I recently purchased an already established saltwater tank, its been established for about 2years. And has a good amount of livestock including. 2 domino clowns, 1 sandsifting star fish, 1 emerald crab, 3-4 hermits and a snail. As well as hard coral, a soft coral some mushrooms, zooanthids, and lastly a favia Coral. The set up is running a prime 16 light and tank looks visibly appealing however its alot dimmer then all these other set ups im seeing. The light settings that i purchased the tank with seem to be doing alright for the tank however i feel like the tank is not “thriving”. Any advice would be helpful im new to saltwater and know small increases to lighting can have huge effects on the tank. Current light settings: Uv 20%, Royal 5%, Blue 30%, Cool white 10%. Everything else is 0. Also going to attach photos of the tank and the light schedule.