My first clam, a maxima from RAP Orlando. I would like to add at least 3 more, T. noae, T. crocea, and T. Squamosina (not to be confused with T. Squamosa).
"Two-faced" Tridacna maxima
One side of the mantle is one color and the other side is a different color. It's estimated that this occurs in about one in a million clams.
Agreed with you my friend. A clam is a must!
So break out the tissues.
Here’s a photo of mine in September of 2022. Did great, had it for years. Went through my nearly 1-2 years of irradiation of blue clove polyps. (Successfully btw). In the process lost clam. Then last year saw this beautiful Pygmy Angel (one of my favs) bought it, and now really shouldn’t have a clam because of this Angel. Arrrrgggg!!!