Hey! The reef is in cruise control. Work has been so busy lately that I haven’t had much time to work on it. I’m seeing good growth rate with most corals ever since I installed my co2 scrubber. On the things to do is purchase a alk monitor to help stabilize my alk. I was thinking about the alkatronic but am still undecided. My ATS from Clearwater gets cleaned every 2 weeks or so and produces nice healthy green alage that I feed to my tang and fox face and they love it.Hey @Curryb15, how's the reef doing? Any updates?
It all hasn’t been good. Something is ticking off some of my lps and zoas. My alk hovers around 7.5 calc is 400 mag 1285, nitrates 20 ppm and phosphate.08. Some of my lps is shriveled and closed but other lps is happy and healthy so I’ve been kind of stumped. This has been going on for a few months now and I haven’t actually lost anything but I fear I’m close. One thing is I did a triton test about a month ago and it said my CU levels where extremely high. So I’m thinking about finally pulling the trigger and getting some metal absorbing media to see if that helps.
I will get some pics up tomorrow!