
  1. K

    Is my live rock dead? (Photos attached)

    Hello, I have very regrettably neglected my fish tank after a big move for a year and I'm finally settled in and ready to get it back to its former glory. I have not been doing my usual amount of water changes and I understand the tank is in rough shape. All the equipment has been running, but...
  2. K

    Is my live rock dead? (Photos attached)

    Hello, I have very regrettably neglectedy tank after a big move. I have stored it in the basement for about a year now without as many water changes and care as I used to give it. Now that I have settled from my move I am looking to clean up and restart the tank to it's former glory. I have had...
  3. walloutlet

    what the heck IS THAT!

    So I came down stairs to stare at my aquarium while on a Zoom call and ran across this white squiggly looking thing on my glass. I’m assuming some type of eggs from something but I do not know what. Any ideas?
  4. MarshallB

    I wish there was a _______!

    Fill in the blank. It could be anything aquarium related. From fish, equipment, treatments, products, whatever. I wish there was an auto adjusted skimmer based on the organic matter in the water. Secondly, I also wish my wallet could afford all the fish/corals I want.
  5. NewGoby

    Montipora lowlight, vs highlight?

    Heey, So I have 3 red montipora growing under my ReefLED 50s. 2 of them are directly under the reefleds: And 1 is on the front window: Now I understand that, the Monti's that are directly under my ReefLED's are more brightly coloured (pink) rather than the darker red of the one on the 2nd...
  6. Mrfd217

    Question - Anyone remove glass from sump in JBJ 65?

    I have a JBJ 65 and wanted to know if anyone has removed one of the glass sump separators? If you did remove one, why and how did it work out? Thanks in advance!
  7. flourishofmediocrity

    Reinforcing floor, which bid should I pick?

    I got a couple of bids from contractors to reinforce the floor for a 200 Gallon peninsula spanning ~4 joists. I live in the Seattle area for context, and I was surprised by how big a difference in price they both came in at for about the same materials and work. I was hoping a contractor could...
  8. Bleakborn

    Using Vibrant in a newly set up Frag Tank?

    So my question is simple, would you use Vibrant in a newly set up Frag Tank? Would/Could you even add it before there is a sign of Algae? Some background; I am in the process of setting up a 20 gallon long quarantine/frag tank to hold my monti frags while I deal with the dreaded montipora...
  9. H

    Montipora is this normal?

    Is is this normal for a montipora? Is place on top par 240 Alk 9.5 Calcium 476 Salinity 35ppm Magnesium 1500 Temp 78 0 nitrates 10 phosphates Tank 6 months old Thanks
  10. Sleeping Giant

    Chromis baby

    So, just noticed this swimming behind rock, looks like 3-4 of them. Look like baby fish, I have 2 Chromis and no other pairs of fish. It's not swimming like a Shrimp or crab Any thoughts?
  11. wolt

    Need help hammer won’t open

    Need help don’t know why hammer is closed
  12. KJones90s

    Tang Identification

    Had a tang sold to me as a Atlantic Blue...but upon closer inspection I’m thinking it might be a purple. What do you guys think? I’ll try to get better pictures later as I just did a water change.
  13. Sleeping Giant

    Need help

    With how my aquarium is laid out, should it be a problem to add frogspawn, GSP, and hammer coral frags? Frag sizes will be roughly a beer can diameter. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have a 13" toadstool, mint chocolate chip zoas, RBTA, frag button of blue zoas.
  14. El_Guapo13

    Aiptasi x left in mailbox for 2 days in Texas heat, is it still good to use?

    As title says. I ordered Aiptasia X off of Amazon last week. It got delayed. It finally got delivered on June 30. Problem is, Amazon never sent me a notification of delivery. And since I don't drive down the street to get my mail from the mailbox every day, I of course did not get it until I...
  15. Sleeping Giant

    Fluval products

    Just wondering if anyone uses Fluval products in their reef tank(s). I currently use: CP1, CP2, CP4 powerheads Fx4 canister filter (used a 306 canister filter prior, but wanted more water volume) Fluval LED marine 3.0 Bluetooth (48-60") Fluval LED marine 1.0 white/blue switch (48-60"), will...
  16. Sleeping Giant

    Contests not for any Canadians

    What gives with all the contests available to the continental US, and none for your Canadian cousins? It's really not hard to send stuff across the border, there's no just goes in a truck or plane and crosses the border in the same amount of time to send stuff from 1 state to another.
  17. KJones90s

    How’s my cycle going? (Shrimp method)

    Been cycling for 2 weeks, went with the shrimp method. I put one in and left it for 3 days until it began to swell, then I siphoned it out as I didn’t want it to burst and get crap all over the tank (wasn’t aware of the mesh bag method). not seeing much in the way of nitrate but my ammonia...
  18. B

    Screaming Green Birdsnest Coral

    What is the difference between the screaming green birdnest coral ( Vivid aquariums ) and the regular ORA green birdnest coral?? Does anyone have the screaming green one? It costs a little more, just wanted to know a bit more about it before I purchase it. Thank you in advance.
  19. newave

    Newbie with ID Question - Marine "Ant Trap"?

    Hey, folks! This is my first time posting, so I hope I'm in the appropriate space for help with ID'ing. This morning, as I was inspecting my tank I noticed a sort of "ant trap" in my fine sand. I tried to do relevant Google searches but couldn't find any info. I have noticed no feelers or...
  20. galantra

    Why doesn’t my calcium drop?

    So currently right now I have a mix reef with probably more sps currently in my tank. Towards the start I had to add both calcium and alkalinity to get to the levels I needed before adding any corals into the tank. Since adding only thing that’s been dropping is Alk. So currently my Calcium...
  21. Carebearsss.x

    75 Gallon Tank. Any Suggestions?

    hellloooo everybody! im looking to buy some lighting for my 75 gallon tank! which brand would you recommend I should get?
  22. S

    Hammer Coral Question

    Hey guys what’s my hammer coral doing?
  23. gavinb612

    Upgrading tank question

    I unfortunately made the mistake of settling for a lesser than because it was cheaper, and now I am switching to what I wanted, but my question is, will me moving all my rock, ceramic, marine pure, and possibly some of the water cause a cycle in the new tank? I’m moving from a 24g Aquatop that’s...
  24. imarino326

    Debate/Question- What makes certain corals so expensive/rare? (such as certain zoa color morphs, ie.)

    I've been wondering about this for sometime now, but what makes certain patterns and colors so rare/expensive? In the terms of zoanthids and palythoas, what makes a certain color morph so special? Or when it comes to acroporas and anacroporas; they look alike but you can find some really pricey...
  25. O

    Friend for my Foxface

    A buddy gave me his one-spot foxface and now I'd like to get a friend for him. I understand that multiple foxfaces can pair up, but will it work if the other fish isn't exactly the one-spot variety? Such as a foxface lo or a magnificent foxface? I don't want to introduce any aggression to this...