Due to acquisition of two Marineland 125-gallon tanks, my build plan has changed significantly.
Current plan is to have a 125-reef with a 125-sump with the main chamber for a macroalgae display.
Screenshot of 3D-model of current plan (2021-10-04 16:06):

QT Update 2021-11-23:

Stand painted 2021-11-13 (now in my dining room 2021-11-20):

Living room FOWLR is being transferred to the basement:

Now for 90-Display/75-sump FOWLR for my basement fish room:
Last Update as of 2021-03-17 10:38
Floor drilled for plumbing down to basement "fish room" (2021-03-16 20:30):

Current FOWLR and in-progress setup photo from this morning (2021-03-10):

Backdrop outdoor posters received for mangrove lagoon and 90-gallon reef (2021-03-08):

Current Fish Stocking List as of 2021-03-11 17:42
Current planned fish list:
90-gallon reef:
1X Fiji Bicolor Foxface (Siganus uspi)
2X Darwin Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
2X Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto)
2X Sharknose Gobies (Elcatinus evelynae)
1X Rainsford's Goby (Amblygobius rainfordi)
1X Orangespotted Shrimp Goby (Amblyeleotris guttata)
1X Bristletooth Tomini Tang (Ctenochaetus tominiensis)
3X Yellowstriped Cardinalfish (Ostorhincus cyanosoma) or Seal's Cardinalfish (Ostorhincus sealei)
2X Scissortail Dartfish (Ptereleotris evides)
1X Melanurus Wrasse (Halichoerus melanurus)
1X Engineer Goby (Pholidichthys leucotaenia)

75-gallon mangrove lagoon:
1X Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) [already in FOWLR]
1X Rectangle Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus rectangulus) [already in FOWLR]
1X Snowflake Eel (Echidna nebulosa) [already in FOWLR]
1X One Spot Foxface (Siganus unimaculatus)
1X Pink Streaked Wrasse (Pseudocheilinops ataenia)

~40-gallon Sump Refugium Section:
2X Janss' Pipefish (Doryrhamphus janssi)
2X Spotted Mandarinfish (Synchiropus picturatus)

Planned layout (shorter stand will be standard rather than custom-built):


75-gallon mangrove lagoon and 90-gallon display are both drilled for Modular Marine 1200gph overflows (awaiting setup and installation). (2021-01-21)

Stand Frame finished and awaiting skin, trim, and countertop (2021-01-04):
UPDATES as of 2020-12-07 13:00
Modular Marine 1200GPH overflows shipping soon, fish list being revised and researched, materials for stand are in my shop waiting for fabrication, most equipment is sourced and on-hand for progress over holiday break

After being introduced to keeping a marine aquarium with the acquisition of a 75-gallon FOWLR from a co-worker as detailed in my post in the Meet & Greet forum, I am just starting the planning phase of building a 90-gallon peaceful reef tank.
Since I am new, I am planning to start with more hardy fishes, corals, and invertebrates. Research is one thing I enjoy doing, so I will be careful and patient in the planning phase to reduce likelihood of wasted expense and failures when I am starting out.

I already have the tank (48 inches long, 18 inches wide, 25 inches deep) and stand with an open base design that should allow for a sump. There are no holes drilled in the aquarium for plumbing, so I will probably need overflow over the top, unless drilling through the glass is a consideration I take. A sump with a refugium is very likely to be included (30 to 55 gallons, not sure how to size the sump? bigger better?).
80-lbs of dry rock, 40-lbs of Caribsea Arag-alive Fiji Pink, and 20-lbs of Caribsea Arag-alive Special Grade are on order so I can get rockscape and substrate ready to begin cycling in the next month or two. I am in no rush, but I would like to have the materials on hand when I am ready to start this tank, especially if there is any pre-setup processing I need to do.

This is my initial fish list based on preliminary research, and recommendations for additions, subtractions, or changes are appreciated.
Listed in approximate order of preference:
2 of Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
1 of Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) [I already have this ~4-inch fish that will be transferred over from my 75-gallon]
1 of Kole Yellow Eye Tang (Ctenochaetus strigosus) or 1 of Bristletooth Tomini Tang (Ctenochaetus tominiensis)
1 of Foxface Lo (Siganus vulpinus) or 1 of Bicolor Foxface (Siganus uspi) or 1 of One Spot Foxface (Siganus unimaculatus)
1-2 of Engineer Goby (Pholidichthys leucotaenia)
2-3 of Chalk Bass (Serranus tortugarum)
2-3 of Neon Goby (Elcatinus oceanops)
2-4 of Yellowstriped Cardinalfish (Ostorhincus cyanosoma)
2 of Blue/Green Black-axil Chromis (Chromis sp.) or 2 of Yellowtail Damselfish (Chrysiptera parasema) or 2 of Blue Sapphire Damselfish (Chrysiptera cf. springeri)

