Thank you for your response. I have turned everything down, and will begin to try and figuring out what might be going on. It might be just time to settle everything down for a bit and start from a new base line. It may be a few weeks before this takes place. and I am willing to wait it out and get things back into equilibrium. I am reading @Randy Holmes-Farley Optimal Parameters post and this is where I am going to begin again. I may loose some things along the way, but I need to find out what I may be doing wrong and really dissect this system and get it simplified. I have removed the Kalk Stirrer, it may have a place in the system in the future, but for now I think it is just adding more complications to the system than need be. I think after I get everything settled down and things are doing what they are supposed to do, I will work on what the lights need to be. Having two different lights is a small problem, as the AI Prime is more direct coned lighting, where the Gen6's are more spread out. Wondering if replacing the AI Prime with another Radion is the right choice for a more blended and equal light source over the reef. If 250 is adequate I am sure I am getting that. was just told it needed to be 350 for SPS hence the extra light bars...So you see where things headed quickly.The 2 gen6 (xr15’s?) are probably fine for most corals on a 80 gallon tank. Youre current multi light set up would be good for a thriving sps tank but it sounds like that’s not where your at right now. All blue is fine as is a blend, it doesn’t really matter all that much. People have success with all blue or a much whiter spectrum. 250 par is adequate for sps. My biggest concern is that if something is amiss, blasting everything with high PAR will not help, and will hurt. You can keep sps at least alive with lower par numbers and definitely grow most other corals with much lower par. My logic is that sps is tricky regardless, so optimize and get things living and happy and then slowly ramp up and add light as things begin to thrive. I can assure you with your description of how hard it is for you to grow any coral, not enough light is not your problem.