I recently purchased a 75g from petcos sale with the intention of drilling. I am fully aware of the possibility of panels being tempered, so i used the polarized glasses test. The glass panel passed said test, only to shatter completely upon drilling. Petco was nice enough to replace the entire tank but unfortunately they only had one 75 left so i took it home. Upon redoing the test i realized i am suffering from the future of technology, i have no lcd screens to test with only oleds including my laptop. Which means my tests have been faulty from the beginning. The only thing i have now is the glass thickness, i read tempered glass is thinner and possibly lighter. Upon bringing the tank home me and my girlfriend immediately noticed it felt alot heavier. Anyways, anyone have a for sure tempered 75 they can compare the glass thickness to mine? Or a drilled one to do the same? Would greatly appreciate it.