Help with coral health!!


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Make a batch of saltwater and let it mix well, overnight with a power head if possible. And test next day. If all the values are in what’s considered normal range (was provided in one of the first posts) then start doing 20-25% water changes weekly. Slowly your parameters will shift back to their correct values


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Ok so if there is no pH buffer that doesn't also alter KH and assuming that what we are adding is at least contributing to the high KH, would you opt for a slightly lower pH (currently 8.2) to allow the KH to hopefully drop alongside it? Or maybe switch the dosage on it so it's not such a sudden change to shock the tank and halve what we've been adding?

I did wonder about one point we did have lots of tiny bubbles on the rocks, especially in the top area of the tank. At the time we had quite a lot of green algae on the rocks but since we got out blue eyed tang and some emerald crabs the algae has pretty much gone and so have the bubbles along with it.

Our tank is in the living room where we also have a log burner stove (as far away from each other as possible). We have a cooler installed which kicks in if temp raises as we were worried about overheating, but I had not thought of the CO2 in relation to this so that's super helpful.

We do have an air stone, so we'll try that test, thank you for that info.

Sorry I should have been clearer about the tap water...we do make our own RO water for our salt water, I just meant that I tested the original source tap water out of curiosity and couldn't believe how low it was as apparently 7-9 is average. I did get a water quality report from our water supplier and apparently everything was within range, although the report didn't actually give pH levels.

Thanks so much for your input, I'll check those things and report back!
If your ph is 8.2 that is fine. Stop adding buffer. Keep testing kh.
I agree with @Cell 3.5 has got to be an error. I dont know why I thought it said 6.5. A lot of the time I am at work replying to I work at a dealership in parts so I have time in between techs or customers after my other duties are done so I jump on here and see whats going on. I do get interrupted a lot though so sometimes it take me an hour to finish my reply. Sometimes I will forget to add something or forget some nugget or someone else will reply in the meantime. Besides the parts manager I am the most knowledgeable (actually I know more about parts then he does he just knows the system better) part guy they have. So no one cares, its almost become a joke " oh dont bug him hes doing fish stuff again". I find a lot of weird fish related pics on my computer especially after lunch or if I am not there for any reason for a day or two......
@VintageReefer has a good point too. I do think the ph buffer has had an effect on your kh though.