Sort of let’s API off the hook, don’t you think?Thanks. I enjoy your results.
Looks like a couple of patterns establishing now. None surprising, but interesting to see in practice.
Now seem to have reached a phase where the processing of ammonia looks tightly tied to the vinegar dosing - suggests when the carbon runs out, the main actors are not doing much to the leftover ammonia or NO2. (though when NO2 is high, it's really hard to see any change in the test color.)
Also looks like there may be less bang for the buck at low ammonia vs higher. Meaning that your vinegar additions when you had ~2ppm ammonia look more effective at removing ammonia than similar sized additions of vinegar at low ammonia (0.25-0.5ppm).
You can see stuff like this in published lit on the heterotrophic nitrifiers. They often show them remediating wastewater bringing down sky-high ammonia to low values, but usually not to zero.
Like this chart from link posted earlier.
Ammonia lines are the open diamonds that drop from 10ppm to 1-2ppm but stay there.
So if the action here is heterotroph-driven, then subsequent additions of vinegar may still leave a little bit of ammonia laying around.