BioCube 16: Schitt’s Reef



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Similar situation with my LFS! Few months back I bought three snails from them and only 1 of them lived past a day in my tank. One was doa, and the other died the following day of me putting it in my tank.
I’m 1/4 with inverts with them—every loss from my tank has been something from that shop. I declare myself absolved of responsibility, haha. Of course my favorite LFS is out of emerald crabs at the moment so my bubble algae is staring me in the face in a very threatening way… I’m gonna have to go in manually, and I’m certain I’ll make it worse somehow.


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The first emerald crab is dead! Long live the second emerald crab!

Please welcome Stevie to the tank. After a half hour of acclimation I plopped her onto the rock and she immediately—I mean immediately—began helping herself to the algae buffet. Does anyone speak crab? I need to let her know the bubble algae station is open!



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The first emerald crab is dead! Long live the second emerald crab!

Please welcome Stevie to the tank. After a half hour of acclimation I plopped her onto the rock and she immediately—I mean immediately—began helping herself to the algae buffet. Does anyone speak crab? I need to let her know the bubble algae station is open!


Just started following this thread yesterday and I’m amazed with how your tank has come along! My first attempt about 2 years ago ended in failure unfortunately, all my corals died and I ended up taking my clowns, Chico and Paco, to my LFS because I just couldn’t figure it out and I didn’t want them to die. Seeing you go about starting this tank has provided me with innumerable moments of, “oh man, I should have tried that…” just wanted to share lol


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It's been an exciting few days for Schitt's Reef! First, the FTS and other photos:


I had been counting the new polyps on my pipe organ, but they've become uncountable. It looks like a little daisy garden! I love them.

My dwarf brittle star is getting huge! There used to be two that would pop up in separate parts of the tank, but I've only seen this one for the last few weeks.

You can only see its tube in photos, but the feather duster tube has doubled in length and its duster (what is that actually called?) has become visible to the naked eye.

The thread where I asked for an ID suggested a peanut worm, which is wild. I also thought it could be my medusa worm, which I haven't seen in a while, but it's a totally different color and the head doesn't look the exact same. How could something this thick have escaped my notice when I spend so much time staring at my tank?

-Stevie the emerald crab has blown my mind: working nonstop, picking the rock so clean of algae that we're back to bare rock in certain areas. She's cleared one area of bubble algae, but she still hasn't made her way down to the primary area.
-The hair algae, even where the crab hasn't visited yet, appears to be calming down. I don't know what could have led to this change, other than re-increasing the amount of phyto I dose. A month ago that led to an instant bloom, but I think there's so much more development since then that the tank can handle more.
-Relocated my blasto to a shadier area after noticing it was swelling up in the bright light. Relocated the rhodactis to a brighter area on the other side, where I'll be okay with it spreading if it chooses to.
-Relocated my most boring zoas to where the blasto used to be. I don't think I want to keep it, but I also have nobody to give it to. I can't bring myself to just throw out a living creature. My neighbor is adding a 200g frag tank to his garage, so I'll probably hand it over as a tankwarming gift once he gets that set up. My other zoas are doing decently. The pink zippers, bambams, mandarins, and bella donnas are all growing new polyps, and the AOI doesn't look any worse than it did before, LOL.
-Now that the sand in the foreground is clear, I'm trying to determine an optimal spot for the sea whip. I just plopped it where it currently lives because I wasn't sure what to do with it or whether it would survive.
-I think I'm going to get these ceramic biomedia or something similar for the back of the tank, based on suggestions from @NeedAReef and @lil sumpin that my pods need a safe spot to reproduce. Things seem to be going OK for them, but Alexis the red scooter blenny is getting bigger, so I should plan ahead for her food needs to increase. If I get them I'll probably top up my pods one more time with one of the fancy @AlgaeBarn mixes.


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You know, I’m really torn on the crabs…they are such good cleanup members, but I’ve seen a lot of them being mean, killing snails and even trying to catch and eat fish…have to think about it some more.


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You know, I’m really torn on the crabs…they are such good cleanup members, but I’ve seen a lot of them being mean, killing snails and even trying to catch and eat fish…have to think about it some more.
I think you should wait until you have way more algae than you currently do—mine is pretty well encrusted, and I finally got bubble algae- that’s what I was waiting for before pulling the trigger. They don’t go after other stuff when they have enough algae to eat. Also, the consensus on here seems to be female emeralds aren’t as aggressive.


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I think you should wait until you have way more algae than you currently do—mine is pretty well encrusted, and I finally got bubble algae- that’s what I was waiting for before pulling the trigger. They don’t go after other stuff when they have enough algae to eat. Also, the consensus on here seems to be female emeralds aren’t as aggressive.
Oh ok that makes sense!


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I thought my rhodactis was happy in its new spot, but it's taking a walk instead.


I’ll be interested to see if it leaves anything behind that will grow into a new head.

Bonus pic: Stevie the emerald is getting much more comfortable in the tank and exploring new territory. Here she is getting cozy:



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Full tank shot from today! Made a few minor changes, like relocating the red hex algae (and taking a snip of it for a second location) to clear up room for whatever coral I decide to put where it used to be. I also added a spinstream return to create a more random flow pattern.


