soft coral

  1. Iggy305

    Bubbles on Kenya Tree

    Hi Folks! Hoping someone can offer some insight on the little Kenya Frag in my QT. It’s grown/done well along with everything else in the tank. A couple of weeks ago I noticed bubbles had formed near its base. I’ve searched around a bit but haven’t found a similar instance. Soooo, does...
  2. Omarons

    High PH good for Stony coral, what about LPS and Soft coral

    So BRS proved that high PH is important for SPS and stony coral health. But does the PH affect LPS and soft coral? Does it make the Lps coral or soft coral grow and propagate faster Can anyone chime in
  3. Schraufabagel

    Build Thread Schrauf's IM Lagoon 25 Mixed Macro Algae Reef

    I'm starting this build thread a little early. I am moving apartments in late March and am using that opportunity to transfer my Waterbox Peninsula Mini 25 contents to the new lagoon layout. It fit's my desired look far better, allowing for mangroves and more horizontal space for macro algaes...
  4. D

    Unhealthy or natural coral colour? Grey kenya tree.

    Hey guys, I currently have a softie tank and all the corals are doing well. I recently introduced what I think is a kenya tree and it is completely grey and has no colour. I'm wondering if this is just because it is unhealthy and needs to colour up or if that's just the natural colour of the...
  5. A

    Coral Beauty in a reef - is it worth it?

    Hey all, So for a while now I’ve “Will I, won’t I”’d adding a Coral Beauty Angel to my 55 gallon mixed reef, and after finalizing some things in the aquarium am thinking about taking the plunge at last. Now, my question isn’t necessarily about if these fish are coral safe, since I know they are...
  6. SRO-sales

    slow grow softies?

    What can I do? I've had my 46 gal bow front for close to a year now. For the most part it's doing rather well I think. The only hang up i have is it seems that my Green Star Polyps are not growing/spreading very fast at all and the Kenyan Tree is just now starting to fill out. I've had these...
  7. Schraufabagel

    Why is my coral like this?

    Count me very confused. My red cyano is still around after 2 chemi-clean treatments this past two weeks. My NO3 and phosphate have been in check for over 2 months (5 ppm and 0.05 ppm respectively) and never bottomed out. My TDS from my source water is 0 before I mix it with salt. Same with my...
  8. N

    Help with Dropping Alk

    I have a well established 32 gallon tank with another 10 gallons of sump. It has been up and running for 2 years. Recently my alk has started dropping and I can't seem to get it back up. Normally I try to keep it in the 8.0 range but over the last few weeks it has continued to drop and just hit...
  9. Dad2Wyatt

    Leather Id?

    Being offered a free frag but want to know what I’m putting in my tank if I do! can’t see under the actinics but it is a pinkish flesh color
  10. Dad2Wyatt

    Coral Stocking Plan

    How do you all go about deciding where to place your corals? I’m not talking about high or low light/flow, but more so where within the area of the tank they would succeed? I’ve narrowed down a list of possible corals I’d like to add, but haven’t been able to pull the trigger on any because I...
  11. Dad2Wyatt

    Build Thread 55 gallon mixed reef

    First ever saltwater tank! Started with bc an Aqueon 55 LED starter kit and went to upgrading! Current upgrades include: Cheap soon to be replaced powerhead Viparspectra 165 lights Next up I will be upgrading powerheads and filtration! Current Stock Ocellaris clownfish Orange ricordea...
  12. alishasreef

    30G Reef Tank Stocking

    Hi everyone! I’m currently looking at my reefs stock and trying to find the general “rule” for stocking reef tanks. For context I have a 164L 36 gallon tank with a sump, skimmer, live rock, refugium and it is 2 years old, i’m still slightly newer to corals so it’s a whole new ballpark! i’m...
  13. Blue Solomon tree

    For sale Blue Solomon tree

    I have a 4” frag blue Solomon tree for sale It is nice and healthy and encrusted on the plug, I can also cut to order from the mother colony if you want a bigger piece, price does not include shipping **PICTURE IS OF THE MOTHER COLONY**
  14. Taipan88

    Build Thread Taipan's Mixed Reef 250L DIY Build.

    Introduction: Hey All Been an avid fish keeper for over 25 years, there isn't much in freshwater which I have not kept and I've dabbled in marine in the past. My prior builds all crashed due to power failures and or going a bit too hard to fast. ( fast bioload additions without sufficient...
  15. AshenEmberose

    Firework Clove Polyps Refusing to Open

    I just bought 3 corals at my local fish store after my water test came back perfect and they said I should definitely try corals again. I got green star polyps, firework clove polyps, and a ricordea yuma mushroom coral. The mushroom is doing great and opened up almost immediately upon going into...
  16. Schraufabagel

    How much are you dosing in your nano tank?

    If you have a nano tank (for argument sake, let's say under 40 gallons), how much do you dose daily of each element? And what kinds of corals do you have? I have a 25 gallon mixed reef spread pretty evenly between LPS and softies, and will be adding a decent amount of SPS soon. Currently I dose...
  17. Paleozoic_reefer

    Build Thread My RSR 350 softie tank

    Hello felow reefers! So I decided to start documenting my RSR 350 journey of the past 4 years finally. Im constantly making tweaks, changes, and additions so I thought this would be the best way to document everything. So, I began reefing around 7 years ago and started with a 60 gal cube. it...
  18. JGTPA

    Red Planeria Question

    I found what I'm 99% sure is red Planeria on my soft coral. I'm experienced in the fish world but this is my first tank with Coral. I have some soft corals along with a bunch of fish. So how much do I need to worry about this? Is this something that may not cause any harm if left or do I need to...
  19. Bankertanker

    Office 10 gallon upgrade.

    Hey everyone, So I started this tank in August, so far everything is going great, We upgraded from a 10 gallon to a 20 long, added some new coral (Soft only) as well a Royal gramma who seems to be fitting in really nicely. This is from the 10...
  20. jtone_philthy_aquatics

    Build Thread DIY 40g breeder reef system / 20g long sump / fuge

    What’s up everyone long time no see. I haven’t been very active on here lately and it feels great to be back!! Hope everyone is doing well out there! So I’ve finally been putting together a reef system that I’ve been planning since I moved to the Midwest this past February. It’s a 40...
  21. nanonøkk

    possibly a colt coral?

    it got sold to me as a kenya tree but it definitely dosent act like the ones i’ve owned so could someone possibly id please so i know where to place it on the reef
  22. A

    Kenya tree/leather toxins effect on Xenia

    Hey y'all, I've been trying to solve a Xenia problem for some time now, and I'm wondering if this could be the problem. I have a 10 gallon aquarium with a single clown, 3 snails, and one emerald crab, that has been battling Dinos for months. The tanks is looking better, but my Xenia is looking...
  23. A

    Xenia falling apart?

    I had a pulsing Xenia come in the mail yesterday from a frag pack. All but a couple polyps have fallen off and they are stringy looking. Could I save it if so how ? Will post a pic later. (Btw I did do all the acclimation steps).
  24. Bankertanker

    Green star polyps

    Hey, So I was out of the office for a few days, one of my green star polyps fell off the rocks into the gravel and closed up and hasn't opened for over 24 hours, Is there anything that can be done to help it? Or any assistance for this would be amazing! Thanks in advance Also if anyone...
  25. RiptideAquaculture

    I'm bored, let see your first coral you added to your reef!

    In my most recent Reef this is my first addition. Build thread coming soon. "Show me what you got!"
Printed Reef - Custom Reef Accessories