Due to acquisition of two Marineland 125-gallon tanks, my build plan has changed significantly.
Current plan is to have a 125-reef with a 125-sump with the main chamber for a macroalgae display.
Screenshot of 3D-model of current plan (2021-10-04 16:06):

QT Update 2021-11-23:

Stand painted 2021-11-13 (now in my dining room 2021-11-20):

Living room FOWLR is being transferred to the basement:

Now for 90-Display/75-sump FOWLR for my basement fish room:
Last Update as of 2021-03-17 10:38
Floor drilled for plumbing down to basement "fish room" (2021-03-16 20:30):

Current FOWLR and in-progress setup photo from this morning (2021-03-10):

Backdrop outdoor posters received for mangrove lagoon and 90-gallon reef (2021-03-08):

Current Fish Stocking List as of 2021-03-11 17:42
Current planned fish list:
90-gallon reef:
1X Fiji Bicolor Foxface (Siganus uspi)
2X Darwin Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
2X Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto)
2X Sharknose Gobies (Elcatinus evelynae)
1X Rainsford's Goby (Amblygobius rainfordi)
1X Orangespotted Shrimp Goby (Amblyeleotris guttata)
1X Bristletooth Tomini Tang (Ctenochaetus tominiensis)
3X Yellowstriped Cardinalfish (Ostorhincus cyanosoma) or Seal's Cardinalfish (Ostorhincus sealei)
2X Scissortail Dartfish (Ptereleotris evides)
1X Melanurus Wrasse (Halichoerus melanurus)
1X Engineer Goby (Pholidichthys leucotaenia)

75-gallon mangrove lagoon:
1X Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) [already in FOWLR]
1X Rectangle Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus rectangulus) [already in FOWLR]
1X Snowflake Eel (Echidna nebulosa) [already in FOWLR]
1X One Spot Foxface (Siganus unimaculatus)
1X Pink Streaked Wrasse (Pseudocheilinops ataenia)

~40-gallon Sump Refugium Section:
2X Janss' Pipefish (Doryrhamphus janssi)
2X Spotted Mandarinfish (Synchiropus picturatus)

Planned layout (shorter stand will be standard rather than custom-built):


75-gallon mangrove lagoon and 90-gallon display are both drilled for Modular Marine 1200gph overflows (awaiting setup and installation). (2021-01-21)

Stand Frame finished and awaiting skin, trim, and countertop (2021-01-04):
UPDATES as of 2020-12-07 13:00
Modular Marine 1200GPH overflows shipping soon, fish list being revised and researched, materials for stand are in my shop waiting for fabrication, most equipment is sourced and on-hand for progress over holiday break

After being introduced to keeping a marine aquarium with the acquisition of a 75-gallon FOWLR from a co-worker as detailed in my post in the Meet & Greet forum, I am just starting the planning phase of building a 90-gallon peaceful reef tank.
Since I am new, I am planning to start with more hardy fishes, corals, and invertebrates. Research is one thing I enjoy doing, so I will be careful and patient in the planning phase to reduce likelihood of wasted expense and failures when I am starting out.

I already have the tank (48 inches long, 18 inches wide, 25 inches deep) and stand with an open base design that should allow for a sump. There are no holes drilled in the aquarium for plumbing, so I will probably need overflow over the top, unless drilling through the glass is a consideration I take. A sump with a refugium is very likely to be included (30 to 55 gallons, not sure how to size the sump? bigger better?).
80-lbs of dry rock, 40-lbs of Caribsea Arag-alive Fiji Pink, and 20-lbs of Caribsea Arag-alive Special Grade are on order so I can get rockscape and substrate ready to begin cycling in the next month or two. I am in no rush, but I would like to have the materials on hand when I am ready to start this tank, especially if there is any pre-setup processing I need to do.

