Just for the record, from what I understand Christoph doesn’t dilute the samples himself. All dilution is happening “on-line” in the ICP-MS by addition of internal standard and further argon gas dilution which would reduce possible contamination issues from a lab technician or chemist.Depending on what you're diluting with and how accurate your dilution measurements are, you can induce mechanical error, or, in some cases, you can change the bias levels in terms of analyte response, which affects the reported analyte value.
This is why I have transitioned to ICP-MS. When you’re getting too close to the LLOD error becomes especially significant, since noise is already a big portion of the total signal. Many times I was noticing elements like Cobalt being detected on OES. Even though a few of these elements do have better sensitivity than something like Selenium, it’s still at the LLOD, and not fully trusted.There are also other potential factors affecting precision and accuracy, things like non-linear detector response above or below the range of analyte levels
What I started to notice and understand is that just because it’s showing up doesn’t necessarily mean it’s accurate. That element was showing up, but the trending was all over the place which told me all I needed to know, and validated what Andre had been telling me.