Custom Cabinet for 260g Reef


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Jun 28, 2021
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Thanks! Yeah I love me some Festool. They're not cheap but they're the best, and unlike the cheaper tools, they only make you cry once (when you pay for them!).

Lol - that is true. My bother in law let me borrow their shop vac and orbital sander for something I was working on and sold ever since. Picked up the track saw, sander, and jig saw. I'm a fan never the less.

The boards on the rack are from a cherry tree that was going to be cut down and thrown away on one of my jobsites years ago. I bought an Alaskan chainsaw mill and cut it into boards for future use...been sitting there ever since :)

Very nice. They will be ready when the time is right.

I didn't mean to pry but thank you for sharing. You are doing some great work and it shows. The tools help but the craftsman still has to have some skill!

All the best.