I have to say reading the thread, I'm totally confused with where things are now. So I'm going to give you a couple general comments. 1. Your tank looks fine. 2. You overdosed your CA/Alk (with the kalk) - and this may be part of the cloudy water people have noticed. 3. Even a 100% water change should not cause a re-cycle. 4. There are sites which have calculators which can tell you how much to dose (or how much water to change) to add or remove Ca, etc. 5. Unless you have your Radions set very low, (or you were measuring PAR at the bottom of the tank) - I'm not sure I believe the PAR levels you have. If you look at my build thread my PAR is approx 700 at the top of the water. 6. I think it's extremely important to step back and pause a bit. Perhaps stop buying new things and changing multiple things at once (which is exactly the plan you outlined above). 7. The tank (to me) is a bit small - and I wonder if its possible that besides the chemistry fluctuations, could you also have some coral competition/stinging going on - and sometimes activated carbon (high quality) can remove some of these. 8. It's pretty common to experience what you're experiencing, which is that it's extremely difficult to keep multiple different types of coral/fish from different areas in the same tank. I would not give up on keeping a mixed reef, but realize that in many cases, when you see a perfect tank picture - the 'stuff' in the tank has evolved to live together with the other inhabitants - as well as the chemistries in the tank. Some people have kept nitrates>100 ppm - and succeeded with certain types of coral, but not all, etc etc. I would attempt to avoid the newest supplement/device/etc. You're doing a good job - but maybe trying to overcomplicate things a little? Hope this helps, don't be discouraged - and these are just my experiences - not trying to take away from anyone else's advice.I did want to thank everyone that has given constructive feedback and helping me figure somethings out. It is very much appreciated. I do not think we haven't covered just about everything, and we are pretty much in a standstill with the tank until I get my dkh and calcium back down around 8.5 - 9 and 450's. From there we will start over and find out a suitable course of action to take going forward. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks things will start settling down in the tank, and more loss can be prevented, though I saw PC Rainbow looking dreadful this morning, so may take that loss as well. I hate killing corals, it makes me sick to my stomach. I know it is all learning, but that is not how I see it. It also maybe where I take an account of the tank and wonder if I should move forward with SPS or to step back. I think as long as I have the right process instituted, I will be ok. I love having a mixed reef, I find the joy in keeping all kinds of corals that I personally love, and I would like to stay on that track. Difficult to maintain or not, if I can manage the elements and parameters better I should be successful. I just need to Implement something that is easier for me. Thanks again everyone will continue to monitor this post. I really got some good insight everyone...