In 1971 when I started my tank there was no information on salt water except this, which was little to no help.
Robert Straughn, "The Father of Salt Water Fish Keeping" wrote "The Salt Water Aquarium in the Home" which was my bible. The Man collected everything as there was nothing for sale and he knew how to feed everything.
Besides that. it was trial and mostly error. But eventually I succeeded to keep simple damsels alive and after a few years learned how to keep most, but not all things alive with very little help from me.
The most important thing is that fish know how to stay healthy and disease free as long as we leave them alone.
Robert Straughn, "The Father of Salt Water Fish Keeping" wrote "The Salt Water Aquarium in the Home" which was my bible. The Man collected everything as there was nothing for sale and he knew how to feed everything.
Besides that. it was trial and mostly error. But eventually I succeeded to keep simple damsels alive and after a few years learned how to keep most, but not all things alive with very little help from me.
The most important thing is that fish know how to stay healthy and disease free as long as we leave them alone.