
  1. P

    Nano Build RSM Reefer Nano & 170 Refugium

    I searched for hours for the largest capacity skimmer that would fit and allow me to run a larger refugium in the skimmer compartment .... The eshopps AXIUM x-120 fits next to sock area which I’m going to run the media cup instead . Thought I’d share just have to cut a little of the tab off on...
  2. Peach02

    Cycling a refugium?

    essentially I am planning a new tank and I've decided to make a external refugium for it however I cannot afford the new tank as of right now. My question is do I need to cycle the refugium if I start it now as all I would be putting in it is some cheato some media. My question is will this need...
  3. Mike9976

    NEW to R2R!

    Hello everyone, No stranger to the hobby but have been fish free for last several years. Just purchased a 185 corner and now looking for some tips as I have been out of the game for a bit. I have kept Salt, Reef, Africans, SA Cichlids, Designer Goldies. Pretty much everything. Now getting back...
  4. Ceciliaz

    Texas Radion Gen2 pro and Kessil H80

    Great condition radion Gen2 pro with mounting arm. Manufacturer date is Sep. 23 2013. There’s nothing wrong with the light, I just upgraded to gen 4. Kessil h80 tuna flora is about 14 months old but I’ve only used for about a month. I ordered 2 but end up only need 1 for my refugium. It’s been...
  5. S

    Chaeto algae

    Hey guys, I’ve got the aqua top 29 gallon all in one. I want to start some sort of refugium, Is there a way to place chaeto in that small sump area, light it up,and have it stay healthy? Can it just roll around the tank? Any words of advice for more experienced saltwater keepers in greatly...
  6. S

    FS: Eshopps R-200 3rd Generation Refugium Sump

    Delivery Includes 1 x Used R-200 sump 2 x Flex Hoses (Never been used) 2 x Used foam filters Asking Price: $210 Shipped
  7. ReefNerd

    Grow Algae to Fight Algae - Santa Monica RAIN2 Review

    In this video I discuss growing algae with a focus on the RAIN2 Algae Turf Scrubber. In my opinion, there is no better way to keep nutrients in check, and combat algae in your display than a properly size refugium, algae reactor or algae turf scrubber.
  8. RomoFL

    Florida WTB Kessil H80 Flora & mini gooseneck

    Looking for both of these products: Zip code 33426 Thanks guys!
  9. surcalation

    Large Build UK 250gal soft coral tank using Reef Zlements

    After such a warm welcome in the welcoming section and a few questions of "show us your build" here is the start of my reefing journey. This is my 4th fish tank and 2nd marine tank. My first marine tank was running for 6 years before it was closed down due to a suspected tank leak and upcoming...
  10. Wonderboy

    Nano Build The UGFuge 2.5G Pico Reef

    Hey everyone! I'm experimenting with an atypical build, and I figured I'd share here, too. It originally was one of those old school pico reef entries for's recent contest, but some aspects hindered it's inclusion; however I went forward with the "experiment". I am attempting to reef...
  11. Dr. Dendrostein


    I need phytoplankton, so going to setup refugium outside, any tips,advice?
  12. bar|none

    Build Thread SPS Dominant Reefer 170 Full Triton Kessil/T5 Hybrid

    (NEW SPS!!) My goal is to build out a Red Sea Reefer 170 with modifications to run a Mixed LPS/SPS tank on the Full Triton method. Refugium as primary nutrient export with Hybrid LED/T5 lighting. Small skimmer rather than full sized, to guard real estate for refugium. VIDEO TOUR of Sump Mods...
  13. potatocouch

    misc. algae & macro in refugium (in sump)

    in the ideal world, we would love to have only Chaeto (or some prefer Caulerpa) in their fuge (sump) but in saying that, if worst come to worst, the refugium is filled with all sort of misc. algaes i.e. GHA, Caulerpa, Chaeto, Red Dragon, Bryopsis .. does it really matter? I mean as long as they...
  14. ShanesClowns

    Refugium grow light glow into tank

    I have converted a aqua clear 110 into a HOB refugium , my question is , I turn the grow light on when the tank light goes out, but the purple light spills into the tank a little , is that ok?? Will it cause algae growth in the DT, Or hurt any of the corals? Thanks
  15. ShanesClowns

    Aquaclear 110 to a refugium

    I have a 75g mixed reef, 80lbs of live rock , lots of softies , no sump, current filtration is a HOB 1000 octo, and a reactor for GFO or carbon depending on what I need. My only mistake , which I can't change now is not having a sump. Parameters Salinity 1.025 All 8.5 Ph 8.2 Temp 77 Mag 1360...
  16. Z

    Display Refugium - Need Stocking / Setup Advice

    Hi All. I will be setting up a display refugium off of a new tank - tank will be a 220 bare bottom into a sump. The refugium (24g/18in cube) is external to the sump and will be fed by a separate pump in the last chamber of the sump. It has an overflow that will return back to the first chamber...
  17. BaileyB

    Refugium invertebrate ideas?

    Just finished making my own DIY sump with a standard 10g tank for my 20g tank. I have a refugium in the middle and am looking for things I could add for algae control, and just to keep the refugium cleanish. I know ill have to scrub some algae but want to do as little as possible. I have some...
  18. Mal11224

    Mike’s 171 gallon Waterbox Peninsula

    So, I ventured into that wonderful world of tank upgrades. I upgraded from my 70g cadlights II tank to a Waterbox 5226 peninsula. I'll be the first to say that it was quite challenging and took me nearly all day to do it. I found myself worrying and stressing during the whole process. But...
  19. MarineDepot

    How to Grow Chaeto Algae and Other Macroalgae Like a PRO

    How to Grow Chaeto Algae and Other Macroalgae Like a PRO| Lighting, Parameters, & Flow VIDEO: Optimal lighting, parameters, & flow for lush macroalgae growth!
  20. MarineDepot

    VIDEO | Prime Fuge Review

    VIDEO | Prime Fuge Review Optimized to grow macroalgae—and grow it fast!
  21. MarineDepot

    How to Set Up a Refugium

    How to Set Up a Refugium VIDEO: Harvesting Macroalgae To Control Nitrate and Phosphate
  22. Willz

    Kessil H160 Flora

    Hello all, I recently bought some Kessil 160 Flora lights. I also, unfortunately, bought the Kessil Spectral X controller, which is compatible with the lights but is really for the 300 series lights. The SpectralX unit allows for me to program the following variables: intensity, violet, red...
  23. MarineDepot

    IT'S HERE! The All-New AI Prime Fuge Light

    IT'S HERE! The All-New AI Prime Fuge Light Illuminate your Fuge!
  24. MarineDepot

    Who wants a free TRITON test kit?

    Who wants a free TRITON test kit? Check out our new video on The TRITON Method and enter for your chance to win! No purchase necessary. 6 winners will be selected. Learn more about TRITON ...
  25. MarineDepot

    The Triton Method Explained

    The Triton Method Explained How It Works and Interpreting Lab Test Results
Aquarium Specialty