
  1. FishAreCool

    Coral Question

    How many corals could fit in a 16 gallon biocube?
  2. FishAreCool

    NPS coral questions

    I like sun corals and chili corals specifically. I know you have to feed these, but other than that how hard are they to care for? And do they need an established tank? Could they go in a mixed reef tank? How much should I feed them? I also know that chili corals need to be put upside down.
  3. Matt Bravo

    Wave maker question

    Hello everybody I am planning on getting wave maker in order to start buying some coral. Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on the innovative marine aqua gadget desktop wave link dc power head? I have a rectangle 10 gallon like 18” x 10” roughly and was wondering if this wave maker...
  4. BleachedCoral

    What are these stalked green sprouts?

    These are sturdy, slow-growing sprouts that kind of look like leeks. What are these strange sprouts? Thanks for any help.
  5. L

    Natural Sunlight

    Hello Everyone! Well, to start off, I should have listened to everyone on going bigger.... Not because it's easier but because I would want to upgrade! We just moved into a new house and I got a free 75 gallon tank (excuse the stand ... I will not be using that one. I will be building one!) and...
  6. S

    Can anything beat 3 AI primes for $750 or less?

    I was thinking about upgrading the lights on my 40b to something strong enough to grow sps and I think 3 AI primes would be probably the best way to do that for the best price. Do you guys know of anything better for around $750 dollars?
  7. Matt Bravo

    General coral needs

    So I've had my 10 gallon for about a month now and my pair of clowns look okay so I want to add corals to encourage them to hopefully explore more of the tank since they still like the right side of the tank a lot more. I've heard mixed opinions on torches and hammer which I'm interested in but...
  8. L

    125 Gallon Reef Aquarium! *UPGRADING*

    Hello Everyone! I recently moved into a new house and my spouse insisted I upgrade to a bigger tank as this was the time to do it! I was initially going to go with a 75 gallon, but we have a wall in the living room that is 6' and she told me to just go with the 6' 125 gallon tank so we don't...
  9. Randomblackreefer

    Frag Tank

    Can you use an old quarantine tank that had some copper in it as a frag tank? How would you clean the copper out of it?
  10. B

    This light good for phyoplankton

    I'm into reefs not plants lol, is this light good for feeding phytoplankton?
  11. B

    Observation tank question

    Hi, I have a spare tank in my closet. I use it for observation. If I have an outbreak I move said animal to a hospital Acrylic box. In my observation tank, would it be beneficial to add sand? I already have live rock in there and Rubble in My hob filter. Question two, this observation tank is...
  12. B

    Clowns pacing in tank

    So quick question on this, I had dinos BAD and my clowns got sick, took them out to bring to my lfs, while they were gone, I rearranged rocks to give more swimming room (90 gallon tank) no other fish except neon goby. I got the dinos pushed back My lfs cared for them and they sat in a qt tank...
  13. B

    Mexican Turbo snail hibernation?

    I couldn't find a better thread to post this in, but after fighting off a dino outbreak I had zero algae in the tank. At least noticeable algae. Although there are copepods. I've noticed the last two or three days my large Mexican Turbo snail hasn't been moving at all. Now I know he's still...
  14. W

    Questions on photosynthetic sponges.

    Hello, I’ve been setting up this nice little coastal reef I’ve got all the macroalgae sand lettuce added to it that I was interested in putting in now just really letting it grow in more. Anyways my question is does anyone have experience with photosynthetic sponges? I’ve been considering one...
  15. B

    Help ID'ing dinos please!

    Just a quick overview before we begin, one I would like to thank you for taking your time to read and help me out and two I'll keep a close eye for any replies. So I have a 90 gallon aquarium with no Coral just two clownfish, one neon goby, one blue sapphire damsel, and one fox face rabbitfish...
  16. L

    Skimmer advice

    Hey everyone! Back here with another question ... sorry. I've come across a skimmer called the Bubble Magus - Curve 3 Extreme Skimmer on The only problem is, I cannot find ANY piece of advice on that skimmer? It does not seem like ANYONE has ANYTHING to say about it. I...
  17. W

    How does velvet infect in a qt system?

    Hello all I have more of a scientific question of interest, so based upon what I’ve seen from the velvet life cycle it needs a sand or substrate to infect a fish yeah? but it also is found in fish via well it being carried by them so here’s my question, say two fish are in a bare qt system can...
  18. W

    Can you use too many bio blocks?

    Hey guys so I was testing out putting bio blocks in my tank’s back compartment where the skimmer use to be since someone in a different thread recommended I didn’t truly need a skimmer for a 13.5 gallon, I want to add I previously have added live rock to the display, I have the little bag of...
  19. W

    Budgeting a new tank?

    Hey guys so I’ve had this 13.5 gallon reef of mine and honesty I’m already obsessed with the hobby, the common phrase I’ve heard of to as big as you can is something I am regretting not doing so I’m here to ask how much should I realistically budget for say a 30-40 gallon tank that I also give a...
  20. B

    Question! Tuxedo urchin do be crazy...

    So right now, my urchin climbed my glass and I'm currently wondering... how. How does he attach himself to the glass? I thought that maybe he has a foot by its mouth but then I saw his mouth faced up to the surface (I was feeding him nori) and realized he's gripping the glass with his side...
  21. M

    Multiple clownfish pairs?

    My tank is finally done cycling and I'm looking to start with clownfish for my tank. It's ~360 gallons (8' x 30" x 30") with a 120 gallon sump. I know with clownfish, unless you get a harem, eventually the female and her bonded male will likely kill everyone else. A lot of people seem to have...
  22. W

    Why all the feather dusters?

    I run a JBJ 45 gal AIO set up. My reef is very clean with absolutely no algae. My water tests for nitrate and phosphate is always zero. I do feed with very small mysis shrimp so maybe small food particulates is feeding the tube worms; there's also a few sponge species in the back of my tank as...
  23. itrymybest

    15G Aqueon Tank Stand

    Hello, I am interested if anyone knows of a good stand that is the right size for the aqueon 15 gallon. Not the column tank but just the normal-sized one. I think the dimensions are 24 1/4 x 12 3/8
  24. C

    Should I get a school of anthia or damsels?

    Hey guys I want to get a school of lyretail anthias but people are saying they’re a handful. Should I consider a school of yellow tail or blue devil damsels instead or will that not work? Also why are the anthias a lot of work?
  25. ekandler

    Happy Welso with dull colors

    I got a welso from a store a couple months ago. It’s been doing well, very puffy, so I got another today and noticed the coloration of my new one is much brighter than the one in my tank. They both seem happy, but something in my tank is preventing the full coloration. Any ideas what it would be?
Queen City Corals