Good afternoon all. Novice reefer question. Been reading up alot about Nitrates and corals. I have 2 torch corals that have been in my nano for about 9 days. I have zero nitrates. Tried over feeding, nothing has happened yet. My torches seem happy enough to me. They open nicely every day. One shot its colour out its mouth on day 2 so i reduced the lighting by 3 hours per day and its slowly colouring up. I have no real algae issues.
The question. Should i dose some neo nitro and get it up to 2-6 ppm ish to help my torch corals? I am testing every couple of days really trying to make my tank work. Or is dosing nitrates not that important?
Peramiters today are
0 nitrates
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
0 phos
kh alk 9.9
mag 1230
calc 400
Salinity 1.026
Light on 8 hrs a day. Tank fluval evo 13.5g
The question. Should i dose some neo nitro and get it up to 2-6 ppm ish to help my torch corals? I am testing every couple of days really trying to make my tank work. Or is dosing nitrates not that important?
Peramiters today are
0 nitrates
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
0 phos
kh alk 9.9
mag 1230
calc 400
Salinity 1.026
Light on 8 hrs a day. Tank fluval evo 13.5g