soft coral

  1. E

    Another petco coral ID please

    I went to buy the coral that I last posted about but they did not have it, they however had this one and it looked interesting and unique and I have never seen a soft coral that looks like this, I have no idea if it is full extended are not in these pictures but I can say he was way shriveled up...
  2. E

    Coral id

    This coral is at my local petco but I have no idea what they are and they get them in all the time, can anyone help me with this I’d?
  3. Philler

    Nano Build Paul's 20G Tall Mixed Reefer

    Hey everyone! I decided to get back into reefing after a 10yr hiatus after my brother started one up again. I found a 20G Tall on the internet and gathered all my old equipment to start it up. It was the best decision I've made in a long time! Born January 1st, 2021. My 20G Tall has a...
  4. E

    Soft coral ID please

    I got this coral as a unknown soft coral I thought it might have been a Kenya tree but it looks nothing like the Kenya tree it’s next to, a ID would be much appreciated, thank you.
  5. jbholasingh

    Xenia Identification

    Anyone can ID what type of Xenia this is? It was pulsing in the greenhouse when I bought it and when I first got it in my tank. It's been there 2 weeks now and hasn't started to pulse again.
  6. S

    What type of softies shed least?

    I'm looking for some sort of branchy soft coral. Some that I like are sinularia, cladiella (colt coral), and capnella (kenya tree). Which one between these sheds least/in the least obtrusive way? I've always hated the way toadstools shed because they are such an eyesore. I know sinularia don't...
  7. andiesreef

    What can I do to improve my setup?

    Hello everyone. After posting my build thread, which you can find here, I was inspired to see how I could keep the progression of my 20g long tank going strong and making it the best that it could be! Is there anything I should change or add in my setup? It is a 3 month old tank with no sump...
  8. marcinpolak

    Illinois WTB LTB Soft leathers

    Want to buy Rare Soft Coral leathers, will pay for shipping if needed, located at 60056. Specifically looking for... - Koji Wada Pink Nephtea - Japanese Weeping Willow Toadstool
  9. A

    Anyone know what this is?

    I got some Xenia about 3 days ago, and it’s pulsing moderately Bc it’s in decent flow, and it is opening up which is good, but I can’t help but notice a lot of the feathers are black? I’ve gotten some conflicting info on this, with people saying it’s a phase while some saying their Xenia’s...
  10. HonorableWhat

    Hello Newbie To Salt Oldie To Fresh

    Hi! After running various freshwater tanks through the years enjoying aquascaping and such, i decided i wanted to take on saltwater, and i thought it a good idea to join a forum more saltwater oriented for when i have questions and such to hopefully beable to gleam some of the wisdom others have...
  11. N3mo

    Build Thread 160G mixed reef tank

    Hi Guys Here is my build thread all the way from south africa. First il start of with some history. A small snippet from my tank of the month feature on our local reef forum of the previous nano tank.
  12. A

    Zoa ID

    Hello I am just wondering what type of zoa I have in my tank,i purchased it about a year ago and I still do not know its name, thanks for your help.
  13. J

    Nano Build Jimmehlee’s pico puddle

    I’d bet that most of us have a shelf, drawer, closet, or garage filled with spare parts. I made the mistake of getting bored and going through mine.... and found I had everything I needed on hand to start up a pico reef on my computer desk. Let this be a cautionary tale to learn some self...
  14. E

    Soft coral ID Please

    I just purchased this coral but don’t know what’s it’s supposed to be, can anyone help me ID this so I know what it’s supposed to look like
  15. JOE RIES

    Coral Farm advise

    Hello everyone Im starting a soft coral, lps and macroalga farm in Kent Washington, large scale and secret. Does any one have any advise on live stock. I've been doing this since 1997 and its easy now but I'm not sure where to start besides building my systems. I need to know what people want...
  16. E

    I really need some help with corals

    So I really need some help figuring this whole coral thing because it doesn’t make sense to me, I can keep zoas/palys no problem I recently added a red monti cap and it is doing fine so far, I can keep Duncan corals as well but every single time I try to add a soft coral like pulsing Xenia or...
  17. C

    Kenya Tree Shrivelled

    Hey everyone, I added a nice green Kenya Tree to my 20 gallon tank, one of two corals I have added today alongside a Toadstool. The coral has shrivelled right back into the frag that it’s on, and hasn’t fully extended since placing it first in my tank six hours ago. A moment ago it extended a...
  18. R

    Powerhead MP10

    Hey guys , I just bought the mp10 for my nuvo fusion 20 , I’m gonna run lps and softies , however, I’m having trouble with the mobius app as far as what I should place the settings on for that style tank , can I see some of you that have that style (lps & softies) tank and what you run it on...
  19. S

    Green Star Polyps GSP Curl up when lights on

    Hey Everyone, Hope everyone's doing great. I want to get some quick advice on my GSP coral. The tips curl up as soon as my lights come on. They are long and extended when the light go down/dark. I am not sure why do they do that? I have placed it on the sand bed towards the corner with no...
  20. Theescotland

    I’ve never seen this Blaso

    Any ID’s on this blasto? I have never seen this one.
  21. ChunkyMunky Pengopus

    Soft coral IDs

    Hello there, I am having a bit of trouble with some of these coral IDs, and would like to know what is in my tank. Here is my build thread for more info: ChunkyMunky Pengopus's 63 gallon reef I'm pretty sure this is not frogspawn... The orangish red corals in the back- they like lower light...
  22. J

    Looking for an ID for this coral(:

    It’s more of a yellow on the end and the stalk is more white
  23. Cavalina

    Strange Star Coral Ailment

    Hi All, over the past week or so a portion of my star coral has started to die off. I'm not sure what is causing it, or what to do. Nothing else in the tank is impacted. Here's a picture below -- any suggestion(s) on what it could be or what I should do? (It's the white part at the bottom...
  24. ThatPhillyReefer

    Myth or Fact?

    Is it a Myth or Fact that corals grow faster when glued to your rock work? Please tell what you think.
  25. J

    Dosing Once a Week for Softies

    Hey everyone, Is it possible to dose alk and cal once a week say at the end of the week instead of 10% water changes once a week?