Some items on this list are probably not subject to change. My favorite fish is the Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish, especially paired symbiotically with Rose Bubble-Tip Anemones. These two fish along with RBTA are surely on my list.
The Purple Tang came with the 75-gallon tank I got and is one of my most favorite fish, so I would like him to be in the 90-gallon reef (at least until he may grow too large?).
Fish from the genus Siganus I find particularly striking and interesting, so one will likely be included.
The Engineer Goby is one of my favorites also for its coloration and resemblance to an eel. I am not sure if it is better to include two or only one.
The Chalk Bass is my favorite small fish and would like to include more than one.
The other fish are just considerations for different colors or interests if they can be added without overcrowding the tank or overloading the biosystem.
I really like eels, and my 75-gallon aquarium came with a ~11-inch Snowflake Eel, but it seems they are not good to add to a 90-gallon reef. Since I also have triggerfish that are not compatible with the reef, I will probably leave the 75-gallon as a FOWLR in addition to the 90-gallon reef aquarium.

Does this seem way too heavy a bio-load for a 90-gallon tank (probably with a 30-to-55-gallon sump)? Should I remove fish or can I add fish (either more quantity or more types) to the list? What sequence should I add the fish to best aid success?

I am not really sure which corals to include, so I am open to suggestions. I want hardy beginner corals at the start and will see where I head from here in the future.
My initial research has me considering the following, though much more research and recommendations are needed before adding any:
Mushroom Anemones, branching Sinularia, Porites, Leather, Acropora (maybe too difficult?), Star Polyps, Euphyllia (especially ancora)
Corals are one category where I am very open to recommendations.

Other invertebrates, such as hermit crabs, snails, shrimp, starfish, urchins, conchs will be included for clean-up, though I am also very open to suggestions in this area and will refine considerations as I make a more specific plan for the fishes and corals that are to be included.

Thanks in advance for any recommendations, especially initial reactions to my considerations. I know this is broad right now, but I will get more specific in considerations and schedule as I progress in my research. I have been reading a lot about reefing and marine aquariums online and in books and will continue to do so in conjunction with recommendations on R2R for a practical education towards a successful reef.

Current Aquascape awaiting cementing (2020-12-07):

Cemented Aquascape (2021-01-23):

33-gallon Brute can ready for pre-cycling rock, sand, and aquascape (2021-01-23):

Aquascape start-cycle in progress (2021-01-28):

Kind Regards,
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Thanks, Frank, I love this picture!

I don't have as much to update as I had hoped, since my focus over break was more on my house remodel than on my fish...
As noted by another member 2 weeks ago, I don't have enough experience to keep butterflyfish yet and should not be trying, since I also lost the tiny Auriga butterflyfish delivered 2021-12-21. It appeared to be doing fine for a whole week, was eating well, and showed no signs of disease, then I found it dead in the morning with no understanding of why it died... I will not be buying more butterflyfish for the foreseeable future.
Another loss occurred with one of my 2 black and white clownfish with both the live and dead ones appearing very thin. I have been feeding the QT more than once a day with a variety of different foods including frozen, pellets, and flakes, but the clowns seem to have quit eating. I watched the living one occasionally catch food bits but spit them back out. Hopefully I can save it with better food access once I add sand to the QT now that I've had the fish in this tank for several weeks without signs of disease. Do clownfish get stressed if they have no host? These are captive-bred ORA clownfish that were "hosted" by the bottom of the overflow box without many other options in the QT, since there are only a few fake rocks, heater, and sponge filter otherwise. Maybe I should get a fake anemone for the QT? Should I try to get another clownfish to keep with the living one, or should I just wait to see if it starts eating better and survives on its own before considering more clownfish?

All other fish in my QT's are doing fine including the two 4.5" Fiji foxfaces in the 75g sump QT and the two 2" Fiji foxfaces in the 20g QT. They seem to be fat and healthy from all observances within my limited experience. This week, I plan to get sand added to the 75g QT and add returns to start flowing the water between this QT and the 75g sump QT to improve water filtration and aeration. I also hope to have the protein skimmer (and maybe the canister filters) plumbed in this system to help with water quality.

Additionally, I am ready to add the necessary floor bracing and clear the area in my living room to locate the stand for my 125-125 build, hopefully this week. The main tank is ready to be drilled for overflow and the stand counter-top is ready to be picked up and placed on the stand, so progress on the build should commence in more earnest alongside the remaining steps of my house remodel.

