Due to acquisition of two Marineland 125-gallon tanks, my build plan has changed significantly.
Current plan is to have a 125-reef with a 125-sump with the main chamber for a macroalgae display.
Screenshot of 3D-model of current plan (2021-10-04 16:06):

QT Update 2021-11-23:

Stand painted 2021-11-13 (now in my dining room 2021-11-20):

Living room FOWLR is being transferred to the basement:

Now for 90-Display/75-sump FOWLR for my basement fish room:
Last Update as of 2021-03-17 10:38
Floor drilled for plumbing down to basement "fish room" (2021-03-16 20:30):

Current FOWLR and in-progress setup photo from this morning (2021-03-10):

Backdrop outdoor posters received for mangrove lagoon and 90-gallon reef (2021-03-08):

Current Fish Stocking List as of 2021-03-11 17:42
Current planned fish list:
90-gallon reef:
1X Fiji Bicolor Foxface (Siganus uspi)
2X Darwin Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
2X Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto)
2X Sharknose Gobies (Elcatinus evelynae)
1X Rainsford's Goby (Amblygobius rainfordi)
1X Orangespotted Shrimp Goby (Amblyeleotris guttata)
1X Bristletooth Tomini Tang (Ctenochaetus tominiensis)
3X Yellowstriped Cardinalfish (Ostorhincus cyanosoma) or Seal's Cardinalfish (Ostorhincus sealei)
2X Scissortail Dartfish (Ptereleotris evides)
1X Melanurus Wrasse (Halichoerus melanurus)
1X Engineer Goby (Pholidichthys leucotaenia)

75-gallon mangrove lagoon:
1X Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) [already in FOWLR]
1X Rectangle Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus rectangulus) [already in FOWLR]
1X Snowflake Eel (Echidna nebulosa) [already in FOWLR]
1X One Spot Foxface (Siganus unimaculatus)
1X Pink Streaked Wrasse (Pseudocheilinops ataenia)

~40-gallon Sump Refugium Section:
2X Janss' Pipefish (Doryrhamphus janssi)
2X Spotted Mandarinfish (Synchiropus picturatus)

Planned layout (shorter stand will be standard rather than custom-built):


75-gallon mangrove lagoon and 90-gallon display are both drilled for Modular Marine 1200gph overflows (awaiting setup and installation). (2021-01-21)

Stand Frame finished and awaiting skin, trim, and countertop (2021-01-04):
UPDATES as of 2020-12-07 13:00
Modular Marine 1200GPH overflows shipping soon, fish list being revised and researched, materials for stand are in my shop waiting for fabrication, most equipment is sourced and on-hand for progress over holiday break

After being introduced to keeping a marine aquarium with the acquisition of a 75-gallon FOWLR from a co-worker as detailed in my post in the Meet & Greet forum, I am just starting the planning phase of building a 90-gallon peaceful reef tank.
Since I am new, I am planning to start with more hardy fishes, corals, and invertebrates. Research is one thing I enjoy doing, so I will be careful and patient in the planning phase to reduce likelihood of wasted expense and failures when I am starting out.

I already have the tank (48 inches long, 18 inches wide, 25 inches deep) and stand with an open base design that should allow for a sump. There are no holes drilled in the aquarium for plumbing, so I will probably need overflow over the top, unless drilling through the glass is a consideration I take. A sump with a refugium is very likely to be included (30 to 55 gallons, not sure how to size the sump? bigger better?).
80-lbs of dry rock, 40-lbs of Caribsea Arag-alive Fiji Pink, and 20-lbs of Caribsea Arag-alive Special Grade are on order so I can get rockscape and substrate ready to begin cycling in the next month or two. I am in no rush, but I would like to have the materials on hand when I am ready to start this tank, especially if there is any pre-setup processing I need to do.

