Back in February or March of this year I upgraded tanks and went with new Caribsea live sand. I rinsed it. No regrets. I still got diatoms on the new build but it wasn’t horrible and the sand is still dust free. That was what I wanted. My previous tank had so much dust when I vacuumed the sand bed in waterchanges, the bucket looked like tan water. My wrasse would kick up sand and dust would. Kick up every night. I could always tell when he went to bed in the sand at night…. But not in the new tank. I’d rinse!!Apologies for not reading all 56 pages, but if I buy new carabsea live sand in a bag, do I still need to rinse it? I don't care much for beneficial bacteria, I have plenty on rocks and media already. I just want to avoid wasting hours rinsing if it's not necessary. Wouldn't the cloudiness eventually dissipate after a day?