I need to spend some time getting more pictures for my own records and for sharing.

Also, Molly (my golden retriever) had her puppies, but more on this later in a dedicated post...


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hi, would wait on clown ,see if yours makes it first.
captive bred clowns do not need host in qt tank,they have lived their whole life in qt basically.
congrats on the puppies ,cannot wait to see pics...:)


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Now for the puppy news:
Molly had her puppies on Christmas Eve, though the experienced breeder and owner of the litter sire thought the due date would be December 29, so I was not expecting them then. I was at my parents' place for supper that evening and got home around 10:30 p.m. to a sound that was not yet typical: puppies crying in my garage!

As it were, Molly decided to have her puppies on the gravel garage floor after digging a small nest rather than having them in the heated and insulated kennel corner I had prepared for her. When I arrived, there were already 10 healthy puppies and 2 dead, probably still-born. I moved the puppies into the kennel where they would be warmer, hoping this would not disturb Molly too much.

While I was checking on the puppies, I noticed Molly contracting again. My sister (one of the two who raised the collie-doodle litters last year and the year before) brought over an empty wading pool to use for containing the puppies, but Molly did not like it at all. At one point, she stepped outside of the garage while I ran into the house to get something, and she had another puppy in the yard just as I ran back out.

After settling the puppies the best we could, we finally decided at 12:30 Christmas morning to leave Molly and puppies alone. I did feel around Molly's abdomen, and thought I could maybe feel another puppy, though I have very limited experience in this...

As I found early the next morning, she did have one more puppy, probably shortly after I went to bed. This brought the total to 14 puppies, noticeably more than I was expecting! That included the 2 still-born males, 7 healthy males, and 5 healthy females. There is the full range of colors included with a few dark, a few middle-dark, a few middle-light, a couple light, and one very light golden puppy.

So far, I only have pictures from the birthing evening, though there will be more pictures to come once the puppies' eyes and ears are open and as they grow.

Happy mother Molly (and my sister) in somewhat strange lighting due to camera flash:

Mother and puppies trying out pool for containment (this was based on a recommendation from a dog breeder we know, but I don't like this idea unless only for the actual whelping, so I agree with Molly that it is not preferrable):

A few puppy close-ups:



...and a few pictures of the puppies back on their blanket (which is printed with a large picture of a golden retriever):





All of these pictures were taken before the last 2 puppies were born, so 1-week update pictures are especially due to be taken tonight!

Since then, Molly kept trying to move the puppies back out onto the gravel in dug-out nests, so I added a kennel in this corner which allows me to keep Molly locked up with the puppies in the area with the heater, since the garage is not otherwise heated (it is an old block-wall detached farm garage...). She would like more space to roam (kennel is 4-ft by 8-ft), but I do not want to risk the puppies getting too cold in other areas of the garage, especially since there are two puppies that are not growing as fast (which I fully expected possible with such a large litter).

One of the two runts happens to be the one I picked as the most-likely puppy for me to keep as a companion for Molly, since I preferred a darker red female and there is only one since the other dark ones are all males. Hopefully she stays healthy and starts to catch up in growth! I'm prepared as necessary to give special care either/both with controlled feedings with the mother and/or with bottle-feeding.

More updates will follow.
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Congrats on the puppies !! That’s amazing !! And hoping for yr fish to pull through you are doing a heck of a job QTing , I would be overwhelmed keep it up !
Well, with continued issues that are not easily described/diagnosed/correctable by any information in my reference books or online research coupled with my fish losses may be enough to say that I am a bit overwhelmed myself...

I just wish there was a better way for me to specifically learn what I am doing wrong so I could correct the issues and know better what to watch for. Even though I did a lot of research before getting anything more than the original FOWLR from my co-worker, I still have had many issues come up that I just don't understand...

I'm still bound and determined to do the best I can even with split dedication now with the large litter of puppies.


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That’s good , I don’t think everything can be explained so easily especially in reefing. Where did the fish come from? Caught with cyanide? Traveled 3 days in minimal water in bag? There’s alot of variables that aren’t yr fault , you could be doing everything right and stil have loss. I’m not gonna be able to tell you what you did wrong or right cuz I don’t QT, I use my own method but like it’s 90% Paul b’s method lol


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That’s good , I don’t think everything can be explained so easily especially in reefing. Where did the fish come from? Caught with cyanide? Traveled 3 days in minimal water in bag? There’s alot of variables that aren’t yr fault , you could be doing everything right and stil have loss. I’m not gonna be able to tell you what you did wrong or right cuz I don’t QT, I use my own method but like it’s 90% Paul b’s method lol
Yes, thanks for sharing this. I do understand that there are a lot of details beyond my control, but I cannot help but still question what I can do better after any sort of loss.

