I agree. A healthy, mature display (only achieved through stability) , with the appropriate biodiversity (space occupiers), has far fewer disease outbreaks IME. The lifecycles of ich and other fish diseases have to compete for space when they’re living outside the host and also avoid being preyed upon by other benthic plankton. @jda has spoke on this before. Now that my system is approaching 3 years of age, I hardly see ich pop up anymore and when it does it’s gone as soon as it pops up. I see scratching from time to time in my fish population but nothing different from what you'd see in scratching behavior of fish in the ocean.I also think the velocity with which I'm making changes and trying things is magnifying the problems at times.
I don't really rush things, but probably have 2 or 3 things going on at once, and fewer concurrent changes would probably mean more chance to learn and succeed.
Also, slower would be a lot easier on the wallet. 20-yrs-ago-me would be appalled at how much I've spent on this hobby. But it's fun.