
  1. McJaeger

    Question about patching holes in glass

    I got a really good deal on a deep blue 57g reef ready rimless tank, but the center overflow takes up way too much space in the display. I'd like to remove the overflow, patch the holes in the bottom, and drill new holes in the back to plumb a low profile overflow and return. Has anyone done...
  2. Requiemiero

    Hello Lurker finally saying hi! New to aquariums and have questions!

    Hi, I've been reading stuff on this forum for a couple weeks now but I want to ask a lot of questions since I never had an aquarium before. Fresh or salt. Well, I never had my own aquarium before. Technically I do have some saltwater experience since back in high school I took a marine...
  3. T

    Best sand for sand sifting fish?

    I want sand for sand sifting fish.
  4. P

    First Tank with no skimmer? Possible?

    So hello! I wanna get into the hobby for over half a year now, but I know i am gonna move to a new apartment in probably july, there i wanna get a "real" tank, like a redsea Xl425 or so. For now i am thinking about a small build, I have seen some budget builds, some canister filter builds and...
  5. William Spak

    Purple Tang HLLE

    Hey all, So a few moths ago, I posted a thread about my tangs HLLE getting worse, and people told me to change my power outlet (as stray voltage was in the tank), and also to dose my seaweed with vitamins, and I now do that with a product called VitaChem. I also feed my tang spirulina, and...
  6. MaverickReef

    What equipment upgrades should I buy to have success keeping beginner corals?

    I have a Fluval EVO 13.5 gallon. My current equipment/media filtration is as follows: Stock lighting, stock return pump, and the Chamber 1 InTank Media Basket upgrade (I run Filter Floss, Chemipure elite, and PhosBan in this chamber). My 2nd chamber only has a heater, which I am willing to move...
  7. Colenew1

    Lighting Upgrade Questions

    Hi all! I am fairly new to reefing and have a 12.5 gallon Fluval Evo Tank stocked with mostly softies and LPS plus 2 Montis and a BTA! I just upgraded from the stock light to an AI prime and am very curious as to how I should set up my light settings! I was advised to run 35% for blues and...
  8. S

    Nutrition during cycling

    Hi all! Im just cycling a new tank with complete dry rock. I had no lights on for the first 3 month and threw a shrimp into the tank and added some bacteria. The bacteria broke down the shrimp and i had some nutrients in the tank all the time. After 3 months ive added some fish and switched...
  9. O

    Weird copper test

    I got a new test kit for my reef tank and after testing my water it says my copper is between 30 and 100 I’m not sure what this means as everything I’ve been seeing online is measuring copper in ppb
  10. Perpetual Novice

    Is shale rock not reef safe? Did it crash my friends tank?

    I was helping a friend of mine get into the hobby after he told me he wanted to keep a mantis shrimp. I built him a plan for his build and explained how everything works and all the “rigorous” processes and procedures he’d have to follow to set it up properly and maintain it. It’s a 13.5 gallon...
  11. Koralik

    Starfish Asterina Question

    Hello everyone After 1 week of setting in my rock, I have seen one starfish asterina. Today its been 2 weeks of setting in my rock and I’ve noticed another one. How fast do they spread and can they cause a problem? Do they leave some sort of mark and if so, how is it meant to look like? Thanks, Aga
  12. Sethdarkus

    I’m concerned about my blood red fire shrimp

    He hasn’t molted in 2 months and he use to molt monthly, he very active and readily accepts large sinking omega pellets that he grabs from my hand and takes it off to his cavern to eat alone and away from Duke my loveable all ways hungry Falco Hawkfish who I worry would jump out of the tank for...
  13. Sethdarkus

    How good is the apex?

