new tank

  1. SaltyShel

    New Fish

    Hey y’all!! Hope everyone is well. I have a 16g biocube I just set up, it’s a bare bottom with dry rock. I put some biospira in it but I don’t have any fish in there. i have a tank running that has a fish in it but I got it from my dad about 9 months ago, already set up with a fish & CUC, so...
  2. ariellemermaid

    New tank PH Issues

    I’m posting in the new forum because I’m starting a new tank. This is my first large build with a sump and skimmer. My RS XXL750 (“200g” total but closer to 130g of actual water) has been going for about 2 months. From day one until today the PH has been on the low side (7.6-7.7). I added a...
  3. duesmortem

    Dry Rock or Live Rock for new 40 Gallon Tank

    Hello everyone! I am currently setting up a 40 gallon tank with a 10 gallon sump. I have all my equipment ready to go. I just bought 60 lbs Caribsea Bahama sand and tomorrow I am going to go out and select rock for my aquascape. I know that my tank is gonna have to cycle and I was planning on...
  4. mel_ociraptor

    Planning Livestock for a New 90gallon reeftank

    Hey all! We’re planning our first larger-scale reef tank (90 gallons in the DT, sump excluded) and have a list for livestock we’ve been honing for a few months… after researching for months and talking to as many people would listen, I figured I’d toss this up to a few more aquatic-loving minds...
  5. whitewraith

    Build Thread My 75 gallon starter reef

    The tank itself is a 75 gallon Visio from what I gather. 2x CurrentUsa Orbit IC leds Fluval 407 canister filter RedSea reef wave 25 Instant ocean protein skimmer Livestock: 2x clownfish Tiger Pistol Shrimp Pink spotted watchman goby Lawnmower blenny Coral beauty Eibili angel Fox face...
  6. G

    Upgrading tanks

    Hello all, so I’m planning to upgrade from my current 45gl cubed AIO JBJ to a 60gal long AIO. Do I need to cycle that tank if I put everything besides sand from my old tank into the new one or no? I’ve never swapped tanks before so I’m curious! All help would be appreciated!! First photo is my...
  7. R

    New here and question about tank

    Hey guys, so I have a Fluval 13.5 with a pair of clowns, lawnmower , cleaner shrimp and a fire fish plus cleanup crew and lots of coral. Want to upgrade to a 55/60 gallon tank. Couple of questions. If I get a new 55, would it already be cycled because I have a cycled tank already? (Plus the new...
  8. cghunter39

    Build Thread Red Sea Reefer 525 XL

    I have been reefing for over 8 years now and I am finally becoming more serious about coral growth and parameters and the overall health of my tank, rather than just reef keeping. I recently purchased and made the move to a Red Sea Reefer 525 XL. It has been set up for a little less than a...
  9. nomad6

    Like green algae

    Reefing noob here, Anyone know what this lime green stuff on my rocks is? Some sort of algae but what I’ve read could be precursor to coralline? Any input is appreciated
  10. SaltyShel

    Build Thread NEW TANK

    I’ve already got a build thread on here but I’m making a new one since this is a new tank! It’s a BioCube 16 LED and I got it completely dry, with nothing but the tank, pump, and a couple unopened filter cartridges. I did not know it was a used tank, but it is, and I found out after the fact -...
  11. SaltyShel

    BioCube 16 LED

    Hey y’all so I have a BioCube 16 (as you can see by the title lol) and I guess it was used but I didn’t know this until I went to start cycling, so I ran a water/vinegar solution for about a week. Now I’m at the point where I’m trying to get it ready for the cycle and I noticed the light has...
  12. S

    And now for something a little different..,

    Hi! So after many years of wanting to set up a reef tank I am finally starting on my salty journey. I have kept FW for the last five years, the last two and a half was a 29 gallon planted tank that was rock solid. I sold it so now I can set up my 32.5 gallon Fluval Flex. My plan is to use...
  13. D

    Mixing tangs, 1 from every genus?

