
  1. Ignitros

    AIO Build AIO tank mounts for SB REEF Lights Sprite Fuge.

    Hey everyone! I just wanted to post for everyone who has an AIO tank with a refugium. I was always using under powered lights just because of space limitations. Recently I purchased an SB REEF Lights Sprite Fuge and couldn't figure out how to use it because the mounts are either hanging or...
  2. Rik

    Illinois Items No Longer Needed

    Hey folks! Hope all of you had a great holiday. I am giving this another go on a few items I have that are extras or that I no longer need. If you are in the Chicago area, we can arrange meeting for pick up vs shipping. 1) Eshopps PF-Nano Overflow Box with InTank bracket for overflow box ...
  3. garbled

    25 Gallon fuge vs multiple Chaeto reactors?

    I need at least one more block of algae for my system to process nitrates. I currently have two ideas, and am wondering if people have experience or opinions or whatever as to which to do here: Option 1: A big 25 gallon fuge. Idea is simple. A 25 gallon tall AGA tank with a massive overhead...
  4. bboygraphix

    California FS: One gallon bags of chaeto macro algae for your refugium

    Prefer local pickup in Irvine, CA Just trimmed my refugium and have two 1 gallon bags full of chaeto including pods and other beneficial critters. Price is $25 each, local pickup. Will consider shipping if no local buyers (PM me your zipcode for price).

    Marine Pure Algae?

    Does everyone let algae grown on the marine pure plates or do you scrape/sponge it off? I am assuming to keep the 'pores' open I need to get it off...
  6. SilverCityReef

    Zetlight E200 Settings

    So I picked up the Zetlight E200 refugium light from BRS during the Black Friday deals and I'm looking for input on what other reefers are using for settings and having success with. Thanks in advance.
  7. Lylelovett

    First refugium - lighting and flora?

    Hi all, Building my first reef tank. Currently fishless cycling so I'm beginning to think about my refugium. My refugium as part of my sump is 15H x 9W x 17D. I'm planning to use rubble vs sand. My two questions are: 1. What's a good starter algae/plant? I'm assuming chaeto? and...
  8. T

    Could a Refugium only filter work?

    hello I am building a 190 gallon reef tank tank with a fifty five gallon sump. I was wondering if it would be possible to make the whole sump a refugium and fill it with chaeto algae and around 75 mangrove trees. Would this provide adequate filtration
  9. choss

    Sump & Refugium Advice

    I would love advice on a design I am considering for a new build. In my current build I have a smaller sump (ruby cube 20" Trigger sump) and run the refugium in the section next to the skimmer along with some live rock for good measure. What I don't like about this setup is 1). its tight and...
  10. incloud design

    Refugium or Light Over Sump

    Hey guys, I recently got my Reefer 450 up and running and now want to focus on having a great means of algae control. The Reefer looks so nice right now and I want to avoid any algae problems which I've experienced in the past with other tanks. I have a Reefer 450 and a 65 gallon tank running...
  11. SilverCityReef

    Fuge - H80/H380 - Baffles

    Let me start off by saying how glad I am that R2R exists and how helpful all members have been during my initial startup process. The first 2 paragraphs are background and tank info so you may skip reading. I have decided to finally get my 40B up and running so I have been slowly gathering...
  12. Joe Batt

    Wild collected Sea Lettuce in refugium?

    I am on holiday in Bali and there is a livelclean beach close by with sea lettuce growing on the rocks. I just have cheato in the refugium at the moment but was thinking some sea lettuce might add diversity. What are your thoughts? Had a friend say it grows like wildfire and a no no....
  13. landlocked303

    Red Sea's new refugium ready Reefer sump

    Anyone have experience with the redesigned Reefer sump that claims to be refugium ready? I think it's on the 250 and up. How big is it? Is it easy to do maintenance/mount lights to? Thanks!
  14. mike wilson

    Refugium research

    I will start off saying I'm not new to the hobby but have been out for 2 years now. I am in the planning stages of getting a reef tank up and running again (180 gallon). My question is this would a large refugium septate from the sump (say 75-120 gallon tank) be enough even if I was heavily...
  15. Joe Batt

    Triton and Algae Scrubbers vs Refugiums.

    I seem to have a problem growing cheato. I bought some cheato from Algae Barn a good few months ago and that seems to be a much thicker strain of cheato than what the local reefers and LFS have here. The Algae Barn stuff is hanging in there, but not growing and any of the local stuff just melts...
  16. Lylelovett

    Does the paint color of the inside of the stand matter?

    Hi all, I'm almost ready to prep and pain the inside of my stand and starting thinking about paint color. My current plan is to use one the appliance-epoxy/Killz/RedGard recommendations and paint it white - it always looks so nice and clean and bright with a door-triggered LED. :) That said...
  17. nightmarepl

    Need help 10gallon nano reef

    hey guys/girls i currently have a 10g. Reef tank running for about 6 months now give or take everything in the tank is growing anc living well but I’ve been having problems with my ph it’s always low always around 7.8 or lower my corals usually start acting up when this happens need a fix I’ve...
  18. gpwdr

    The important algae bed in the refugium

    *** WARNING *** Don't you kids try this at home! Before After I was going to thin out the algae bed. It was so thick it just came out in one piece and threw it in the trash. The result was an NO3 spike. The corals turned brown and started tissue recession. One coral bleached out. Waiting...
  19. clownenthusiast2017

    Mini Display Refugium??

    Hey #reefsquad!! I've been wanting to add a small refugium to my 32 gallon cube and I love some of your display refugiums. It got me thinking about setting up a little one next to my aquarium. I was thinking maybe a large vase or glass container with a light that can sit next to my cube. I was...
  20. Mr.Acro

    Refugiums: Do's, don'ts, and what to look for.

    Hey all, Thought we could start a thread on how to run a successful refugium. These are important, yet often overlooked, aspects of our ecosystems. Any advice to beginners and advanced aquarists alike would be valued. Thanks and happy reefing. -Mr.Acro
  21. Algal Filtration In Reef Aquariums

    Algal Filtration In Reef Aquariums

    Algal Filtration In Reef Aquariums By Bryan of Santa Monica Filtration With modern reefkeeping, more people are wanting to filter their tanks the same way that all natural reefs (and lakes and rivers) are filtered, which is by using algae. We are going to look at the main types of algal...
  22. MarineDepot

    Algal Filtration In Reef Aquariums

    Algal Filtration In Reef Aquariums By Bryan of Santa Monica Filtration With modern reefkeeping, more people are wanting to filter their tanks the same way that all natural reefs (and lakes and rivers) are filtered, which is by using algae. We are going to look at the main types of algal...
  23. scott11106

    why is my Chaeto dying

    so i have a new 300g with a 100g sump (see my build for details) and i have 2 kessil h80's in the refugium section of the sump with a bunch of broken up pieces of live rock. i put some Chaeto in a while back and it seems to continue to die off, i have tried pulling lights down a bit and tried...
  24. scott11106

    What color lights do i use for refugium?

    i have 2 h80 kessil's and they can be tweaked to the red spectrum or blue spectrum and i am trying to grow some algae but not sure where to set lights, under the blue there did not seem to be any growth so i switched to red but not sure that is right?? please give me thoughts as the chaeto...
  25. Joe Batt

    Green hair algae in refugium

    I have recently restarted my tank using a large refugium and a Kessil H380. I am getting lots of green hair algae in the refugium but not in the tank. The refugium seems to be doing what it should. However, what is the feeling on removing GHA from the refugium? Just let it be or remove?