This is my initial fish list based on preliminary research, and recommendations for additions, subtractions, or changes are appreciated.
Listed in approximate order of preference:
2 of Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
1 of Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) [I already have this ~4-inch fish that will be transferred over from my 75-gallon]
1 of Kole Yellow Eye Tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus) or 1 of Bristletooth Tomini Tang (Ctenochaetus tominiensis)
1 of Foxface Lo (Siganus vulpinus) or 1 of Bicolor Foxface (Siganus uspi) or 1 of One Spot Foxface (Siganus unimaculatus)
1-2 of Engineer Goby (Pholidichthys leucotaenia)
2-3 of Chalk Bass (Serranus tortugarum)
2-3 of Neon Goby (Elcatinus oceanops)
2-4 of Yellowstriped Cardinalfish (Ostorhincus cyanosoma)
2 of Blue/Green Black-axil Chromis (Chromis sp.) or 2 of Yellowtail Damselfish (Chrysiptera parasema) or 2 of Blue Sapphire Damselfish (Chrysiptera cf. springeri)

Some items on this list are probably not subject to change. My favorite fish is the Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish, especially paired symbiotically with Rose Bubble-Tip Anemones. These two fish along with RBTA are surely on my list.
The Purple Tang came with the 75-gallon tank I got and is one of my most favorite fish, so I would like him to be in the 90-gallon reef (at least until he may grow too large?).
Fish from the genus Siganus I find particularly striking and interesting, so one will likely be included.
The Engineer Goby is one of my favorites also for its coloration and resemblance to an eel. I am not sure if it is better to include two or only one.
The Chalk Bass is my favorite small fish and would like to include more than one.
The other fish are just considerations for different colors or interests if they can be added without overcrowding the tank or overloading the biosystem.
I really like eels, and my 75-gallon aquarium came with a ~11-inch Snowflake Eel, but it seems they are not good to add to a 90-gallon reef. Since I also have triggerfish that are not compatible with the reef, I will probably leave the 75-gallon as a FOWLR in addition to the 90-gallon reef aquarium.

Does this seem way too heavy a bio-load for a 90-gallon tank (probably with a 30-to-55-gallon sump)? Should I remove fish or can I add fish (either more quantity or more types) to the list? What sequence should I add the fish to best aid success?

I am not really sure which corals to include, so I am open to suggestions. I want hardy beginner corals at the start and will see where I head from here in the future.
My initial research has me considering the following, though much more research and recommendations are needed before adding any:
Mushroom Anemones, branching Sinularia, Porites, Leather, Acropora (maybe too difficult?), Star Polyps, Euphyllia (especially ancora)
Corals are one category where I am very open to recommendations.

Other invertebrates, such as hermit crabs, snails, shrimp, starfish, urchins, conchs will be included for clean-up, though I am also very open to suggestions in this area and will refine considerations as I make a more specific plan for the fishes and corals that are to be included.

Thanks in advance for any recommendations, especially initial reactions to my considerations. I know this is broad right now, but I will get more specific in considerations and schedule as I progress in my research. I have been reading a lot about reefing and marine aquariums online and in books and will continue to do so in conjunction with recommendations on R2R for a practical education towards a successful reef.

Current Aquascape awaiting cementing (2020-12-07):

Cemented Aquascape (2021-01-23):

33-gallon Brute can ready for pre-cycling rock, sand, and aquascape (2021-01-23):

Aquascape start-cycle in progress (2021-01-28):

Kind Regards,
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I literally just pulled into a Publix looking for some myself.
Interesting... I bought ~1/4 pound each on Monday evening and tried feeding the first mussel today, split in half but otherwise whole. I think blended would work better, but some fish showed some interest. I put half in my 75g top QT and half in my 10g Work QT (primarily for the butterflies).

Wow. Apparently my phone was really excited about that. I apologize
No worries, I've been hoping to get my thread bumped to a new page to avoid excessive load times from all the puppy pictures and videos! I'm finally there thanks to your phone!


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i really get hung up on this thread too, to the point of shutting down all browsers and logging back in.
been happening a few weeks now...
strange... :face-with-rolling-eyes:
Same here


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i really get hung up on this thread too, to the point of shutting down all browsers and logging back in.
been happening a few weeks now...
strange... :face-with-rolling-eyes:
Same here

Of course, it's not strange at all. The forum just struggles to load hundreds of images and countless minutes of video, apparently even if I hide them in a spoiler. Lesson (possibly) learned, though I still plan to share videos and pictures. We'll see how it goes.

On a side note, the butterfly keeps going back for more on the mussel, so it may be a success!
Also, the replacement clownfish arrived and is acclimated and doing well so far in the 10g Work QT.


