Hello. So I have a regular ocellaris clown and a mocha storm clown. The plain OC is larger than the storm. I had them both in my 6 gallon nano reef tank, and long story short I learned the hard way and didn’t quarantine and OC started acting weird for a few days but went back to normal after adding some API general cure +seachem focus in their food. Then a few days after that storm starts acting weird and gets a weird mucus on part of him. So I set up a QT 3 days ago, did FW dips, have been slowly raising copper levels and plan to do formalin baths and prazi pro as well. My issue now is that when my fish were in the display tank they were best friends; yes the occasional chasing with the OC being the clear dominant fish but never any physical biting, but they wouldn’t swim anywhere without each other and everyone was happy. Fast forward to yesterday the storm’s tail is nearly completely gone! I was shocked because OC has never had this much aggression at all and ever since I noticed the storm’s tail was missing I have watched the OC aggressively bite him multiple times. I have a tank divider on the way arriving today but for now the OC is in a plastic specimen container hanging in the tank with a cover an Airstone. Worth mentioning — when I woke up this morning his tail is even worse— it has been nipped down past just the “tail” part. He also is missing like half of one of his pectoral fins. I feel awful for my storm and I’m not sure what to do going forward. Any advice? Will the storm’s tail ever grow back since it has been chewed down so much? Will these two even be compatible back in the display tank again? Can I still continue with the QT treatment protocol as planned? Thanks.