Ich treatment with higher power Uv and polyplab medic:
I had couple of corals added to the tank around July 4th. A week after, I see some emerging small countable bumps on 3 fish (the 9-inch queen angel, the 5-inch hippo tang & 7.5-inch emperor angel). This is not Lymphocytosis (I wish it was as it is very less fatal). I will rule Velvet out too as these 3 and all other fish are moving around and eating. It is most likely Ich. In the past when this had happened, I have done the full-blown keeping DT fallow for 10 weeks, moving all fish to quarantine with copper regime and ultimately lost 75% of fish NOT due to ich but due to stress caused by moving them/copper/ammonia build up in the QT as it wasn’t big enough etc. That time I decided to quarantine each new fish but unfortunately, I missed to do that with these new corals as the corals was in a separate fallow system as per the supplier. I have 2 questions noted below:
1) I started PolypLab Medic a day ago & will continue to do so for 20 days. Has anyone used PolylpLab Medic and seen it succeed when you already see a couple of fish with some spots?
2) I have seen a youtube video from Gallery Aquatica TV, where they show that they treated ich with a XXL 150 W UV sterilizer added to the tank for 6 weeks. I am thinking of taking this route with a 57W UV in addition to my 25 W existing UV.
Any related suggestions/comments or successes with this route ?
My current Tank profile:
Fish- Angels, tangs, foxface, clown fish, trigger, wrasse
Coral/Anemone - Yuma, Riccorda, GSP, Rainbow tip anemones
Waterbox Total Water Vol. about 150G
Protein Skimmer
Acqua 25 Watt UV (just replaced the bulb a day ago even if prior once seemed to be working 7 & is only 9 months old)
IceCap Algae Scrubber: Added a week ago (as my Nitrate was high)
PH: 8.2
Temp 80 F
Salinity 1.023
Ammonia and Nitrite: 0.00
Nitrate: High 120 -140 PPM
I had couple of corals added to the tank around July 4th. A week after, I see some emerging small countable bumps on 3 fish (the 9-inch queen angel, the 5-inch hippo tang & 7.5-inch emperor angel). This is not Lymphocytosis (I wish it was as it is very less fatal). I will rule Velvet out too as these 3 and all other fish are moving around and eating. It is most likely Ich. In the past when this had happened, I have done the full-blown keeping DT fallow for 10 weeks, moving all fish to quarantine with copper regime and ultimately lost 75% of fish NOT due to ich but due to stress caused by moving them/copper/ammonia build up in the QT as it wasn’t big enough etc. That time I decided to quarantine each new fish but unfortunately, I missed to do that with these new corals as the corals was in a separate fallow system as per the supplier. I have 2 questions noted below:
1) I started PolypLab Medic a day ago & will continue to do so for 20 days. Has anyone used PolylpLab Medic and seen it succeed when you already see a couple of fish with some spots?
2) I have seen a youtube video from Gallery Aquatica TV, where they show that they treated ich with a XXL 150 W UV sterilizer added to the tank for 6 weeks. I am thinking of taking this route with a 57W UV in addition to my 25 W existing UV.
Any related suggestions/comments or successes with this route ?
My current Tank profile:
Fish- Angels, tangs, foxface, clown fish, trigger, wrasse
Coral/Anemone - Yuma, Riccorda, GSP, Rainbow tip anemones
Waterbox Total Water Vol. about 150G
Protein Skimmer
Acqua 25 Watt UV (just replaced the bulb a day ago even if prior once seemed to be working 7 & is only 9 months old)
IceCap Algae Scrubber: Added a week ago (as my Nitrate was high)
PH: 8.2
Temp 80 F
Salinity 1.023
Ammonia and Nitrite: 0.00
Nitrate: High 120 -140 PPM