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The Auriga butterflyfish and white-belly wrasse have been picking at the mussel most of the day, so I consider it a successful test. Next time I may leave it attached to the half shell so it does not end up stuck to the filter intake...

It's exciting to see all the fish active and appearing to be doing well, though I am still having troubles with good photography in the dim light setting and due to focus issues through water.

The Royal Gramma and the broadstripe gobies seem to really like the channels in the sides of the filter sponge. The Gramma likes to sit in the channel nearest the HOB filter intake with just its head sticking out above the top of the sponge.

The Tomini tang is active all day, but immediately hides whenever I move toward the tank or aim the camera at it...




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Oh, and the 30-gallon tank is ready for the cardinals being delivered Friday.
Hopefully pictures will go better in this better-lit environment! I still want to raise the light off the glass a bit further since the bottom of the tank is speckled with individual red/blue/green light spots right now (though not visible in the picture).

I'm taking the risk on the initial cycle of this tank since I have not tested it, but it should be very minimal risk with this quantity of long-established rock and fully bioactive sponge filter.
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Fish are still doing well in the 10g Work QT. I noticed the butterflyfish and wrasse flashing yesterday as well as head-shaking (primarily the butterlfy), so I brought Prazipro today and added the first dose. The effect was immediate for the butterflyfish! It twitched and flashed and shook its head a lot for about 15 seconds and now is not shaking/flashing at all. I'm hopeful this will eliminate risks of gill flukes after another dose or two over the next week or so.



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Delivery came and fish are acclimated.
4 of the glass cardinals and 1 chromis were DOA, but 1 of those "DOA" cardinals revived in the acclimation bucket and is surviving in the tank but has swimming issues.
2 firefish hid in holes in the rocks right after introduction to the tank, but 1 is out and swimming about.
Fish in the tank now include the following:
3x Firefish ~2.5"
2x Green or Black-axil Blue-green Chromis ~1.25"
4x Red Spot Glass Cardinalfish ~1.25"
1x Red Spot Glass Cardinalfish with swimming issues ~1.25"
2x Engineer Gobies ~1.5"













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After about 2 weeks, I finally have some updates.
The 2 firefish were found dead in the next few days after last update. The third disappeared into the rockwork and has not been seen again, so no body for pictures for the refund... The same occurred for the last few cardinals: disappeared with no findable body.
Replacement shipment from DOA cardinals was supposed to be last week, but they apparently did not have enough in stock after my order, so replacement is still pending. I hope they do better than the first ones when they do come... other than being small and more susceptible to shipping stresses, I cannot find any reason for the deaths. One was doing fine one morning, then just started swimming erratically and drifting in the flow in the afternoon. I did not remove it before it actually died, during which time it disappeared into the rocks somewhere.

The Auriga butterflyfish has been transitioned to the 30g and is doing well. I know it will outgrow this tank eventually and will be moved to my home tank to eventually end up in the 125-125 macroalgae sump.

The engineer gobies like the two corners of the tank farthest from the wavemaker. They keep the sand dug out of the corners and hang out there most often. I thought they would prefer tunneling under the rocks, but apparently not yet.

For the first time last night, I saw the whitebelly wrasse (Halichoeres leucoxanthus) in the 30g out for a bit, but my light timer was messed up and it is hiding again now. Hopefully it will start coming out for longer periods during the day soon, much like the one in the 10g Work QT that comes out all day every day (unless I disturb the tank for something like catching a butterflyfish).

I'm really enjoying the normal Ocellaris clownfish pair in the 30g, and they will likely be my primary fish for this tank long-term. The chromises are going to my 75g Top QT soon and are not in the long-term plan for the 30g.

Broadstripe gobies (Elcatinus prochilos) are sharing a spot in my favorite fishes (similar to neon gobies (Elcatinus oceanops) and sharknose gobies (Elcatinus evelynae) with no clear favorite of the 3 species), though in both the 10g Work QT and the 30g there are two with one dominant one keeping the other in hiding. I will soon have them down to just one per tank at work with the other 2 headed for the 75g Sump QT at home. I like how the broadstripe gobies shine like neon gobies in brighter light but have some coloration similarities to the sharknose when the light is more subdued.