This is my initial fish list based on preliminary research, and recommendations for additions, subtractions, or changes are appreciated.
Listed in approximate order of preference:
2 of Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
1 of Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) [I already have this ~4-inch fish that will be transferred over from my 75-gallon]
1 of Kole Yellow Eye Tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus) or 1 of Bristletooth Tomini Tang (Ctenochaetus tominiensis)
1 of Foxface Lo (Siganus vulpinus) or 1 of Bicolor Foxface (Siganus uspi) or 1 of One Spot Foxface (Siganus unimaculatus)
1-2 of Engineer Goby (Pholidichthys leucotaenia)
2-3 of Chalk Bass (Serranus tortugarum)
2-3 of Neon Goby (Elcatinus oceanops)
2-4 of Yellowstriped Cardinalfish (Ostorhincus cyanosoma)
2 of Blue/Green Black-axil Chromis (Chromis sp.) or 2 of Yellowtail Damselfish (Chrysiptera parasema) or 2 of Blue Sapphire Damselfish (Chrysiptera cf. springeri)

Some items on this list are probably not subject to change. My favorite fish is the Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish, especially paired symbiotically with Rose Bubble-Tip Anemones. These two fish along with RBTA are surely on my list.
The Purple Tang came with the 75-gallon tank I got and is one of my most favorite fish, so I would like him to be in the 90-gallon reef (at least until he may grow too large?).
Fish from the genus Siganus I find particularly striking and interesting, so one will likely be included.
The Engineer Goby is one of my favorites also for its coloration and resemblance to an eel. I am not sure if it is better to include two or only one.
The Chalk Bass is my favorite small fish and would like to include more than one.
The other fish are just considerations for different colors or interests if they can be added without overcrowding the tank or overloading the biosystem.
I really like eels, and my 75-gallon aquarium came with a ~11-inch Snowflake Eel, but it seems they are not good to add to a 90-gallon reef. Since I also have triggerfish that are not compatible with the reef, I will probably leave the 75-gallon as a FOWLR in addition to the 90-gallon reef aquarium.

Does this seem way too heavy a bio-load for a 90-gallon tank (probably with a 30-to-55-gallon sump)? Should I remove fish or can I add fish (either more quantity or more types) to the list? What sequence should I add the fish to best aid success?

I am not really sure which corals to include, so I am open to suggestions. I want hardy beginner corals at the start and will see where I head from here in the future.
My initial research has me considering the following, though much more research and recommendations are needed before adding any:
Mushroom Anemones, branching Sinularia, Porites, Leather, Acropora (maybe too difficult?), Star Polyps, Euphyllia (especially ancora)
Corals are one category where I am very open to recommendations.

Other invertebrates, such as hermit crabs, snails, shrimp, starfish, urchins, conchs will be included for clean-up, though I am also very open to suggestions in this area and will refine considerations as I make a more specific plan for the fishes and corals that are to be included.

Thanks in advance for any recommendations, especially initial reactions to my considerations. I know this is broad right now, but I will get more specific in considerations and schedule as I progress in my research. I have been reading a lot about reefing and marine aquariums online and in books and will continue to do so in conjunction with recommendations on R2R for a practical education towards a successful reef.

Current Aquascape awaiting cementing (2020-12-07):

Cemented Aquascape (2021-01-23):

33-gallon Brute can ready for pre-cycling rock, sand, and aquascape (2021-01-23):

Aquascape start-cycle in progress (2021-01-28):

Kind Regards,
Last edited:


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I can't get enough of those super cute puppies!!!

I like your FW tank. Harlequin rasboras and cherry barbs are some of my favorites. I have a FW tank with them too. I enjoy my FW tanks as much as I do my SW tanks.


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I can't get enough of those super cute puppies!!!

I like your FW tank. Harlequin rasboras and cherry barbs are some of my favorites. I have a FW tank with them too. I enjoy my FW tanks as much as I do my SW tanks.
Those puppies are providing endless enjoyment for me right now!

That FW tank is one of 5 FW that I have right now. It is easily my favorite FW tank since it includes some of my top favorite FW fish: harlequin rasboras and cherry barbs as you mentioned, as well as otocinclus catfish, corydoras catfish, and zebra danios. I do almost no maintenance at all on the community and it seems to be self-sustaining, though I am noticing a build-up of mulm in the front and middle on the bottom that should be siphoned out.

Most of the tanks are in the same area and general setup in my fish room in the basement. I've got 4 40-gallon breeder tanks set up double-stacked on one wall with 2 40-gallon breeder tanks over a 20-gallon tank and 4 5-1/2-gallon tanks on the adjacent wall.