    Im currently in the enlistment process for the army national guard. Just got my medical waver and well while I’m doing basic training I want peace of mind because I will be away and my family will be taking care of my tank. I’m looking into a digital refractometer and well the apex for what it...
  14. J

    55 Corner tank T5 / Kessil setup question

    I have a corner 55 tank. Currently I have a Kessil 360 on it. I want to add T5 to add some better lighting. I friend told me about t5 hybrid fixture you can get, although being a corner tank this setup appears to only be rectangle which would be to big. Ref...
  15. Nolan Shinn

    Dual overflow into algae turf scrubber??

    I’ve been considering how best to plumb the dual overflow/return on my center drilled 150gal build and I need some input from you knowledgeable reefers out there: Is there any reason I couldn’t pipe both of my overflow down tubes through two algae turf skimmers? In theory this would mean all...
  16. Uscanga2311

    Nano Build Light for a 15Gal Nano tank

    hi guys! im looking for a good Led Light for a little nano tank (15x15x15) inch, what you recommend? Im trying to go under 150$, im planing have soft, lps and some sps corals. Kessil A80 its an option?
  17. Buckwilds

    Voltage in a tank

    So I have known I've had some voltage in my tank for a while now but can't really seem to do anything to cure it. I am using a digital multimeter to read out ac voltage. Currently I have a grounding probe in the tank as with all my equipment on I hit about 60 volts without it in (with it in I am...
  18. ArialReef

    What Other Pets Do You Keep?

    I have a male B. vagans (Tarantula) sling and one Trapjaw Ant (Odontomachus sp.) queen. Also, one annoying cat.
  19. clownenthusiast2017

    Seahorse in a Reef tank?

    Let me start out by saying I AM NOT PLANNING ON DOING THIS... just thought I'd like to hear why this isn't done:) I'm guessing temperature is the main factor in this. Being that seahorses like it cooler than what reef tanks are normally kept at. But what about some of the ponies that come from...
  20. MattDrinkh2o

    Stocking my 2.5 Gallon Pico

    I currently have a small yellow Clown Goby in my 2.5 gallon tank with a hotb Azoo 60 filled with Matrix and a square of Pura Pad. Do you guys think this tank has room for another fish? Possibly a Chromis or Damsel? Or is it maxed out? Thanks!
  21. Tiger-Paws

    Question regarding Lighting for Red Sea Nano 21

    Hello, I am about to restart my Red Sea Nano 21 this coming weekend. I have a standard 20 gal set up as a QT tank with 2 clowns and a tiny Yellow Tang in it. All are healthy. I have my origial Prime HD light over that tank right now and my issue is that I will be keeping the QT tank up and...
  22. FLSharkvictim

    Narrowed it down to the following 3 dosing pumps & would like to hear your thoughts?

    I currently run an Eshoops IV master and Slave at the moment to dose my ALk, Cal and Mag w/ a Neptune DOS for my water changes. Also, I run an Avast Marine KALK Reactor for the PH Swings on two Apex Float switches. Anyhow, I am getting ready to get rid of my Eshoops Doser & Slave and purchase...
  23. KMench

    Why does it matter where inverts are sourced from?

    So I was looking at LiveAquaria, and they offer different options for cleaner shrimp sourcing, ranging from Africa, to Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. Does it matter where they are sourced from? I know for fish, that their colorations and capture methods can vary based on area, but don't think I've...
  24. BrandonP

    Herbie Overflow with Flow Sensors?

    Alright so I need everyones' opinion here. I have a 120 gallon tank. I believe it is an Aqueon. It has two overflow boxes with the undersized holes drilled for 1 inch ABS bulkheads ;Rage. Currently I am running a single durso in each overflow box. I am building a new sump and when I install...
  25. MarlinMan11

    If/When/What I Should Add into a Clean-up Crew

    Hello everyone! Everyone was very helpful with my first post, so I'd like to thank everybody who responded. Onto the main question, my 10x20 tank (10 gal, no sump) has just gone through a diatom bloom (it's now beginning to retreat/hibernate). I read somewhere that this means your cycle is...
Dinkins Aquatic Gardens