Had to pluck off some hair algae from the rock my pipe organs were on, and I rotated it and wedged it in a bit better- it was still a bit loose. It had three polyps when I got it, but 5 more little ones have popped out and I see even more budding. Feels like success!


A branch of my halimeda was fading for the last few days, and finally tumbled to the ground, leaving behind a little skeletal rubble. I figured I'd leave it there, I'd rather the calcium stay in the tank then be exported, and it'll eventually just turn over into the substrate. Adds character, anyway.

Not sharing a pic of it, but I caught my rhodactis pooping. Even though I know they're animals, it still surprises me when corals poop.


I realized that since nothing is stacked on top of it, there's no reason the rock I'm keeping my GSP on needs to be sunk deep into the substrate. I gained quite a bit of real estate this way. The string of pearls was blocking the snail path to the back corner of the tank. Within a couple minutes of me mucking about in the substrate and moving things around to open up space, the conch dug itself up from where it's been under the surface for two days, did a couple laps around the back of the tank, and returned to the front. So clearly that was a good idea! I gave some of the cuttings I took to my neighbor. It's cool to grow enough of something that you can share it around! It has also developed holdfasts onto the pebble it's tied to! Only took a few weeks.


Still not the world's biggest cleaner shrimp fan-- I don't like that he hogs the mysis shrimp as soon as I drop it in. But I realized that if I distract him with a piece of algae wafer before feeding, he's full by the time the mysis comes around. I'm still on the fence about keeping him, but he's truly doing a good job of keeping any meat laying around in the tank.

I haven't seen all three sexy shrimp at once in a few days. If they molt every 2-3 weeks, and they hide for a few days after molting, I'm probably always going to be having one in seclusion. I should get an understudy so there are 3 hanging out at all times, haha. I love these things!

I was having some trouble with one of the heads on the duncan--it was way shrunken and dark compared to the others, but it seemed to shake off whatever it was dealing with. The rest of the duncan looks super happy.

The angular sea whip has shed twice now. Not sure if this is a good sign or a bad sign? Otherwise the polyps are usually out.

Not a ton happening with the zoas. The pink zipper has produced two new polyps and one more is budding out right now. The bambams are maybe looking better since making flow changes, but I'm not sure. No new growth, just the same 8 heads I bought it with. The big colony frag with the tiny heads has recovered from the nudibranch attack/me accidentally gluing down half of them/it falling from the rock a dozen times. They are almost all open all the time. They might be placed too low-they are stretching out slightly-but not extremely. The AOIs have better color but they aren't anything like as good looking as I've seen in other people's pictures.

The blasto hasn't done a dang thing, but it hasn't died so that's a win? Same with the toadstool leather.

Oh! Almost forgot: had a big copepod boom, one day the water was super cloudy and I saw a jillion pods crawling all over the glass. I'm super happy that I've managed to keep them reproducing.

Till next time!

[note to self from later in the day today:
Salinity 35%, SP 1.026, nitrates 9]
I've been looking at getting a spinstream, how's it faring for you?


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I've been looking at getting a spinstream, how's it faring for you?
It completely solved my dead spot problem, and I love how I’m able to get surface agitation and random tank flow from the same return. I’ve read that it reduces the pump flow rate because of how the mechanism works, but my pump was powerful enough to still provide sufficient flow after taking that into account. You’ll want to do some math probably—but I don’t remember what or where I read how to estimate the reduction.
Anyway: yes, would recommend!


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It completely solved my dead spot problem, and I love how I’m able to get surface agitation and random tank flow from the same return. I’ve read that it reduces the pump flow rate because of how the mechanism works, but my pump was powerful enough to still provide sufficient flow after taking that into account. You’ll want to do some math probably—but I don’t remember what or where I read how to estimate the reduction.
Anyway: yes, would recommend
Okay, thanks!


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Three month birthday! Here’s a FTS (things look a little snowy because I just scraped the hard algae off at substrate level and moved a bunch of sand):

Schitt’s Reef has come a long way!

- My clowns, Johnny and Moira, started doing this weird shaking dance together, indicating that they’ve officially pair bonded. Both have grown so much since I got them!
- Alexis the red scooter blenny has also grown a lot. In addition to pecking at copepods all day, she eats algae wafers and mysis shrimp, saving me a lot of headache.
- David the YWG is awesome and hilarious. He’s got a few spots he frequents in the tank, and he’s very comfortable. David and Alexis hang out all the time, cuddled up together. I did not expect fish to do this!

