Sounds like they've done some nice upgrades. ButJust because he just put it out and he is pretty good despite those little annoying mustachio things...
if i were on his set you wouldn't want to trust me with scissors...
SE V3 at $169
V3 at $299
Plus is $399 300x300 build plate.(Nice!)
At those prices I would recommend the Bambu A1(not mini) due to bed size.
Creality is playing catch up, which is what we need, rather than being "this is what 3D printing is, now learn how everything works."
I think we're starting to hit that point like we did when you basically had to build and troubleshoot your own computer.
Now the majority of people that use computers don't know how to install a stick of RAM or install drivers.
I seldom touch my Ender anymore.
Have you got a Bambu yet @Projects with Sam ?