Hello All -
I have a 500G Fish Only Tank. I'm having a big issue on feeding my Eel's. I have Puffers 15" & 8", Huma Trigger 7", Tangs 6", Angels 6", Pollenei Grouper 5" & 3 Wrasse 5", that are aggressive eaters and will not let me feed my Eel's, Especially my puffers. I have a 15" Stars and Stripe that will not let me get food on a stick down to my Eel's. I've tried over feeding the puffers with giant shrimp and while chewing I'll try to feed the eels. Well, he spits out the food and goes after what I'm feeding the eels. Now, my Spotted Moray is a 4 footer and my White Eyes Moray 20" are getting to the point where they are getting mean as well. The Yellow-Head Moray 16" and two Snow Flakes 10" are now going after the Chromis in the tank. Had 20 chromis and now down to 2. Does anyone have any trick or idea's on how to feed my eels before that start eating everything in the tank ? ? ? ?
I have a 500G Fish Only Tank. I'm having a big issue on feeding my Eel's. I have Puffers 15" & 8", Huma Trigger 7", Tangs 6", Angels 6", Pollenei Grouper 5" & 3 Wrasse 5", that are aggressive eaters and will not let me feed my Eel's, Especially my puffers. I have a 15" Stars and Stripe that will not let me get food on a stick down to my Eel's. I've tried over feeding the puffers with giant shrimp and while chewing I'll try to feed the eels. Well, he spits out the food and goes after what I'm feeding the eels. Now, my Spotted Moray is a 4 footer and my White Eyes Moray 20" are getting to the point where they are getting mean as well. The Yellow-Head Moray 16" and two Snow Flakes 10" are now going after the Chromis in the tank. Had 20 chromis and now down to 2. Does anyone have any trick or idea's on how to feed my eels before that start eating everything in the tank ? ? ? ?