32 Biocube and 62 Tideline



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Feb 26, 2022
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central Florida
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The last few months have been quote the learning curve for us with these aquariums. First, the fish in the 32 all developed ich, so I pulled them out and put them into quarantine with copper. We are 60 days in to a planned 76 day fallow period. Both clowns and the chalk bass made it, but the wrasse and goby did not sadly. In the 60 gallon, the missus really wanted a midas blenny, so along with 5 chromis, we quarantined them then added them. The midas immediately began terrorizing the other fish, killing a firefish and almost killing the yellow watchman. 2 of the chromis did not make it, which leaves us with 3. The midas went back to the store for basically 0 credit, but still alive to terrorize another tank. I was sold a clown to pair with mine that we were told was a wyoming white, which is now clearly a gold nugget. The ocellaris began beating the gold nugget to death, so into the 60 he went. It was clearly not pairing, but trying to tear up the fins and murderize the nugget. He will live in the 60 until such time as he decides to show his maroon clown roots, then he will find a new home. I am about 2 weeks from reintroducing fish into the 32, so I am going to pick up a longnose hawk, an actual wyoming white and a starry blenny and quarantine them, introducing them back at the same time. Also, I had the aqamai KPS and the app has completely stopped working on my iphone, so I no longer have control, which is incredibly annoying, so it is being replaced soon with another brand.