The top 4 40-gallon breeder tanks are all FW:
1. previously mentioned and pictured community
2. community of black mollies (breeding like crazy), cardinal tetras, black khuli loaches, a Chinese algae eater, and Siamese algae eaters
3. rainbowfish (a few different types), black khuli loaches, a Chinese algae eater, and Siamese algae eaters
4. White cloud mountain minnows, butterfly hillstream loaches (I ordered Sewellia lineolata but actually received a different spotted species), and weather loaches

The bottom tanks are SW quarantines including the 20-gallon tank with 2 small Fiji foxfaces each about 2.5" long.

The last freshwater tank is a 20-gallon tall tank in my living room on a corner shelf. I set it up last summer to raise some tadpoles into toads for interest's sake as well as to "save them from dying in a drying up puddle" (though many probably did not survive as tiny toads when I released them back into the wild and many tadpoles died in my tank). When I acquired new tanks last summer including the 2 125-g tanks for my primary reef build, the seller also sent home 7 Endler's livebearers that I added to the pond tank. Now, I have the tank running with zero maintenance other than to top off the water. Occupants include 40+ Endler's livebearers and 60+ small "bladder" snails.

I also enjoy watching my FW tanks, especially with the small groups of smaller fish (a "schooling" or "shoaling" effect that is more difficult and much more expensive to achieve with SW). When they are low-maintenance, the tanks are enjoyable.
Right now, the cool water tank with mountain minnows and loaches has cloudy greenish-brown water and looks like a mess... the water in the black molly tank is starting to discolor from wood tannins and get a bit cloudy (maybe over-populating due to reproduction)... the rainbowfish tank looks nice though it seems hard for me to get good pictures...
Progress has been made recently to simplify water changes and cleaning which should help a lot with maintenance when I am busy with other interests.


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Love it!!
I only have 1 FW tank right now it has some harlequin rasboras, cherry barbs, an angelfish, a blue ram, a pair of gold dust mollies, and a female gardneri killifish. I'll snap a pic for you when I get home. In the past I used to keep multiple FW tanks going like you. At one point I had a 300g dedicated to a pair of managuense cichlids, a peacock bass and a red-tailed catfish, and a 75g, two 55g and a 30g all going at the same time. But that was back when I used to go to fish auctions lol


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Love it!!
I only have 1 FW tank right now it has some harlequin rasboras, cherry barbs, an angelfish, a blue ram, a pair of gold dust mollies, and a female gardneri killifish. I'll snap a pic for you when I get home. In the past I used to keep multiple FW tanks going like you. At one point I had a 300g dedicated to a pair of managuense cichlids, a peacock bass and a red-tailed catfish, and a 75g, two 55g and a 30g all going at the same time. But that was back when I used to go to fish auctions lol
While the puppies are growing and requiring significant effort on my part, the number of tanks running is getting to be too much. After most of the puppies find new homes in a month, my puppy workload will be lessened, but I will still need time to dedicate into socializing and training the two puppies I am keeping. My interest in puppies is easily outweighing my interest in fish due to the higher level of interaction and personality, so I will have to keep my dreams and passions from overrunning the time I have to properly care for my animals (especially since I live on my own small farm homestead and plan to have medium/large livestock some day as well).

Because of this, I am definitely leaning towards simplifying plans and limiting the number of tanks running in my longer-term goals.
I'll probably end up with only 2-4 FW tanks (only 4 if truly maintaining them is simple while still through) and the 125-125 SW reef along with 2-4 of the 40-breeder tanks running for SW biomedia and QT/hospital tanks when needed. I'll probably have a few tanks empty to be set up quickly if necessary.

If I limit the number of running tanks enough, I'll be able to move my two bearded dragons into the same area and pay them more attention as I should. They are in brumation phase (like hibernation, except they are just very sluggish rather than actually sleeping all the time), so they don't need much attention right now, but they will become active in a month or two. Where they are now, I take basic care of them, but I don't spend much time handling them or watching them and find that I walk right past them as I head into the fish room.

I am interested in a picture(s) of your FW tank!

P.S. I really like killifish, but they did not end up in my plans for my 4 FW tanks. Looking it up, the gardneri killifish looks like a very beautiful and interesting fish.