- Stevie the emerald crab came in to an aquascape thick with mowed-down but ever present hair algae and the beginnings of bubble algae. She’s got a long way to go, but the tide has turned and the rock work is becoming more and more visible as she goes about her work. Bubbles are under control as well!
- Shrimps are shrimping. Still working on rehoming the cleaner, but recently the peppermint got some nerve and attacked him back! I’m wondering if they might find a chiller balance. The sexy shrimp are hilarious and adorable bobbing around all day.
- Two astraeas, four ceriths, a Trochus, a bumblebee and a conch. All chugging along happily (except for the bumblebee which I rarely see do anything beyond move just enough so I know it's not dead). It's been interesting to see that they tend to focus their efforts in the areas where the crab has been working. My theory is that the crab loosens up the stubborn algae in a way that makes it easier for them to eat.
- Hitchhikers include an asterina star (that split in two, but I haven’t seen both halves at the same time so I can’t confirm both lived), at least one brittle star (I haven’t seen both at once in a while), a feather duster growing an ever-longer tube, plenty of spirorbid worms on the rock work and back wall (scraping them from there periodically, I prefer it black but it’s not a priority).
- Getting a new batch of copepods and amphipods soon, and I got ceramic things for my media tray in the back to give them a safe place to reproduce. This batch is from @Reef By Steele and includes a bigger variety of species on both the pods and the phyto.

- Red fern is growing and spreading, but there’s a creeping black growth that happens on the older fronds. Kinda just waiting to see what happens here.
- Red hex is also growing, and I made a cutting and started a second location. Also have the some kind of growth creeping on it, but I’m not sure it’s the same thing as on the fern.
- Blue hypnea is growing and looking great in two spots where I intended it to grow and also like four spots I can’t stop it from growing, lol. Oh well?
- Halimeda slowed down a lot but is still going. It was an early favorite but now I’m losing interest.
- String of pearls looks great, I added a cutting on the rear of my rock work that isn’t visible on the FTS yet. However, it’s got a hair algae problem that I haven’t figured out yet. I’m hoping eventually the emerald crab will make it over there but it has so much to eat that I don’t know how long that will take.
- Corraline Algae: only a few dots on my rock work, but it is growing FAST on the frags and pebbles that corals came in on. Only a matter of time before I see more on my own rock.

- GSP and Xenia are actively growing. Xenia dropped a polyp and a new branch is growing right beneath it. It’s begun, LOL.
- Zoa garden has been slow going but every single one has finally grown new polyps, even what I thought was an unhappy AOI.
- Rhodactis took a walk to the side of its frag and I’m wondering if/when I’ll see a baby!
- Toadstool leather is growing but slowly still. It seems to have colored up quite a bit when I wasn’t paying attention- a pretty yellow/green.
- Duncan has three new heads! I can’t believe I’m succeeding at an LPS.
- The pipe organ has exploded into so many heads I can't count them anymore. I'm planning on moving it from where it is to the zoa garden area to make room for gonis (last bullet).
- The purple sea whip and blasto aren’t doing anything but I haven't killed them either!
- I have an unidentified encrusting coral and two gonis (SBB Cherry Blizzard and SBB Green Berry) arriving in the next few weeks from the SBB sale. I've identified where I'm going to put them to keep my other corals safe from their sweepers.

- I’ve lost quite a few inverts. An emerald crab, a sexy shrimp, a medusa worm, a peanut worm, two nassarius snails. I haven't got a clue why, although the crab and snails were from the same LFS that I no longer trust. I probably need new sand-sifting snails, but I'm going to wait to see the overall effect of the new pods before I get more.
- Algae is not getting worse, but GHA is not solved yet, either. Hoping to tip the scales with the pod shipment.

Things to look forward to:
- My patience has improved, and things are going well in the tank now that it's more stable. I'm also at a turning point where I need to be realistic about how much more coral I can actually fit in here, so there will be slightly less purchasing and more watching things grow.
- Faster growth on the zoas now that they've all acclimated and grown new polyps.
- Corraline algae spreading off of the frag plugs and on my own rock, especially now that the thicker algae cover is brushed off.
- Reefapalooza in September!

Thanks to all my new reefer pals who've been following along on this thread, I've really enjoyed this hobby so far and this message board is a part of it!
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It’s been really neat watching the corraline algae growing on on the rock the Xenia came on. It was with the first batch of corals to enter my tank two months ago, and now it is almost completely taking over that area! Bad progress photo for my own records:



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I really like your red hex, does your emerald crab ever pick at it?
She has picked at it on a couple occasions, but it clearly isn’t tasty because she always stops after a couple bites. I doubt crab brains are big enough to remember that they don’t like it, haha. Still, it’s very minimal and I don’t worry about it- if I hadn’t seen it happen I may not have even noticed it.

Red hex is one of my favorite things in the tank! I strongly recommend adding it.


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She has picked at it on a couple occasions, but it clearly isn’t tasty because she always stops after a couple bites. I doubt crab brains are big enough to remember that they don’t like it, haha. Still, it’s very minimal and I don’t worry about it- if I hadn’t seen it happen I may not have even noticed it.

Red hex is one of my favorite things in the tank! I strongly recommend adding it.
Perfect, it can get a lil trim every now and then haha.


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Perfect, it can get a lil trim every now and then haha.
I couldn’t get a photo because it was under blue light, but the crab finally crawled into my string of pearls the last two nights! She was fumbling all over it for purchase, but made a snack out the GHA. Plenty left to do but dang it’s she earning her keep!


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