The 10g Work QT currently contains a pair of black and white Ocellaris clownfish, a single juvenile black and white Ocellaris clownfish, 2 whitebelly wrasses (one has been hidden since arrival a week ago; I may need to go searching soon...), a small royal gramma, and 2 broadstripe gobies. This should change soon as I prepare for the replacement shipment and a couple more fish planned for the 30g (primarily 2 flametail blennies for potential algae control; I'll have to see if 2 will eventually be a problem for such a relatively small tank if both survive the shipping).

More work has been done in my basement fish room to aid in water production and changes as well as making room to set up my 90g tank for a liverock holding system. As soon as I am able, I plan to place an order through Gulf Live Rock for a nice amount of ocean-direct liverock for seeding and for addition to my 125-125 system when built. From my research, I am a firm believer that true ocean-direct liverock seems to be one of the single-most beneficial additions for stability.

All of this is progress and continual motivation on my 125-125 system, so more updates should be following in the next few weeks.


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The larger whitebelly wrasse decided to come out today! It seems to be doing well, although it has a small tear in its dorsal fin, the base of its pectoral fins are pink, and there is pink down both sides in the middle of its body (the pink is not visible in pictures; maybe its just due to lighting?). I hope it is not due to injury. It is acting healthy as far as I can tell.
Picture with flash since shutter speed is too slow for moving fishes under the dimmer yellow lighting of the 10g QT:

I'm still practicing photography with the zoom lens. Occasionally, I get a decent picture, but most of the time the picture is more blurry than either the peep view or screen view on the camera. Some time I need to bring my tripod to determine if the blurriness is due to motion of the camera within shutter time.






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I plan to use Modular Marine 1200 GPH overflows, both from display to mangrove lagoon and from mangrove lagoon to sump. The overflows were delivered a week or so ago, so I am looking forward to time to drill the tanks and install them. For the drain heads, there are three drain holes in the overflow, so I plan to run a Bean Animal style drain. I have not yet determined exactly how the drain lines will be after that. From display to lagoon, I would like to run the outlet to the far end of the lagoon to allow for flow across the lagoon from outlet to overflow, but this may prove to be difficult or a bad idea due to small height difference over the full 4' length which would leave my drain pipes at a very shallow angle. I may just run the drains into a pipe running across the back with holes to distribute flow across the tank. From lagoon to sump, I plan to just run three separate drain lines into a roller filter or filter socks.

At this point, I already have a hang-on-back skimmer, so water level has to be high enough in the skimmer portion to reach the inlet. As you mentioned, if I ever switch to a submerged skimmer, I can add a platform to set the right level. The limitation I will have is the amount of space available in the stand, which is not as much as I would like but is precisely determined by available space and tank layout limitations.

Oh, yes, I plan to have macroalgae as well. @Tigahboy 's macroalgae tank has been a great inspiration to me, and I have that thread bookmarked for reference! The compromise I have to deal with is liking both macroalgae and fish that eat macroalgae. Since I like tangs and foxfaces, I may not be able to keep macroalgae in the display or lagoon. This was a big part of the inspiration for a small displayed macroalgae section/refugium in the sump. As I harvest overgrowth, I can use it as a food source for my herbivores.
Modular marine for the win! I love these overflows because they are crafted out of thick acrylic. Super sleek and quiet


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Anybody familiar with toxicity of foxface venom to other fish?

I stepped into my basement fish room last evening to move home the group of chromis from the 30g and to check on the fish. The Merten's butterflyfish was swimming around normally along with the other fish, but they went to hide when they saw me walk in. This has been pretty normal that they hide when I first walk in, especially the foxfaces, but they just move to a secluded spot without any obvious panic.
I added some tank water to the chromis bucket to start acclimation, added the 2nd dose of PraziPro to the 75g Top QT (observed minimal head shaking), and went upstairs. When I came back down 15 minutes later, the butterflyfish was sideways, not moving at all, and wedged in a resin "rock" arch with dorsal fin fully extended. I attempted resuscitation in a 40g QT that I've had running without fish, but to no avail.

I'm wondering if the butterflyfish got stung by a foxface when they hid by the rock when I walked in. Would this cause any visible wound or swelling? Would a foxface sting kill that quickly?