I hope I can mature a reef long enough in the coming years to employ methodology similar to Paul B's as well.


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Now for the puppy news:
Molly had her puppies on Christmas Eve, though the experienced breeder and owner of the litter sire thought the due date would be December 29, so I was not expecting them then. I was at my parents' place for supper that evening and got home around 10:30 p.m. to a sound that was not yet typical: puppies crying in my garage!

As it were, Molly decided to have her puppies on the gravel garage floor after digging a small nest rather than having them in the heated and insulated kennel corner I had prepared for her. When I arrived, there were already 10 healthy puppies and 2 dead, probably still-born. I moved the puppies into the kennel where they would be warmer, hoping this would not disturb Molly too much.

While I was checking on the puppies, I noticed Molly contracting again. My sister (one of the two who raised the collie-doodle litters last year and the year before) brought over an empty wading pool to use for containing the puppies, but Molly did not like it at all. At one point, she stepped outside of the garage while I ran into the house to get something, and she had another puppy in the yard just as I ran back out.

After settling the puppies the best we could, we finally decided at 12:30 Christmas morning to leave Molly and puppies alone. I did feel around Molly's abdomen, and thought I could maybe feel another puppy, though I have very limited experience in this...

As I found early the next morning, she did have one more puppy, probably shortly after I went to bed. This brought the total to 14 puppies, noticeably more than I was expecting! That included the 2 still-born males, 7 healthy males, and 5 healthy females. There is the full range of colors included with a few dark, a few middle-dark, a few middle-light, a couple light, and one very light golden puppy.

So far, I only have pictures from the birthing evening, though there will be more pictures to come once the puppies' eyes and ears are open and as they grow.

Happy mother Molly (and my sister) in somewhat strange lighting due to camera flash:
View attachment 2487689

Mother and puppies trying out pool for containment (this was based on a recommendation from a dog breeder we know, but I don't like this idea unless only for the actual whelping, so I agree with Molly that it is not preferrable):
View attachment 2487696

A few puppy close-ups:
View attachment 2487697
View attachment 2487698
View attachment 2487699

...and a few pictures of the puppies back on their blanket (which is printed with a large picture of a golden retriever):
View attachment 2487701
View attachment 2487702
View attachment 2487703
View attachment 2487704
View attachment 2487705
All of these pictures were taken before the last 2 puppies were born, so 1-week update pictures are especially due to be taken tonight!

Since then, Molly kept trying to move the puppies back out onto the gravel in dug-out nests, so I added a kennel in this corner which allows me to keep Molly locked up with the puppies in the area with the heater, since the garage is not otherwise heated (it is an old block-wall detached farm garage...). She would like more space to roam (kennel is 4-ft by 8-ft), but I do not want to risk the puppies getting too cold in other areas of the garage, especially since there are two puppies that are not growing as fast (which I fully expected possible with such a large litter).

One of the two runts happens to be the one I picked as the most-likely puppy for me to keep as a companion for Molly, since I preferred a darker red female and there is only one since the other dark ones are all males. Hopefully she stays healthy and starts to catch up in growth! I'm prepared as necessary to give special care either/both with controlled feedings with the mother and/or with bottle-feeding.

More updates will follow.
Congratulations on the puppies!! They’re so beautiful!! I looooove the very light colored one! When do you plan on moving them all in the house? Hopefully before the temps get to the single digits this week.


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Congratulations on the puppies!! They’re so beautiful!! I looooove the very light colored one! When do you plan on moving them all in the house? Hopefully before the temps get to the single digits this week.
The light colored one is my second pick for the one I might keep. Molly's father is an English cream golden retriever, so I know where the light-colored genetics come from (though this puppy is not an English Cream, technically, since neither Molly nor sire are of the English cream genetic line).

I don't plan to move the puppies into my house (barring an unforeseen emergency), but don't misunderstand: the kennel where they are being kept is heated and insulated so as to prevent them getting cold. The only reason I had concerns was that Molly kept wanting to move the puppies out of the heated and insulated corner and nest them down in the open garage where it is much colder. Now that I am keeping Molly locked in the kennel as well, the puppies should stay warm enough and are being monitored closely!
Though I don't know for sure, part of the reason Molly kept wanting to move the puppies may have been the heat from the radiant heater and heat lamp(s) feeling too hot before the temperature dropped.


