Goodbye kh director

Lionfish hunter

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Jan 18, 2021
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I have heard nothing but good reviews with the GHL kh director for testing alkalinity, so I’ll post my experience which is very different.

I have been using the kh director with a profilux controller for the past 2 years. In that time I have never gotten it to be within 1 dkh of Hannah or within 1 dkh of ghls 7.5 dkh calibration solution. They have a place to put in an offset, but it 100% does not work correctly. All this wasn’t a huge deal, all I needed was consistency, less worried about the true value. But it certainly made me not trust it. I have tried everything to get it to read better, measured the volume of the line coming from the tank multiple ways. Replaced all the parts on the dosing heads. Spent hours. Every time I calibrate the ph probe the value changes. I could calibrate 10 times in a row and get 10 very different results. So I changed the ph probe, same thing. It would run constantly for months at a time, but if any little thing changes, it takes hours to try and get back a usable number. Then GHL made everybody update the firmware. So I had to buy a computer using Microsoft in order to get this thing to work. Now the WiFi doesn’t work on it and the WiFi module firmware refuses to update. So I’m done, good riddance. It is also a nightmare to try to figure out how to program anything and in 2 years the trends never worked on the app. Bought an Alkatronic on Sale for 600$ and am never looking back. I just don’t understand all the positive reviews.