and you should be protected thru the (3)
Part of it was PayPal balance and the rest from my bank acct.


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Thought I would add my PayPal Problem...

For starters, I rarely ship to any address different than billing. I never ship outside CONUS unless the billing and shipping address are the same.

A few years back I received an order for several of our LED fixtures to Malaysia... Given the fact our fixtures have been sent World Wide with a large number going to South Africa and New Zealand I thought this was no problem.

Our Secure Checkout flags any order were shipping and billing are different... This is rare with normally the occasional Grandma sending a gift.

PayPal authorized the purchase and funds were deposited... They Never Verified The Address Of The Credit Card Used.

The LEDs were shipped and signed for as all International and Large Orders we ship require a signature.

Several weeks later PayPal charged my credit card for this fraudulent purchase... Apparently the billing address of the credit card was from someone from Dallas TX. We successfully disputed the charge...However

To this day PayPal insists we owe them the money they processed on a stolen card they accepted and did not verify.

To all Vendors, drop PayPal as soon as possible.

To all Purchasers, PayPal does favor the purchaser over the vendor more often than not but drop them as they behave in an unethical manner even excluding vendors who support our Second Amendment.

As far as lost coral, I've Purchased from Asia only to have the box delayed by the Airlines and received a 90% DOA. Stuff Happens... Good Retail Vendors have shipping policies that ensure both parties.


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Knight Reefer
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Thought I would add my PayPal Problem...

For starters I rarely ship to any address different than billing. I never ship outside CONUS unless the billing and shipping address are the same.

A few years back I received an order for several of our LED fixtures to Malaysia... Given the fact our fixtures have been sent World Wide with a large number going to South Africa and New Zealand I thought this was no problem.

Our Secure Checkout flags any order were shipping and billing are different... This is rare with normally the occasional Grandma sending a gift.

PayPal authorized the purchase and funds were deposited... They Never Verified The Address Of The Credit Card Used.

The LEDs were shipped and signed for as all International and Large Orders we ship require a signature.

Several weeks later PayPal charged my credit card for this fraudulent purchase... Apparently the billing address of the credit card was from someone from Dallas TX. We successfully disputed the charge...However

To this day PayPal insists we owe them the money they processed on a stolen card they accepted and did not verify.

To all Vendors drop PayPal as soon as possible.

To all Purchasers PayPal does favor the purchaser over the vendor more often than not but drop them as they behave in an unethical manner even excluding vendors who support our Second Amendment.

As far as lost coral I've Purchased from Asia only to have the box delayed by the Airlines and received a 90% DOA. Stuff Happens... Good Retail Vendors have shipping policies that ensure both parties.


That's wild. I wish there was another company widely accepted and easy to use like PayPal. I would switch. It's just always been so convenient until this incident.


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if paypal ruled against you, you can still dispute the charge with your bank or credit card company. That is assuming you used a credit card and not cash balance on your paypal account.

you can try asking the seller to refund you the amount you paid less actual shipping cost.


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I might have missed it, but did you find out how the package was shipped-paid for? Was it shipped overnight?
He did not ship overnight... told me it was too expensive after he had already dropped the box off. But said the coral "would be just fine"
if paypal ruled against you, you can still dispute the charge with your bank or credit card company. That is assuming you used a credit card and not cash balance on your paypal account.

you can try asking the seller to refund you the amount you paid less actual shipping cost.
Unfortunately I used partial PayPal balance. The seller essentially told me good luck.


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I️ bought a used motorcycle gas tank from Craigslist from Texas I’m in Mississippi. The got here and the seller lied about the condition of the tank. I️ used Paypal but I️ went to my bank first money came from my bank account. They told me to ship the gas tank back and have them sign for it. My bank gave me full refund plus shipping both ways. They told me they would get there money back from the seller


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How does that work with the bank? I don't see how they will help me when PayPal wouldn't. Do I just say PayPal didn't back me, will you? I am thankful this is the first time I've had to deal with this. Hopefully the last!
Top Shelf Aquatics


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Yes your bank that’s on your Paypal account can also get you a refund. Add a credit card to your Paypal account and the credit card will get your money back no matter what Paypal says. Paypal made a agreement with credit cards that the credit card companies could do a charge back no matter what Paypal says. Just a note for future use or to new Paypal users


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Yes your bank that’s on your Paypal account can also get you a refund. Add a credit card to your Paypal account and the credit card will get your money back no matter what Paypal says. Paypal made a agreement with credit cards that the credit card companies could do a charge back no matter what Paypal says. Just a note for future use or to new Paypal users
That's good to know, I have one linked just never use it much. I will now though. Thanks for that info.