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Time got away from me last night so I didn't get to take pics, but I will after work today. You've definitely got your hands full, but it sounds like you've got a good plan! I like bearded dragons they look like they're always smiling :)


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Time got away from me last night so I didn't get to take pics, but I will after work today. You've definitely got your hands full, but it sounds like you've got a good plan! I like bearded dragons they look like they're always smiling :)
yeah ,ya' missed wrasse Wed too... ;) :)


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Time got away from me last night so I didn't get to take pics, but I will after work today. You've definitely got your hands full, but it sounds like you've got a good plan! I like bearded dragons they look like they're always smiling :)
No problem, I understand being busy... as you said, my hands are pretty full.
I got bearded dragons from a friend originally before I knew much about them specifically, but I researched them quite a bit soon after and still consider them the best reptile pet from many general considerations. Their smile is certainly one thing I find quite interesting! (Smiles are one detail that draws me to golden retrievers as well, and I'm glad Molly smiles all the time when I'm around, except for when she is particularly excited to see me and smiles so wide it looks exactly like a typical dog snarl!)

yeah ,ya' missed wrasse Wed too... ;) :)
I did not even know this was a thing, since I have no wrasses yet, but I do know that @SaltyT is one that should not miss such an event with her beautiful wrasses to show off!


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Well my camera battery is dead again so I snapped a few pics with my phone




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Very short update:
In order to possibly pair the foxfaces and make room in the community 75g QT for the two tiny foxfaces to hopefully stop the chasing, I moved the first two foxfaces down into the 75g sump with the two other foxfaces. I moved them late in the evening just before lights went out in the hopes that aggression would be minimal. There was some poking and prodding by one of the foxfaces originally in the sump, but I did not see any signs of aggression. The next morning, they seemed to be doing fine, but it did not last... I separated the foxfaces again in the afternoon, but not before the first two foxfaces got harassed by the sump foxfaces. The first two are back in the top 75g QT and have fin damage and small bite marks on their sides. It is not major, but they don't look so great right now. They are settled back into the top QT and will hopefully make a full recovery in the next few weeks.

This means that I will have to either spend significant time trying to pair one foxface to another individually or just accept the pairings that already occurred during acquisition. It would be odd if I somehow actually ended up with 2 male-female pairs by chance, but at least they seem to get along in those pairings if they are not male-female pairs. I'll be on the lookout for aggression or fin damage in the future and will separate them if need be.

Well my camera battery is dead again so I snapped a few pics with my phone

View attachment 2526106

View attachment 2526107
Your FW tank looks nicer than any of mine! The variety of plants as well as fish makes for a nice visual display. I also like the inclusion of rocks and driftwood.

There is a reason I am considering limiting the number of tanks I have: more time each for maintaining fewer tanks. A tank like yours does not come without maintenance to keep it looking so nice. I don't have the time needed to maintain all of my tanks this well, so I should decrease the number of tanks to what is easily manageable.


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Very short update:
In order to possibly pair the foxfaces and make room in the community 75g QT for the two tiny foxfaces to hopefully stop the chasing, I moved the first two foxfaces down into the 75g sump with the two other foxfaces. I moved them late in the evening just before lights went out in the hopes that aggression would be minimal. There was some poking and prodding by one of the foxfaces originally in the sump, but I did not see any signs of aggression. The next morning, they seemed to be doing fine, but it did not last... I separated the foxfaces again in the afternoon, but not before the first two foxfaces got harassed by the sump foxfaces. The first two are back in the top 75g QT and have fin damage and small bite marks on their sides. It is not major, but they don't look so great right now. They are settled back into the top QT and will hopefully make a full recovery in the next few weeks.

This means that I will have to either spend significant time trying to pair one foxface to another individually or just accept the pairings that already occurred during acquisition. It would be odd if I somehow actually ended up with 2 male-female pairs by chance, but at least they seem to get along in those pairings if they are not male-female pairs. I'll be on the lookout for aggression or fin damage in the future and will separate them if need be.

Your FW tank looks nicer than any of mine! The variety of plants as well as fish makes for a nice visual display. I also like the inclusion of rocks and driftwood.

