new tank

  1. Snaizel

    Waterbox delivery questions

    Hey everyone I was considering ordering a waterbox aio 50.3 but I have some concerns about delivery. I live in South Philly and the city streets here are very very narrow and full of parked cars. Its hard enough to get a standard moving van down here let alone a freight shipment and I've never...
  2. FLSharkvictim

    Build Thread Moving day for my SCA Rimless 150

    Finally installed my SCA150 in the correct location in my new house. Going to be hard plumbing this weekend or next weekend and then hook up all of my...
  3. R

    Euphilia Issues

    I’ve Had the Red Sea Max170e up for around 6months and have a 6 euphilias (1 torch, 3 frogspawn, 2 hammers one walling one branching) among a handful of other corals. most of these have been in the tank for 2 months or more and yesterday I noticed all the euphilia were irritated and slightly...
  4. Leon Gorani

    Should I replace my RO membranes? the blue ones on top.

    I have a 5 stage Rodi system with a 150 gpd ro membrane addition on the top of the 75 that came with the system. I only make about 60 gallons a month, so around 700 gallons a year. I have had this system running like this for 2 years now. should I change the top two blue ro membranes? I have...
  5. F

    Setting a new 800 litres tank

    So I have a small tank atm with a lot of tangs. Had a heck of a time list fish after fish spent top$$$ on everything but unfortunately until recently I have finally been able to have a stable community of 2 blue tang, I quite big sail fin tang, one brown tang, one yellow tang, one sand shifter ...
  6. Sixhills

    Build Thread First Reef - Red Sea E-170

    Hi Everybody! New reefer from Sweden here. Used to have freshwater aquariums for many years but been away from aquariums for some year. But now that my life has both the time and the finances needed, I've decided to try to fulfil my dream of having a slice of a coral reef in my home :D Decided...
  7. Schraufabagel

    When to introduce macro algae in a new tank?

    I just started cycling my rock in a trash can. I intend to setup my tank in June. How long should I wait before adding macro algae to a display tank? Can I do it in June, or should I wait a few months?
  8. sarahgo

    Bubbles in Corner Bead on New IM 75. Thoughts?

  9. Requin

    Build Thread Red Sea XL425 after 20+ years without a tank!

    My project has begun, let the fun begin! Night one: - paid for the aquarium, which prompted a call from the bank checking on my sanity - brought it home but was too heavy for wimps who live with me. Recruited a friend but lost a beer in the process. R.I.P. my last IPA - sorted parts, thinking...
  10. C

    New Tank Fishless Cycle Issues

    Hi Everyone, Long time lurker on this forum and recently got into the hobby (5 weeks marine, but 2 years freshwater). I set up my Red Sea Nano Max 75L 5 weeks ago with the included protein skimmer, Red Sea live sand, a couple of dry rocks, Marine Pure filter media spheres, and RODI water with...
  11. N

    Hello New member/old school ideas

    Hi Reefers! Im Nick from the UK. I got bored in lockdown and decided to revisit this hobby after 20 years out of the game. Wow things have moved on! I have found this forum a wealth of information and it was one of the reasons I wanted a reef tank again. I have only had one marine...
  12. Davar93

    80 or 90 gallon stock list advice

    Hey guys! Let me know what you think of my stock list below for tank upgrade 80 or 90 gallon. Please let me know which may be better from the ones I wrote “or” in. Thanks!! Green chromis 3 Clowns 2 Six line 1 Royal gramma 1 Molly Miller blenny 1 Blue spot jawfish 1 Springeri damsel 1...
  13. TheFrag

    Nano Build New nano almost ready

    New nano just about read
  14. D

    Please tell me we have something viable here ;Facepalm

    Hello all! I've been lurking for a couple days and figured it's about time to jump in and see if I can get some answers on my current situation. I inherited a saltwater tank that hasn't been used in years so my wife and I have been cleaning it up, restoring the stand and investing in making this...
  15. A

    My clownfish die twice

    I am new to reef tank. My tank is just 2 months old, 29g. I know it is too soon to put fish, pls don't blame me. I put 2 snails, 6 hermit crabs, 1 goby, 1 fire fish 1 dotty, 2 anemone and 2 clownfish. Not all at once but every week. Everyone seems doing ok except clownfish.I bought 2 at the same...
  16. iigrinchii

    Coral ID and placement

    Hey all. I’m a new reefer in the sense that I had a fish only tank a few years ago. Since we moved, had kids and life happened. Started out again 7 weeks ago with a Fluval all in one 15 gallon nano tank. Which I want some fish and some coral in. I have to confess I have no idea of what curls I...
  17. M

    What type of algae is this?

    Hello all, This is my first post on this forum but I have been checking other threads for months while I set up my reef tank. I have a 120 gallon tank that I started in October 2020 and ran with the lights off with two clowns inside for 2 months. I was told running the tank with the lights off...
  18. A

    New cycle mould???

    Hi guys. I've been cycling this tank for almost 3 weeks now. I have used 2 shrimp and a bottle of Dr Tim's one and only. I'm seeing this white grey mould like film covering probes and wave pumps. The water kinda smells like mould too. I've used RODI water and tropic marin salt. Ammonia currently...
  19. M

    New Tank Cycle Need A HELP :/

    Hello everyone, I am a new guy for salt water tank and I need a little bit help for cycling. I was setup my tank and last monday I added to bacteria which is Prodibio Start Up for 12 pieces (biodigest and stop ammonia). After than I waited the cycling but I never seen any changed on my tank. I...
  20. M

    New Tank - General Cycle Process and Question on Lighting During Cycle

    Hello all, I am a returning member of the reef community after years off, and new to the site! Please excuse me while I learn the etiquette and how to ask what I'm thinking in my head. I've set up a 20G Nuvo Peninsula tank in my office and so far here is what I've done. I'm mainly concerned...
  21. S

    Looking for help with built in aquarium planning and setup + fish room

    Hey everyone, I'm moving my 150 gallon reef located in Lawrenceville to a new house that's located in Johns Creek around June, and I need help planning and setting up a built-in tank and fish room. I'm looking for someone that can help me put this together from planning to execution, or if...
  22. duesmortem

    Black Box replaced with AI Prime HD 16

    So I finally got around to getting rid of my black box LED lights that I bought from Amazon and replacing them with the AI Prime HD 16 lights. I picked up the Prime lights from my LFS and I was able to set up the light with the tank mount in about 20 minutes. I already have the Nero 3 powerhead...
  23. AtticusPutt

    Will Microbacter clean kill my coraline algae in a bottle?

    I recently started my new reef tank, after seeding it I was planning on dosing Coraline algae in a bottle as well as microbacter clean. If I add them at the same time will they work in conjunction together?
  24. O

    Free floating pods?

    I’m 2 weeks into cycling a tank and I just put in a tiny piece of LR in today 5 hours or so ago and I did see a couple of those more shrimp looking pods that crawl around on the rocks and in the sand. I crushed up a couple pellets and dropped it in to continue feeding the cycle and now I have...
  25. Stevebhammer

    Build Thread Upgraded tank

    Decided after Christmas break tank was getting too small (or coral were getting too big, or I bought too many!), one of those things! Talked to wife about possibly upgrading, told her we could have more fish (that did the trick). So next day I found a custom 210 gallon tank on Facebook...