I did recently deal with a bacterial infection issue in my 75g Top QT that was brought home with my ~3.5" Tomini tang that was QT'd in the 10g at work for a few weeks after shipment. About 2 weeks ago, I moved the Tomini tang to my 75g Top QT at home and all seemed to go fine. Everything was normal for a week for all fish as far as I observed. Then one morning, I noticed the Tomini's fins looked a bit frayed, so I checked into the issue at work and decided to dose Melafix when I got home. By the time I got home and dosed Melafix, the Tomini's fins were extremely eroded and the fish was swimming irregularly and oftentimes laying on its side on the sand. It did not survive the night. Within the next few days after, my sharknose cleaner goby died (no observable injuries but suspected due to bacteria?) and the smaller of my engineer gobies (~4.5") died from obvious eroded spots on the fins and a few major lesions on its sides (obviously bacteria-related). The other fish showed no symptoms. I have since done a 20-30% water change twice for this tank to see if it would help clear this issue and have observed no continued impact on the other fish. This infection may have come in on the H. leucoxanthus wrasse that has been hiding in the sand for the past 4 weeks since delivery. Recently, it came out a few times for about 10 minutes during the middle of the day and has swollen red fin bases and is pink down the middle stripe on each side of its body. It does not use the right fin due to the swollenness and some fin deterioration, just keeps it sticking straight out and stiff. I dosed KanaPlex yesterday to help combat the bacteria, but we will see if this is in time to save this wrasse. It is strange that the Tomini tang survived for a few weeks in the 10g QT without symptoms, but the stress of transition home must have been enough to allow the bacteria to take hold and overcome its health.
I don't think this is much related to the butterflyfish death, since there are no bacterial symptoms on the butterflyfish...

Another possibility is if there were enough gill flukes on the butterflyfish to cause bleed-out with the PraziPro dose, but this also seems unlikely since I did not observe any significant reaction to the dose and symptoms did not seem prevalent for flukes. Both the butterflyfish and foxfaces only had an occasional head shake, not more often than once in a 15 minute period that I observed.

Also, although I do not have measurements of water parameters to share for additional assessment, there are no signs of ich, velvet, or any other disease that I know of.

I'm expecting a delivery today of 75 pounds of live rock and 25 pounds of live sand from Gulf Live Rock, so I hope to be able to add stability and diversity soon to the different QT's (other than QT's prepared for non-reef-safe medication). The rock and sand will be kept in my 90-gallon tank for the time being and used as a seeding-site for dry rock previously purchased. Some of the live rock will be transferred into my 30g Work tank as well as the two 75g QT's and a 40g QT at home once I can check it hopefully clear of the most destructive potential hitchhikers, such as eunicid worms, gorilla crabs, mantis shrimp, etc.


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Modular marine for the win! I love these overflows because they are crafted out of thick acrylic. Super sleek and quiet
Thanks for visiting my build thread! As of yet, the overflows are not being utilized while I make progress on my build, so I have not tested them. Since I now have a double 75g setup in my basement to utilize one and may use the other on my 90g tank for live rock, I am considering another MM overflow or alternative refugium/overflow hybrids for the 125-125 build.

P.S. Yep, you have a lot to catch up on here on my thread, but at least it's not even close to new members on Frank's thread! ...and the plan has changed from the original 90-75-75 plan.


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Thanks for visiting my build thread! As of yet, the overflows are not being utilized while I make progress on my build, so I have not tested them. Since I now have a double 75g setup in my basement to utilize one and may use the other on my 90g tank for live rock, I am considering another MM overflow or alternative refugium/overflow hybrids for the 125-125 build.

P.S. Yep, you have a lot to catch up on here on my thread, but at least it's not even close to new members on Frank's thread! ...and the plan has changed from the original 90-75-75 plan.
Yea I agree this is doable… but If tried to catch up on Frank’s thread, I’d be older than frank by the time I was done lol… somehow idk science.
You can’t go wrong with MM, I once had to ask them to customize the holes and pipe fittings and the owner was really cool about it, straight shooter with pride in his craft.


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Anybody familiar with toxicity of foxface venom to other fish?

I stepped into my basement fish room last evening to move home the group of chromis from the 30g and to check on the fish. The Merten's butterflyfish was swimming around normally along with the other fish, but they went to hide when they saw me walk in. This has been pretty normal that they hide when I first walk in, especially the foxfaces, but they just move to a secluded spot without any obvious panic.
I added some tank water to the chromis bucket to start acclimation, added the 2nd dose of PraziPro to the 75g Top QT (observed minimal head shaking), and went upstairs. When I came back down 15 minutes later, the butterflyfish was sideways, not moving at all, and wedged in a resin "rock" arch with dorsal fin fully extended. I attempted resuscitation in a 40g QT that I've had running without fish, but to no avail.