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Finally, the 1-week (actually over) puppy update:
Puppies are still doing great! My pick of the litter is still the runt, but she still seems to be doing pretty good, especially considering that Molly is keeping 12 puppies healthy! It probably helps that I remove the 6 largest puppies for about 10 minutes in the morning and evening to allow the runt and others a special feeding.
Last night, I let Molly get some exercise outside the kennel while I took some pictures of the puppies.

First, Molly making sure I know what I'm doing with her puppies, "What? You're leaving me out?":

"Yeah, go run around and get some exercise! I can watch over the puppies for a few minutes."

Puppies under normal red light from the heat lamp and radiant heater, quiet and content though separated into 2 piles for some reason:



(The runt is the darker one on the bottom right, still pretty roly-poly!)
...and she snuggles in to the bottom of the pile, usually:

Now a few with flash to better show the color variations:

(Note size difference of runt and one of the largest puppies next to each other on lower right above)



Molly wants back in:

...and a little video of Molly back with her puppies:

"What, you're leaving me out here again?":

I headed in to get a few fish QT update pictures, but did not have much time before lights were off, so videos and photography are of rushed amateur quality (I need to clean the salt from the outside of the front glass, and I also hate auto-focus through glass and water...):

All fish seem to be doing well, the remaining clownfish looks and acts normal except for being quite thin, the shipping wound on the Merten's butterflyfish's snout is nearly completely healed, and the smallest of the chromises no longer appears to possibly have uronema (some scales were raised and pinkish when first received, the other 2 continue to show no symptoms). The engineer gobies are continuing to grow quite rapidly, at about 4" long now.

The foxfaces in the sump QT are also doing great, though the Lympocystis is still present on the one that was received like that (one on right below, see spot on eye and on fins). It is not worse, and maybe a bit better than when first received. The video shows how fat they are when the left one turns toward the back:

I'm not very skilled yet with manual focus, either:

The tiny foxfaces in the 20g QT are doing great as well, but the lights were already off when I went down last night, so I have no new pictures or video. I may need to change up something with this tank, as I have noticed a recent surge in one chasing the other around the tank. I'm not sure yet what I want to do about it...

After all the lights went out, I finally got the 3D-printed "biofilter" plates removed from the 75g QT and added a HOB filter for better water quality. There was quite a bit of trapped food/detritus under the plates, so I am glad to have that removed now after the removal of the plates and a 30% water change last night while vacuuming the bottom. Sand is prepared to be added to this 75g QT now that it seems that disease is less likely after several weeks and because I will have a 40g breeder and the 5-1/2g QT's for hospital tanks if medication is needed.

No updates yet on the 125-125 build, though this should be commencing tomorrow evening with floor re-enforcement and stand placement.


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I'm in love with the lightest pup. So cute!!!
If my pick of the litter (the runt) stays healthy and keeps growing, the lightest-colored one may be available later, though she is my second pick of the litter for the one I plan to keep!
...if I don't end up keeping both...


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You mean you don't need something else to care for? ;)
I thought about another puppy. I dont know if i can handle another.

You ever see the guy on youtube from freaken reviews? I think thats his channel. My husband loves Bailey. I think the guys oldest golden died at 13?


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I thought about another puppy. I dont know if i can handle another.

You ever see the guy on youtube from freaken reviews? I think thats his channel. My husband loves Bailey. I think the guys oldest golden died at 13?
I had not heard of that YouTube channel, but a quick search brought it up. I have a few puppies that will look a lot like Bailey when grown! ;)


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I had not heard of that YouTube channel, but a quick search brought it up. I have a few puppies that will look a lot like Bailey when grown! ;)
You cant tell him that!


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Nothing new to report on the fish in QT (all are doing well including the remaining clownfish that has been eating though still a bit thin), and no significant progress on the build... too busy with the house remodel project instead along with extra responsibilities due to the puppies.

Speaking of the puppies, they will be 3 weeks old at the end of this week, so visitors will be allowed on Saturday and beyond. Their eyes and ears are finally open now, and they have started walking around a bit, though still toddling. All are healthy including the runt, "Genevieve", that is now about half the size of the biggest puppies! If she stays healthy, she is still my pick of the litter since I wanted to keep a dark red female and she is the only one in this litter.
Though the picture does not show it, they can open their eyes now:

Genevieve always seems to find a nice warm spot right in the middle of the pile since she is small enough to wriggle in.

Polyp polynomial: How many heads do you start with when buying zoas?

  • One head is enough to get started.

    Votes: 27 10.6%
  • 2 to 4 heads.

    Votes: 145 57.1%
  • 5 heads or more.

    Votes: 65 25.6%
  • Full colony.

    Votes: 10 3.9%
  • Other.

    Votes: 7 2.8%

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