Hello everyone! Had a fun weekend with the tank.
AI Nero 5!
Received my Nero 5 this past Wednesday from @Triquatics , but wasn't able to do the install until this weekend. Yesterday was the day! Took out my old Jaebo PP-4, and installed the Nero 5. Let me say, this thing really is amazing! The broad flow really is so much better, especially in my tank with my return pump dumping into the tank through my dual RFG nozzles. The app function is nice and easy, I know have on full random during the day from 7am-11pm (lights out), and then a constant stead flow of about 5% to give the reef a bit of a break. I can tell a big difference already in my main hammer and its back and forth flow...seems much more natural now than it did with the Jaebo.
Magnet is EXTREMELY strong! My old Jaebo you could grab the outside magnet, and move it whenever you wanted to. Not with this guy. It's on there and it's NOT moving! I do understand I have a smaller tank, and that being said skinner glass than some of the bigger tanks, but this is a no joke magnet. The slight angle of adjustment is nice, but nothing extreme. You could't put this in say the top of your tank, and angle it down and towards the center, it's just for a little of a difference compared to just straight on. For my applications, I did straight ahead.
Profile of the pump is great. This is less projection than my old Jaebo,diameter is a bit larger, but honestly that doesn't bother me at all!
Flow: It's great! If you turn this sucker all the way up (especially on my little cube), it creates absolutely INSANE flow. I've got my random mode varying from 9%-38% I believe. Anymore than that and it starts kicking up the sand.
Once again, this is something i really really wanted to add to my cube, as through my reading and experimentation, sometimes better flow is even better than upgrading you lights. I'm excited to see the progress in my tank now!
Other Updates:
I also got myself a harlequin shimp to work on combating the large number of coral eating asterina stars I have in my tank. I know some people say this don't eat corals, but the ones that I have definitely do! I have first hand witnessed them going to town on both my funny d's and my radioactive dragon eyes, and other no names in my tank. When I did my water change I siphone out propbably close to 50 of them, and then of course at night I see even more of them out and about. Nice thing is, almost immediately after putting him in the tank, he started sniffing out the starfish!
I don't know if anyone else has ever witnessed this, but since starfish don't have brains...it's AMAZING what I saw happen, not more than 15 minutes after I finished doing everything in the tank, I came back in the fish room to notice that my tanks glass was COVERED in asterinas. In the past, I've seen at most 10 stars on the glass at once, I walked into the room, and there had to easily be 40-50 stars all over the glass, it's like they could somehow sense that their apex predator was now in their tank! Pretty wild!
My wife is in LOVE with the harlequin. I must say, hands down the most beautiful shrimp i've ever owned for a tank!
In coral news, My one "moons of uranus" WWC favia that has had beautifully ballooned heads for the longest time is not splittting heads, both of them have formed new mouths which is really cool. My big hammer's second original head just split (two mouths on that too). My FF digi is still encrusting, and is looking like it's starting to get some of the actual green color back now. My WWC Tri-color is continuing to encurst, but it is also starting to shoot out some numbs, and other than that all is good.
This spring I definitely am looking to add some more SPS to the tank. Not sure if I"ll be doing another BattleBox, or possibly some corals from Joe Knows Reefs (might be going to the Charleston show). Either way, I'm very happy with the tank and it's progress.
Once again, I'd like to give a big shoutout to @Triquatics , I really appreciate the powerhead, and was honored to be the lucky winner! Great job shipping/packing. I"ll definitely be trying you out on my next order!
Next upgrade....Kessil 360x
AI Nero 5!
Received my Nero 5 this past Wednesday from @Triquatics , but wasn't able to do the install until this weekend. Yesterday was the day! Took out my old Jaebo PP-4, and installed the Nero 5. Let me say, this thing really is amazing! The broad flow really is so much better, especially in my tank with my return pump dumping into the tank through my dual RFG nozzles. The app function is nice and easy, I know have on full random during the day from 7am-11pm (lights out), and then a constant stead flow of about 5% to give the reef a bit of a break. I can tell a big difference already in my main hammer and its back and forth flow...seems much more natural now than it did with the Jaebo.
Magnet is EXTREMELY strong! My old Jaebo you could grab the outside magnet, and move it whenever you wanted to. Not with this guy. It's on there and it's NOT moving! I do understand I have a smaller tank, and that being said skinner glass than some of the bigger tanks, but this is a no joke magnet. The slight angle of adjustment is nice, but nothing extreme. You could't put this in say the top of your tank, and angle it down and towards the center, it's just for a little of a difference compared to just straight on. For my applications, I did straight ahead.
Profile of the pump is great. This is less projection than my old Jaebo,diameter is a bit larger, but honestly that doesn't bother me at all!
Flow: It's great! If you turn this sucker all the way up (especially on my little cube), it creates absolutely INSANE flow. I've got my random mode varying from 9%-38% I believe. Anymore than that and it starts kicking up the sand.
Once again, this is something i really really wanted to add to my cube, as through my reading and experimentation, sometimes better flow is even better than upgrading you lights. I'm excited to see the progress in my tank now!
Other Updates:
I also got myself a harlequin shimp to work on combating the large number of coral eating asterina stars I have in my tank. I know some people say this don't eat corals, but the ones that I have definitely do! I have first hand witnessed them going to town on both my funny d's and my radioactive dragon eyes, and other no names in my tank. When I did my water change I siphone out propbably close to 50 of them, and then of course at night I see even more of them out and about. Nice thing is, almost immediately after putting him in the tank, he started sniffing out the starfish!
I don't know if anyone else has ever witnessed this, but since starfish don't have brains...it's AMAZING what I saw happen, not more than 15 minutes after I finished doing everything in the tank, I came back in the fish room to notice that my tanks glass was COVERED in asterinas. In the past, I've seen at most 10 stars on the glass at once, I walked into the room, and there had to easily be 40-50 stars all over the glass, it's like they could somehow sense that their apex predator was now in their tank! Pretty wild!
My wife is in LOVE with the harlequin. I must say, hands down the most beautiful shrimp i've ever owned for a tank!
In coral news, My one "moons of uranus" WWC favia that has had beautifully ballooned heads for the longest time is not splittting heads, both of them have formed new mouths which is really cool. My big hammer's second original head just split (two mouths on that too). My FF digi is still encrusting, and is looking like it's starting to get some of the actual green color back now. My WWC Tri-color is continuing to encurst, but it is also starting to shoot out some numbs, and other than that all is good.
This spring I definitely am looking to add some more SPS to the tank. Not sure if I"ll be doing another BattleBox, or possibly some corals from Joe Knows Reefs (might be going to the Charleston show). Either way, I'm very happy with the tank and it's progress.
Once again, I'd like to give a big shoutout to @Triquatics , I really appreciate the powerhead, and was honored to be the lucky winner! Great job shipping/packing. I"ll definitely be trying you out on my next order!
Next upgrade....Kessil 360x