I'm wondering if the butterflyfish got stung by a foxface when they hid by the rock when I walked in. Would this cause any visible wound or swelling? Would a foxface sting kill that quickly?

View attachment 2642573
View attachment 2642576
View attachment 2642580

I did recently deal with a bacterial infection issue in my 75g Top QT that was brought home with my ~3.5" Tomini tang that was QT'd in the 10g at work for a few weeks after shipment. About 2 weeks ago, I moved the Tomini tang to my 75g Top QT at home and all seemed to go fine. Everything was normal for a week for all fish as far as I observed. Then one morning, I noticed the Tomini's fins looked a bit frayed, so I checked into the issue at work and decided to dose Melafix when I got home. By the time I got home and dosed Melafix, the Tomini's fins were extremely eroded and the fish was swimming irregularly and oftentimes laying on its side on the sand. It did not survive the night. Within the next few days after, my sharknose cleaner goby died (no observable injuries but suspected due to bacteria?) and the smaller of my engineer gobies (~4.5") died from obvious eroded spots on the fins and a few major lesions on its sides (obviously bacteria-related). The other fish showed no symptoms. I have since done a 20-30% water change twice for this tank to see if it would help clear this issue and have observed no continued impact on the other fish. This infection may have come in on the H. leucoxanthus wrasse that has been hiding in the sand for the past 4 weeks since delivery. Recently, it came out a few times for about 10 minutes during the middle of the day and has swollen red fin bases and is pink down the middle stripe on each side of its body. It does not use the right fin due to the swollenness and some fin deterioration, just keeps it sticking straight out and stiff. I dosed KanaPlex yesterday to help combat the bacteria, but we will see if this is in time to save this wrasse. It is strange that the Tomini tang survived for a few weeks in the 10g QT without symptoms, but the stress of transition home must have been enough to allow the bacteria to take hold and overcome its health.
I don't think this is much related to the butterflyfish death, since there are no bacterial symptoms on the butterflyfish...

Another possibility is if there were enough gill flukes on the butterflyfish to cause bleed-out with the PraziPro dose, but this also seems unlikely since I did not observe any significant reaction to the dose and symptoms did not seem prevalent for flukes. Both the butterflyfish and foxfaces only had an occasional head shake, not more often than once in a 15 minute period that I observed.

Also, although I do not have measurements of water parameters to share for additional assessment, there are no signs of ich, velvet, or any other disease that I know of.

I'm expecting a delivery today of 75 pounds of live rock and 25 pounds of live sand from Gulf Live Rock, so I hope to be able to add stability and diversity soon to the different QT's (other than QT's prepared for non-reef-safe medication). The rock and sand will be kept in my 90-gallon tank for the time being and used as a seeding-site for dry rock previously purchased. Some of the live rock will be transferred into my 30g Work tank as well as the two 75g QT's and a 40g QT at home once I can check it hopefully clear of the most destructive potential hitchhikers, such as eunicid worms, gorilla crabs, mantis shrimp, etc.
Wow that’s a mystery, the fish looked well taken care of nice and plump, full of color. I thought a fox face sting would leave a red mark but I’ve never seen a confirmed sting on a fish.


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bummer,no visible wounds ,may have just been startled and got wedged,died from shock ?
is plausible.
I considered this possibility (heart attack?), but it seems odd since the butterfly does not normally get startled much when I walk in, it is the boldest fish in the tank (though not dominant or aggressive, pretty much left other fish alone and was left alone by other fish), I approached slowly specifically last night, and I did not observe any fast reactions. Any idea how easy it is for a fish to die from shock in a tank where it has been living comfortably for months and not affected by any significant fish introductions? ...maybe it was already weakened through the bacterial invasion/Melafix medication in addition to the PraziPro dosing due to possible gill flukes even though it showed no symptoms at all that I can determine?

I'm always thankful to keep learning, but always disappointed when it involves a death and no clear understanding what the likely reason for it was...

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%

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