Oh no, a leak!... possible improvement?


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Dec 1, 2023
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So, I found a leak. Turns out one of my PVC connections might not have been completely glued together and now a few months later it has developed a small leak. No too concerned by the leak right now, its very very very slowly dripping from that connection, but I still want to address it sooner rather than later. I thought I could get away with smearing various glues/silicone on the leak but that hasn't helped, and I don't really want to leave my pump off for 24-48 hours to allow for it to properly cure. So I decided will have to replace that section of plumbing. Fortunately I put a ton of unions in my plumbing design for just such and occasion, so I can just recement a new section and swap it out.

I also have had the thought to add a mixing station/saltwater container next to my DT that I can plumb directly into the return. I have done some searching around for what other people do for their mixing stations, but it seems like they are all large setups far away from the DT, and I'm not sure if people generally plumb them directly into the return line.

I currently use one of these 10 gallon dog food containers as my ATO reservoir, and I have it plumbed directly to my RODI filter down the hall. The thought was to add another container on top of the ATO reservoir as a saltwater mixing/holding tank (I'd build a separate cabinet to hold them on shelves and make them look cleaner). I would put a T connection on the PVC part I need to replace, then a ball valve and check valve so I am able to just switch it on when I want to fill the tank up with fresh saltwater. Probably pick up some cheap external pump I could use to circulate the water and also pump back into the DT.

Wanted to see if anyone here had input on this idea? I feel like I can get a little too carrier away with some of these improvement ideas and I tend to miss some points on why it wouldn't be a good idea.


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I work with oil spill response planning in California. The department has decided to be more inclusive and get Native Americans engaged with our process. The problem is that the native culture believes that planning for a spill is actually an invitation to Demons to cause the spill that we are planning to respond to, so that they don’t want to cooperate with us in spill exercises and preparations for response.

Your inclusion of unions for pipe repairs reminds me of this kind of thinking.

Try to plan for things to work properly and not leak is what I have learned from the tribal leaders.

Otherwise, keeping things simple is what I have learned from my own civilization. It is not easy to balance but the goal of not making things so complicated that they are likely to fail is what I have assimilated from my experience.
