Help! Phosphates won’t go down!


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Jun 25, 2013
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Boulder, CO
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.1 po4 is no problem. 1.0 ppm of no3 is no problem.

Cutting back on feeding can be a problem. I would not do that. po4 and no3 are waste products and most corals and things that you like in your tank are going to want to get their phosphorous and nitrogen from other things that come from feeding the fish and not really from phosphate or nitrate. You have to find a way to keep feeding your fish, keep the N and P in available forms and also not let the waste products get too high.

The reason that your po4 was likely lower before was because the rock and sand were binding it out of the water column. As the rock fills up the water column level rises. It is not going to get better from here, so have a plan.