
  1. lazycouch

    best lighting for chaeto growth?

    i’ve read pure white does fantastic, blue and red, red only, no less than 50% red etc. what lights/ light spectrum do you guys recommend from experience? is the most effective factor for growth proper current? thank you!
  2. lazycouch

    good overflow box??

    hey everyone, i’m looking to start an under tank refugium for my 30 gallon but drilling is not an option. i was wondering if you can post some links or recommend good or the best overflow boxes for my size? thanks! the fuge will be somewhere between 10-20 gallons
  3. lazycouch


    so i’m thinking of starting a refugium for my 30 gallon uni tank (built in sump) and i want to make sure my train of thought is making sense so far as i study refugiums. my plan is to use a 5 gallon tank and store it inside the cabinet my tank is on top of since i have no space elsewhere and the...
  4. killergoby

    Build Thread Clay's 75G Barebottom Build

    In the process of quarantining away from my aquarium, and in the very near future moving, I decided to build a new system for my fish/corals that will last at least the two years on my next lease. My fiancé is not completely on board with the idea of going bigger for the aquarium, so I convinced...
  5. dtruitt

    Which inverts will deplete a fuge of pods / is my fuge stock safe with a mandarin?

    I have three bumblebee snails, a few turbos, a blue leg hermit, a two legged CC star (harlequin food) and a sand sifting star (soon to be harlequin food) in my fuge. Pod population in the fuge seems to be lighter than usual, but I also recently did a course of prazi and am carbon dosing...
  6. Reefer37

    Will this Work as Refugium Light?

    Was looking into lights for a refugium and remembered I had this Aqueon Planted Aquarium Light: It would be going on the back of a HOB refugium for my 45g AIO. Will this thing work for a refugium and growing chaeto? I'm new to refugiums so wasn't sure.
  7. Lillmoya

    Sargassum refugium?

    Anyone ever try to make refugium using sargassum since it’s so readily available on the beach? What should I treat with to avoid the hitchhikers and icky stuff? I was planning on using paraguard by Seachem for a couple of weeks and letting it grow in a tub before introducing it to the system...
  8. andrewey

    Virginia Reglar Cheato & Clean Cheato

    I have a little more than 3 cups of cheato if anyone is interested for $15 shipped. Shipping will be via USPS first class and I would prefer to ship out early in the week to avoid weekend delays. I'm currently setting up a clean cheato grow out tank, so while this cheato was previously dipped...
  9. N

    Help with Chaeto in Fijicube 20 Sump

    Hello, I have a Fijicube 20 sump and have been using the refugium section for chaeto. This section measures 5.2" by 5.8" by 10" of water. I have been using this cheap grow light mounted to the sides of the refugium. It has been several months and the chaeto isn't really growing and the entire...
  10. Lowlandreef

    Build Thread My first tank: Red Sea Reefer 170!

    Hello reefers! I joined R2R yesterday, and I'm very excited about the warm welcome I got! People told me already about the tank threads, so let's give it a shot. This might become a little bit of a long story, but we'll see how it goes. As long as I can remember, I've been passionated about...
  11. Eg0790

    DIY Redsea reefer ATO to refugium mod

    I just wanted to share this with the community, got it done in about a hour with 0 glass drilling experience. This can be done by anyone and im really happy with the results as you can have more space for equipment and still have your macro algae in your sump.
  12. Reefer37

    HOB Refugium Recommendations for 45g Tank

    Any recommendations on a decent HOB Refugium that isn't too big for a 45g tank? I'm new to these, so not sure what all I need other than a grow light and the refugium.
  13. Erick Armanii

    Open debate on marine pure blocks and other materials!

    I recently upgraded to a 125Long, with the trigger system triton 44 sump. In my last tank I had some marine pure blocks in the sump. Due to an ick outbreak the tank has since been fallow and I’ll be waiting 3 months before moving any live rock or marine pure to the new tank. Is marine pure...
  14. Coralqueendom


    Right now I have a 60 gal display and a. 20 gallon refugium with caulerpa dragons breath and cheato. And 20 pounds of sand. And a 20 gallon sump. I’m upgrading to a drilled 75 gal with a custom made 40 gallon sump with an extra large fuge chamber. I’m worried about the decrease in water volume...
  15. E

    Tiny Flatworms

    Does anyone know if I should be worried about these tiny flatworms? I took this video of them in my refugium with a copepod for size reference.
  16. jtshipley

    Pennsylvania WTB KESSIL H80

    title says it all would be open to a h160 for the right price.
  17. Reefer NYC

    Hello New Reefer - RSR 170 Set Up

    Hi All, I've been a lurker on R2R for a long time and finally built up the courage (and funds) to pull the trigger on a Red Sea Reefer 170. I have had freshwater planted tanks my entire life, but this is my first attempt at a reef aquarium. I am aiming for mixed reef at first, but ultimately...
  18. ReefBud508

    Whats a few good macro types to add to a reef tank itself ?

    Looking to add a couple types of macro to my reef tank to break up the corals looking for a more natural look for my tank ...also in return having them also be a food source and a nutrient reducing livestock any suggestions I'm new to the whole macro algae thing but i hear nothing but good...
  19. C

    IM nano 10 gallon refugium

    Hey hey! Wondering if this will work as a refugium. Middle chamber of the IM fusion nano 10 gallon.
  20. Lylelovett

    Ways to shield sump from refugium lighting?

    Hi all, I just picked up the AI Prime Fuge light and love it! But is it bright! :) I’m brainstorming some ways to shield/block the light from flooding the rest of the sump: - Cinefoil? This stuff is pretty awesome - not the prettiest necessarily, but I’m leaning this way. Essentially built...
  21. L

    What is your lighting schedule?

    Personally I'm still fairly new to the hobby. I have a good few tanks I'm proud of. I was wondering what amount of time people light their tank for, and the same question for a refugium. Because of algae I personally only light my tanks for 6 hours, for the one tank I have with a refugium, the...
  22. JustenT

    Skimmer? Fuge?

    Hey, I went to a local coral shop at found a setup. 25g rimless cube with stand, and a small sump. (100$) so I bought it. the problem I’m having is the sump is more tall than wide. I don’t have room for a microbubble trap if I use a skimmer and fuge. I want to do it right, the stand can’t fit a...
  23. Lilmssmartiepant

    Reefer 625 xxl built in refugium set-up help needed.

    Does anyone have the newer 625xxl with built in refugium? Need help and idea to set up the refugium section. Thanks!
  24. JustenT

    What is this? SUMP HELP!

    Alright, so I went to a local coral shop and found a 25 gallon rimless cube, with stand, and sump. It was a great USED bundle. It was 100. Had to do a lot of cleaning, but it’s looking good (still have to clean the sump). Anyways, I don’t know what kind of sump this is, I’m getting the tank...
  25. nanoShearer

    Nano Build Refugium for Fluval Evo 13.5

    Hi, everyone! I'm looking for information on creating a refugium in the second chamber of my Fluval Evo 13.5. Has anyone done this? If so, did it make a difference in the nutrient levels in your tank? I'm worried that the refugium would be too small to make any noticeable difference. I'd...