There is a reason I am considering limiting the number of tanks I have: more time each for maintaining fewer tanks. A tank like yours does not come without maintenance to keep it looking so nice. I don't have the time needed to maintain all of my tanks this well, so I should decrease the number of tanks to what is easily manageable.
Thank you! I find tank maintenance relaxing, but it does become a chore if you have to do it all the time.

Sorry to hear about your foxies. I'm glad you were able to separate them before too much damage was done.


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My morning started with house power out at 4:45 a.m. I could not get my generator started, but I saw a crew working on the power lines just down the road from my house. Power came back on at 9:45 a.m.
Tanks all seem to be unaffected at this point. Temperatures stayed at or above 70F.
Foxfaces in the top 75g QT are recovering nicely with normal activity.

Puppies are still doing great and are getting really energetic and playful! Slowly and steadily, I'm finding homes for each puppy with just over half accounted for (before 6 weeks old).
Molly and puppies are heading to the vet for another health check on Friday afternoon and for first vaccinations at 6 weeks old.

I hope to have more update puppy pictures after that visit as well as time on Saturday to make some progress on my reef build.


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Big snow storm in my area. Not sure about your's. I'll get pics later, it isn't done yet.
Yeah, the snow continues in my area, but I made it to work (albeit a bit late). Wind will end up being the highest liability, I would guess.
I'm keeping an eye on the weather and may be leaving early like some of my co-workers if it looks like I may not make it home by waiting later.

There's no way I want to take more risk than necessary on not making it home to care for my fish and Molly and puppies!

...and I will be doing what I can to make sure the generator is ready for future emergencies... nothing like an emergency to kick me into gear even though I thought I was ready!


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We started with freezing rain at 4:00am, then it switched to sleet for the last 5 hours and now we're getting the first round of snow. We may see up to 12" or more before this thing finally moves on. I hate winter!

Everyone be careful if you're out and about today and tomorrow!


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We started with freezing rain at 4:00am, then it switched to sleet for the last 5 hours and now we're getting the first round of snow. We may see up to 12" or more before this thing finally moves on. I hate winter!

Everyone be careful if you're out and about today and tomorrow!
I still love winter, though a big part of my love for winter comes from being snowed in at home, not out driving in bad weather to get to work.
I even used to enjoy losing power at home, since we heated our house with a wood-burning stove and got to reminisce about the olden days, though now with lives at stake I would prefer to not lose power...

Hopefully all can stay safe over the next few days, including our reef occupants!

We prepared for this, so were a lot of other people. At least my husband gets to work remote. No one is really out driving right now.
One of my greatest joys in life is to be snowed in at home with my family... I hope you and your family are doing well at home together.


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One of my greatest joys in life is to be snowed in at home with my family... I hope you and your family are doing well at home together.
We are. Little one was out there freezing his hands and feet. Sunny hates snow. She hates being away from my son even more. She wont leave him.


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Due to significant drifting across the road on either side of my driveway, I had some extra time for pictures and videos while waiting for the snow plow to free me to go to work.

The snow is just how I like it once the roads are plowed: nice ground cover, drifting but not majorly, beautiful landscapes under a nice gray sky...
NW off front porch:

NE off front porch:

W off front porch:

SSW out back door toward garage with dog kennel:

SW from back door toward barn and corn crib:

ESE from back door:

W from backyard gate:

W from back door toward barn:

E from path to garage toward backyard:

W from garage door after checking in on Molly and the puppies:

...and a short video of the snow drifting:

More to follow with updates on the fish and puppies...


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Update on the fish in QT (WARNING: PICTURE-HEAVY POST!):
Fish in top 75g QT first.
Foxfaces after excursion in the sump and return to the top:





A few shots of sharknose gobies at the cleaning station:



Merten's butterflyfish comes in for a cleaning:




...and another of the Merten's butterflyfish:

A photo of the shy one-spot foxface and an engineer goby peeking its head out of their hidey-hole:

The engineer gobies finally found a home in a hollow of the rocks:



The remaining clownfish is doing okay, though still thinner than I think a clown should be:

The sump foxfaces always get a bit startled when I first walk in, since the sump is nearly on the floor and my legs pass right in front while I view the top tank:


Full-Camouflage Mode:

The tiny foxfaces have less chases since the lighting is only red/blue and dimmer for now until I get the chance to move them in with other fish to see if they calm down:





Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%

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