    I'm about 50% of the way into my new tank build. Rocks already cooking in heated trough in the garage for a month so far. Will be a 160gal tank, 54"X28"X24" (LXWXH). This will upgrade from my current 70gal of 5 years. Regarding mixing of tangs and aggression towards each other, if my plan is 1...
  14. tdburchett

    When to start a refugium

    I am coming from the world of planted tanks where the “best practice” for starting a new tank is to fill it with plants (of course, there is still lots of debate on that as there are in all things). Does this still apply to a salt water tank refugium? Is it best to start it up on day 1 while...
  15. ajtomase

    Potential stuck cycle

    Hello, I'm currently on day 13 of Dr. Tim's cycle and have been following his schedule for starting my cycle. I've dosed his ammonium chloride on his designated days, and dosed my 200 gallon tank with his One and Only on day 1 and another day on day 10 after email dissuasions with his team. My...
  16. ajtomase

    Order of adding fish to new tank (after cycle)

    I’m getting Red Sea Reefer 750 (200 gallon) tank in 2 weeks. After my tank is done with Dr. Tim’s fish-less cycle, I’m not sure if this is the right order to add the fish that I want: Right after tank finishes fish-less cycle Clownfish (2) After 2-weeks with just clownfish (each species added...
  17. N

    Algae or bacteria

    Hey everyone. My 65 gallon reef tank is 6 weeks old. to me it looks like hair algae, but I'm told otherwise. Its covering the sand and glass which looks like hair algae but locally, im told to add more sand and bacteria. I’m not sure what to do. A couple of people responded last night, I’m just...
  18. N

    Upgrading Tanks. Help and advice needed and much appreciated!

    Hello folks! Thank you in advance for any help! I currently own a 40 gallon breeder. I've had it for 4 months and everything is good, parameters are perfect, however, the tank is just not big enough for my livestock and coral. I purchased a 57 gallow shallow rimless Fiji Cube and just got...
  19. V

    Cyno, Spirulina or something else?

    I have a 300 litre (DT) that has been running for aprox 6 months now I was battling what appeared to be a dino issue but after manually removing it several times it now seems to be ok. However since the dino’s have gone I have been having issues with black sand. I am unsure if it is actually...
  20. RummynoseToReef

    Build Thread RummynoseToReef's 1st Reef Tank

    Hi all! Welcome to the build thread for my 40B tank, my first foray into the saltwater hobby. I don't plan to really begin the build until mid-January due to a vacation (to Costa Rica, if anyone has any activity suggestions?!) but I thought it would be best to document everything, in the event...
  21. S


    Are these are diatoms or dinos ? it is a new tank however I used some rock from my old tank and most is dry rock. here’s the photos , I also used the towel method. I have a microscope coming tomorrow.
  22. D

    New tank

    I have a brand new tank which was cycled using bottled ammonia, Colony and live sand for a few weeks. A week ago I added 2 clowns and 3 small frags. During cycling, my alk started dropping and has continued- it's now down to six. I've just done a batch of newly mixed saltwater (Fritz RPM) at...
  23. D

    New tank

    I have a brand new tank which was cycled using bottled ammonia, Colony and live sand for a few weeks. A week ago I added 2 clowns and 3 small frags. During cycling, my alk started dropping and has continued- it's now down to six. I've just done a batch of newly mixed saltwater (Fritz RPM) at...
  24. joefeets1

    New tank internal struggle

    So I am looking to get a new tank. I currently have a 20 gallon cube and 60 gallon cube but would like to upgrade to something bigger. I was originally planning on waiting a while to do this but the seams my 60 cube are starting to get questionable. I bought that tank used (for a steal) and...
  25. S

    3 New tanks and new fish room

    Hello together :) At first sorry for my English, but I tried my best :) I am currently planning my new house where several tanks will come. Attached you will find my sketches for this project and following a few explanations and introduction. - Large tank: The tank measures 380 x 120 x 85...