new tank

  1. Reeferaddicts

    Build Thread Chris's 36 gallon bowfront reef tank

    Here is the start of my 36 gal reef tank just waiting on sand currently spent some time on rock work. I'm pretty happy with how aqua scape came out. I have an Island for an utter chaos Zoa, Several over hangs and loops and hiding places. 2x hob filters, 2x red sea reef led 50, 2x Jeboa sw-4 wave...
  2. SaltyShel

    ID Moving Brown Specks?

    I have posted a few pics of my tank on here and I’ve gotten a pretty general consensus - it doesn’t look mature and I don’t seem to have enough algae for my pincushion urchin. So I’ve been leaving the white lights on for most of the day, only the blue at night. More algae started growing but...
  3. SaltyShel

    ID My Urchin?

    Hey y’all. I’ve been trying to figure out what kind of urchin I have for a week and I can’t seem to get any answers. Google certainly hasn’t helped, but I probably am not looking for the right thing! I really would like to know what type he is so that I can look into the best practices for care...
  4. J

    (30 Gallon) Starting First Saltwater Reef Tank, Need Some advice on what is going on with my tank.

    Hello Reefers, I'm new to this hobby and it is definitely pretty cool to see everyone's setup. Mine is pretty simple so far, here's some insight to my tank for context. I have a 30 Gallon tank, RedSea RL50, Profin Hang on the back filter w/ Protein Skimmer, Nano Skimmer. Starting out I mixed...
  5. Leon Gorani

    Still have algae with low nutrients and how reliable are Hannah phosphate checkers?

    Hi so I have a pretty new tank, only 5 months old about, and I have two things I am questioning. First, I had somewhat high phosphates in July they were about .48, and my nitrates have never been higher than 6ppm on my Red Sea test kit. But I have a lot of green hair algae, which I thought came...
  6. LxHowler

    Tank upgrade. Will I need to cycle again?

    I currently have a 30gallon cube tank with a pair of clown fish, bunch of clean up crew and coral. I am currently in the planning stage of upgrading it to an 80 gallon tank and had a few questions about upgrading. The tank has about 10kg of live rock and about 4kg of bio media (ceramic rings...
  7. Oceanis

    EMERGENCY Had Dinos, tried Dr Tim’s and now things are worse....

    Hi all, Long time reefer and big time user of Reef Aquarium Guide forums back in the day. Once I started college my mom sold all my tanks and I’ve only now just gotten back into the hobby. Anyway, started my first tank since 2008 back in January and everything was going fine until I moved and...
  8. FindingCoral


    I spent an hour today picking out Live Rock to get my 2.0 tank started again. I’m so Excited!! Cycling starts tonight! Can I see everyone’s Aquascapes??
  9. FindingCoral


    So my tank took a nose dive last week and EVERYTHING DIED. I know what it was so that’s behind me now. Anyway… Im starting anew and have a question… if I have live rock, do I still add Bio-Spira?
  10. Drew P. Wiener

    Nano Build Innovative Marine 30L

    Welp… it’s been just about a year since I’ve set up my first reef tank, and like many others, I found myself looking to upsize the tank. Through this past year, I’ve definitely made plenty of mistakes and certainly felt at times that this maybe wasn’t the hobby for me, but I seriously can’t...
  11. Kyle Soto

    What are Acceptable Nitrate Levels to Acclimate Fish

    I recently purchased a 65 gallon Red Sea aquarium on Offerup. I currently have a 32 gallon Biocube stocked with 4 fish and I am planning on transferring these fish into the new tank. However, the nitrates in this new tank are fairly higher than my Biocube (40 ppm versus 10 ppm). Is this too big...
  12. C

    New Longnose Hawkfish Not Eating

    Hi all, As a longtime lurker on this forum, this wasn't how I expected to finally make an account, but I'm hoping someone can help me. I've just about finished cycling my tank as of yesterday (0 ppm ammonia, .1 ppm Nitrite, 25 ppm Nitrate, 1.026 sg) and went to an LFS to pick up a fish to...
  13. Nashvegas37128