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Just don't buy live Stock online.

Most will disagree but it's my policy.

I'll drive a couple hours to pick something up which gives me a radius from Atlanta to Columbia and from charlotte to Savannah.

Beyond that, no thanks.

That’s no fun. I️ have bought fish from all over. Even bought from the divers so no middle man at all. Florida divers will catch you any size lion fish and give them to you for free just pay the shipping when you pick up from the airport. Bought many fish from Hawaii from the divers great deals


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I bought a skimmer and pump from someone on here.
Sent the money to the guy by PayPal.
The guy took my money and did not send the items I purchased.
I called PayPal. They said they would look into the situation to give me my money back.
A few days later, I got an email from PayPal saying they would NOT give me a refund! PERIOD!
So, I called my bank and told them I had been ripped off.
5 hours later I got an email from my bank saying I got a full refund!
Nutramar Foods


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In the end PayPal protects PayPal. Not the buyer, not the seller, but PayPal.

I have been a user of PayPal since the very beginning and despite their split from eBay, they haven't developed the knack to handle disputes for anything other than single auction/item transactions.

Not aquarium related and this post is long (despite condensing what PayPal has put me through), but it's evidence of just how poor PayPal's claims of protection are.

In the US and placed a large order with a merchant in the UK. Merchant ships the order in 3 boxes. Only 2 have tracking numbers... you know where this is going... box 3 still hasn't arrived 2+ months later. £86 out of a £327 order missing, merchant isn't responding, so I open a "missing item claim" for £86 through PayPal's Resolution Center.

Merchant doesn't respond to claim, so claim is escalated to a "missing item dispute".

24 hours later PayPal finds for the merchant because they provided tracking numbers for the first 2 boxes.

I call PayPal and am told their dispute resolution process is automated and as soon as the merchant provided the first tracking number, they were awarded the case - I'm told I should have filed the dispute as "significantly not as described". Well, that's intuitive (he says sarcastically), but OK, case is appealed and we're on the right track now right? Apparently not.

Week later I'm asked to provide documentation, so I provide invoices and correspondence from the merchant about the 3 boxes and 2 tracking numbers. Are we done yet? No.

Another week passes and I am asked to provide a police report or a report from "another government agency" on agency letterhead. What? You have to be kidding me?

Local police department says this is a civil matter and can't help so I follow the link provided by PayPal to the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) and file a report. After uploading to PayPal, I call customer support to verify that's what they are looking for - yep "perfect we'll have a final answer to you in 24-72 hours." Done yet? Nope.

Another week passes. Nothing, so I call: "we're waiting on a response from the merchant." What? Why? Just how much further is PayPal going to kick this down the road?

Another week passes. Glory Hallelujah! "We've decided in your favor. Just return the item to the seller and we'll process your refund as soon as they receive it." Uhhh... wait a second. How is one supposed to return something they never received? Didn't you have me file a police report for the missing item you now want me to return?

If that's not enough, here's the first of two more kickers; you can't just communicate directly with PayPal. Once you get past a certain point in the dispute process, you have to use their message center that has limited options - none of which fit the category "your instructions make no sense."

Within 2 minutes you will receive an automated message on how to check the status of a dispute, but don't worry - if that doesn't answer, just reply and a customer agent will respond. OK, done. Please answer the original message.

2-3 days later you will receive a response in broken English giving the status and regurgitating the automated message. Hmmmm...

It's become a game. I've now replied to the replys 6 times asking the same question. Still no answer, but I'm well versed in how to check the status of a dispute now. Then again, if you can FIND PayPal's message center without an e-mail link, you're likely set on checking-up on your dispute all by yourself.

Oh, and don't waste time calling. You'll just sit on hold only to be given the same status update, but no real answers.

And the second and final kicker? The pièce de résistance? The merchant e-mailed several weeks in and agreed to the £86 refund... but PayPal won't let him process the partial refund.

<sigh> this is no longer a game, it's a war of attrition.

So here are my tips: use PayPal if you must, but forget being verified (never give access to a live savings or checking account) and fund with a credit card so when (not if) PayPal eventually fails you, you'll have a backstop. If you are a merchant, find a cheaper credit card processor. They are out there.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

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  • 2 to 4 heads.

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  • 5 heads or more.

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  • Full colony.

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  • Other.

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