So, in another one of my posts I got a lot of advice to look at an AIO. I'm new and I was told this maybe the best way to go about starting my first saltwater tank. Now I don't like the way they look but after research, I don't think I've ever spent this many consecutive hours on a computer before, and being continually overwhelmed by the thought of a sump I've landed on this system. I have questions though...has anyone ever used the 25 NUVO Fusion Lagoon PRO 2 AIO Aquarium Bundle - Innovative Marine? Do I need additional powerheads with this system? There are two flow valves that I can use to direct water around the tank, but I don't know if it needs more than that. Also, what media does everyone else use? I know I want to use carbon because I want pristine water (yes, I know this is a big ask but I'm going to aim for pristine sparkly clear water lol). What is filter floss? Do you have to use filter socks in a AIO or is it like a HOB? So many questions and I feel like no matter how much research I'm doing I can't get them all answered. Also, one more question... I want to use an ATO for the tank as well, so I don't end up messing up my salinity due to evaporation, but I don't even know how these things work. I've looked them up but how to you use them with an AIO, do they like go under the tank? If so, how does the water top off the aquarium? All I see are reservoirs and no way of getting the water into the tank when it evaporates....This world is so confusing I'm starting to question if sticking with my freshwater systems isn't the way to go lol