soft coral

  1. chadfish

    Just another flow assessment

    I’m a newbie. Please assess my flow on these softies.
  2. Sakosreef

    Need some advice on mp40 placement/mode/power

    Hey everyone, can you guys give me some advice on what the ideal placement would be for my 2 mo40s? I have 2 s1 return pumps so I’m running 2k an hour through those, plus my 2 mp40s. I have one mp40 on each side pointed at each other about 3 or 4 inches under the water line. I have my mp40s set...
  3. dankaqua

    Stumped! Soft coral? ID - Jan 22, 2020 Maldives Reef photo

    Was shocked to see a very different type of soft coral in 2 feet of water on the fore-reef (Rasdhoo Island, Maldives) the other day. This area is very shallow with high temps and a fair amount of turbidity (suspended sand particles if the waves are slamming). The coral is very stiff (wave...
  4. ArtofReefing

    Mushroom ID Help

    Hey guys, I bought this mushroom about a year ago from my local lfs as a red devil mushroom. Fast forward up until recently I thought thats what I had until someone mentioned that its not indeed a true red devil. I'm confused, at this point the mushroom has grown and has offspring lol. I love it...
  5. CommanderInReef

    Is this Ricordea fully opened?

    I know they like low light and i've been thinking of shifting it back in the slight shady part of the other rock to the right. However ive had this for about 2 months and it hasn't grown too much. i haven't been able to decide if this is fully open or not but this is about as big as it will...
  6. joshharmony

    Hi nitrates 90 Gallon tank fowlr advice

    Hi all, new here. I’d love some guidance/advice from aquarists who might be able to help me figure out how to bring nitrates down in my tank. My tank is little over a year old. 90 gallon with a 30 gallon refugium, protein skimmer, with some Chateo growing beneath... The tank previously housed a...
  7. J

    Toadstool’s Not opening Fully

    Hi everyone, So for the longest time now 3 of my toadstools have been in this repeated shedding cycle for over a month. It’ll open a tiny bit but then close hours if not a day later, and then stay closed for days and days. I thought it was too low of flow so I increased it, but that hasn’t...
  8. V

    Zoa ID

  9. Cj2322

    Xenia vs. Sinularia who will win?

    Hello all! I have recently started adding corals to my 20 gal. Innovative Marine tank. The tank has been up and running for just over a year but as I am new to reefing I decided to go with all soft corals. My plan was to have a pulsing xenia colony take over a rock but I have really been drawn...
  10. TopShelfAquatics

    Welcome to the TSA Vault! Hottest Corals around!

    Welcome to The Vault. Inside you will find the rarest and most exclusive corals housed at TSA. These pieces were hand picked for their color, vibrance, health, and rarity. Having one of the largest aquaculture facilities in the industry, there are thousands of amazing corals to choose from, but...
  11. C

    Can someone ID these mushrooms?

    Hi, can someone identify those blue translucent mushrooms in the middle? I can’t get better pictures since this isn’t my pic or tank, thanks!
  12. CommanderInReef

    Bam Bam's Double Tentacle Layers?

    I bought these bam bams from one of my favorite local lfs (Nova Tropicals) and I got a 5 head bam bam frag. but after letting it acclimate overnight in the tank it's fully open with..... TWO polyp tentacle layers. i've never seen this and can't find any info on it. They didn't seem to have it at...
  13. J

    Clownfish Hosting Vargas Coral?

    Hi all, Is there by any chance a way I could encourage my pair of clowns to host this Vargas Cespitlaria coral? It’s grown to immense size so I was curious if it was possible. Sorry for the intense blue lighting, thank you!
  14. J

    Trace elements in a softie only tank

    Hi everyone, hope you and your reefs are all doing well. I just wanted to discuss something quick. I’ve read a lot of forums about how doing a 10% water change weekly/bi weekly or a 20% water change monthly is enough to replenish the elements for a softie only tank since they don’t consume a...
  15. attiland

    Build Thread The heater failure build

    I have had aquarium since I can remember. Ok the very first one hardly can be called an aquarium as it was just a 3l jar with a 2-3 inch catfish in it my dad caught while we were fishing. And that fish didn’t last long with me as he had to go back to the river Danube. It was growing faster and...
  16. Reefer37

    Texas WTB Higher End Leathers & Rock Flowers

    Trying to find some higher end leathers, maybe a pink tip weeping willow, Fiji yellow toadstool, pink nephthea, etc. Also interested in any rock flower anemones to add to my garden. Shoot me a message and let me know what you have!
  17. IMG_20201115_091449349.jpg


    Purple flower dendronephthya umbellulifera sp. In a 7.5 gallon nano tank.
  18. Michael Tang G

    Brain Coral dying all of a sudden?? Can it still survive?

    Yesterday, my brain coral was looking just fine but today, it looks like it’s on its way to dying and rather rapidly. It looks like it’s torn and the mouth is severely damaged. I’m just at a loss at how this happened. My water parameters are normal, though I did have a hair algae outbreak but...
  19. That1guy07

    HELP!! It looks like my Xenia is dying and idk what to do

    So yesterday, I get home from work. I work at a rehab hospital as a nurse aide taking care of brain damaged patients and the hours are long (12 hours) so at the end of the day I come home looking forward to seeing my reef. I had recently (about 2 weeks ago) bought heteroxenia off live aquaria’s...
  20. taylorn13

    Tank upgrade, when can I add some LPS??

    Hey guys, I just upgraded my 10 gallon to a 20 gallon innovative marine peninsula. Not sure what kind of start you would call this (if there even is any), but I basically used all the same rock in my 10 gallon (i kept them submerged and oxygenated during transfer) as well as filter media. I do...
  21. U

    EMERGENCY Bubble Coral

    Hey all. My bubble coral doesn’t look like it’s doing to well. Any advice would be great.
  22. Reefer37

    Online Coral Store for Soft Corals?

    Curious if anyone has recommendations for online coral stores for higher end soft corals? And no, I'm not talking about zoas. There's seems to be a lot of online stores dedicated to different types of corals like acros or euphyllias, but I don't know of any really for higher end softies.
  23. nanonøkk

    why is my kenya tree limping

    it’s been in the same spot i haven’t moved or changed the flow but why is it limping like this
  24. Perpetual Novice

    Build Thread Finally getting serious: The 180 gallon dream tank

    I’ve been in the feeding hobby since I was 16. While most kids begged for a puppy I somehow convinced my parents to buy a 75 gallon saltwater tank instead. You might say that tank was a failure, but I fell in love with the hobby during those two years of heartache and frustration. 2 years ago I...
  25. Squeven

    Florida Ricordea Help!

    Last night all my coral were looking normal and happy. This morning my Florida Ricordea was brown around the mouth. Any ideas what is happening? Prameters: Ammonia 0.0 Nitrite 0.0 Nitrate 0.0 Calcium 380 Salinity 1.025 Ph 8.3 Kh 9.8 Temperature 78F Sorry about photo quality.
A Reef Creation