    Looking to buy a new tank and need some help

    Just like the title, I am starting to save for a new set up and wondering who is best for build quality, customer service and value and why. Thanks!!
  14. Alphawolfxz3

    Upgrade! Ish…

    Back in February of 2020 I started my fish keeping hobby and started out with freshwater. And after having so many small tanks I finally got a 10 gallon fresh tank. All I have to do to this tank is change the water and clean out the pre filter sponge. Everything else works it’s self out! So then...
  15. S

    My very first saltwater tank :)

    Fluval Evo 13.5 Just came out of diatom bloom. Filter polishing pads, ceramic bioballs, purigen, activated charcoal. stock return pump 50w su 1 Fluval cp-1 1- Aqueon 500gph circulation pump Aquaknight 30w 15 lbs live rock 10 lbs Bahamas oolite 1- fire goby 1- emerald crab 1- small...
  16. H

    Just got my 300g upgrade tank and want to put my SPS in there sooner then later!?

    I've been in the hobby for over 7 years now, so this isn't my first tank but I'm looking for some help on when I could put my acro's in my new setup. The tank has been up for about a week, I used live sand and about 80% of my live rock from my old setup (150g it was up for alittle over a year)...
  17. D

    Diatoms, Dinos, Cyano, and Hair algae?

    Hello to anyone who's here (and thank you for reading)! I think I've encountered my first issue with my reef tank, which is whether I've got dinos, diatoms, cyano, and hair algae - or maybe all four of them at the same time. I don't have a microscope on hand so I'm aware that the best ID I can...
  18. agame2021

    Clean up crew

    So I have a 140 gallon with a 30 gallon sump and a 15 gallon top off tank. I have about 100-150 lbs of live rock. I do not have sand in but just found out I have to move the tank (when I move it I will make RO/DI water change because I wasn’t able to start the tank with it.) Once it’s move I...
  19. Mrtakeoff53

    Build Thread The Life of a Military Reefer (150 Peninsula tank)

    Hi R2R community! I’ve always wanted to do a build thread but never have found the time when I was starting up a tank. I thought now would be a good time, but will be starting it in an atypical place for an atypical reason. I’m in the military have have been for over 14 years. I move every 3-5...
  20. S

    good clean up crew for new tank

    Hello All, I was wondering what a good starting cuc crew would be for a red sea max nano with two fish in to start with? any ideas? should i add them with the fish or after? many thanks
  21. F

    Build Thread 1st saltwater Tank Red Sea reefer 170

    I am just starting it out, I realized I needed to rearrange the live rock after joining this site and finding some tips. Looking to Start with clowns of course, I would like to slowly add in some blennies, royal gamma basset, a star fish and when i think I’m ready a mandarin. Of course I’m...
  22. C

    EMERGENCY Attack Of The Brown Algae

    Hello just messaging from the Arizona area, looking for some input. I’m fairly new to the world of saltwater aquarium care and could really use some advise. We have a 29 gallon tank about 3 months old housing two ocellaris clowns and a beautiful bunch of mushroom corals who have been doing...
  23. Emlxn

    Clownfish white patch on mouth! Help!

    Hello :) 6 weeks ago I set up my first ever reef tank. I have 2 banggai cardinals and two clowns (and some corals and other inverts). A week ago I added a six line wrasse which seemed very happy, no sign of disease or illness at all! However I woke up to find it had died two days ago :( The same...
  24. N

    5 month old tank. New lights.

    I’ve retrofitted 4 tmc aquaray ultimas to my Kent bioreef 94ltr aio. They seemed a good solution for a lidded tank. I have the 8 way controller on these for maximum control and flexibility. I love these new lights. I’ve ended up with the lights going from warm at the front to cool at the back of...
  25. D

    Is it save for corals

    Hello, am new to the saltwater hobby, my tank have been cycling for 12 days today, and my water parameters are ammonia: 0,2 ppm, NO2: 0,5 ppm and NO3: 10 ppm. Is it save to put in some soft corals? sorry if it is a stupid question